Siebel Server Sync Guide > Using Siebel Server Sync >

About Minor Error Messages

When SSSE synchronizes a particular user's data, the synchronization can succeed completely, succeed partially, or fail completely. This topic lists some error messages that indicate partially successful synchronization. These error messages generally indicate a problem with an individual record—other records for the same user may synchronize successfully. For this type of error, SSSE typically displays the error message for only one synchronization attempt. On the next synchronization attempt, the error message does not repeat. Table 39 contains a listing of some error messages of this type.

NOTE:  If a row in Table 39 indicates that SSSE does not save the user's sync state for the session, this means that SSSE does not synchronize the record that has the error, but continues synchronizing the user's other records. At the end of the synchronization process for the current user, SSSE does not record a completely successful inbound (Outlook to Siebel) synchronization session. For each synchronization session, SSSE attempts to synchronize all user-visible records in the domain that have changed since the last completely successful synchronization of that domain. Therefore, many records may be resynchronized even if only one record failed during the previous synchronization attempt.

Table 39. Relatively Benign Error Messages
Logged Message
Error Code
Cause and Result of Error

Failed to process the unresolved attendees for Siebel Row: row_ID, Siebel Domain: domain_name.


Saving the unresolvable attendees for this appointment fails. SSSE does not synchronize the record that had the error, but continues synchronizing the user's other records. SSSE does not save the user's sync state for the session. SSSE also saves the attendee data in a special table, so that if the Siebel record changes and is synchronized to Exchange, the Exchange record retains the unresolved attendees.

One or more records with the same key already exists.





SSSE found a duplicate record in the Siebel database. SSSE does not synchronize the record that had the error, but continues synchronizing the user's other records. SSSE does not save the user's sync state for the session.

One or more required fields of this record are empty.




One of the required fields for this record is empty and there was no default configured. SSSE does not synchronize the record that had the error, but continues synchronizing the user's other records. SSSE does not save the user's sync state for the session.

This record cannot be deleted because it does not exist.



SSSE cannot delete a record because it is not in Siebel (it was probably already deleted).

Value entered for one or more fields of this record is not compatible with their declared Data Type.


The value for one of the fields in this record is not of the correct data type for the field. SSSE does not synchronize the record that had the error, but continues synchronizing the user's other records. SSSE does not save the user's sync state for the session.

Number of characters entered for one or more fields of this record exceeds their declared Data Length.



A text field for this record has more characters than the corresponding Siebel field can handle. SSSE does not synchronize the record that had the error, but continues synchronizing the user's other records. SSSE does not save the user's sync state for the session.

One or more fields of this record has characters that are not compatible with this DB Code Page.



At least one of the fields in this record is not compatible with the codepage data base. This condition typically affects multiple users. SSSE does not synchronize the record that had the error, but continues attempting to synchronize the user's other records. SSSE does not save the user's sync state for the session. You may be able to correct this condition by inspecting the indicated record and changing any special characters to standard characters.

Alarm flag is checked for past appointment.


This appointment being synchronized is scheduled in the past and has an alarm flag checked in the PIM record. SSSE synchronizes the record but does not synchronize the outdated alarm flag. No user or administrator action is needed.

One or more picklist fields of this record have a value that is not part of the bounded picklist of values.



A value that SSSE is trying to use for a picklist field is not available in the picklist for the field. SSSE does not synchronize the record that had the error, but continues synchronizing the user's other records. SSSE does not save the user's sync state for the session.

Siebel Server Sync Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.