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About Standard Smart Reports

Table 12 describes the standard Smart Reports provided with Siebel applications.

Table 12.  Standard Siebel Smart Reports
Hierarchy of Data

Opportunity Detail

Describes the relevant details pertaining to the opportunity. It contains information about the relative importance of the opportunity, the likelihood of closing, the steps taken to date, and planned actions.

The dashboard summarizes Deal Size, Buying Influence, Probability of Closing, Competitive Activity, and Stage/Milestone.

Summary and detail sections are provided for the following areas: Contacts, Products, Competitors, Decision Issues, Key Activities, All Activities, and Notes.

Account Summary

Describes the relevant details pertaining to the account. It contains information about the account's historical and future revenue, satisfaction, organizational hierarchy, and service requests.

The dashboard summarizes Past Revenue, Pipeline Revenue, Customer Satisfaction, and Competitive Activity.

Summary and detail sections are provided for the following areas: Revenue Over Time (closed and pipeline), Current Opportunities, Contact Detail, Products Installed, Customer Satisfaction, Open Service Requests (by severity), and Campaigns/Activities.

Pipeline Analysis

An analysis of the current pipeline. It uses historical information to determine the revenue that is expected to be generated over the next four quarters and how it compares to the quota for that period.

The dashboard summarizes Expected Revenue Current Quarter and Expected Revenue Next Four Quarters.

Summary and detail sections are provided for Pipeline Revenue and Opportunities Detail.

Quota Summary

Measures performance relative to quota for the current period and year-to-date. It tracks closed as well as pipeline revenue to determine whether the goal for the quarter can be met.

The dashboard summarizes Revenue Current Quarter and Revenue YTD.

Summary and detail sections include Revenue by Direct Report, Opportunities (closed), and Opportunities (open).

Service Request Aging Analysis

Analyzes the aging of the currently open service requests. It tracks three metrics that may explain performance, the number of open service requests, call volume, and average resolution time during the past months.

The dashboard summarizes Time Open (current SRs), Number of Open SRs, Call Volume, and Average Resolution Time.

Summary and detail sections include Open Service Requests (by severity) and Closed Service Requests (by severity).

Account Service Detail

Summarizes the service-related information pertaining to the account. It contains information about currently open service requests, customer satisfaction, and the historical service request resolution for the account.

The dashboard summarizes Revenue, Open SRs, and Customer Satisfaction.

The first summary section includes summary graphics for Severity Distribution, Aging by Severity, SR Substatus, and Customer Satisfaction. There is also a Closure Times by Severity summary section.

There is one detail section listing Open Service Requests by severity.

Siebel Reports Administration Guide