Siebel Search Administration Guide > Troubleshooting > Advanced Search Execution Settings >

Basic Setup

  1. Question. Have you ever built or copied indices?

    Requirement. In order to use Siebel Search, Search indices must be built. For testing purposes, indices already built in another setup (for example, in the sample database) can be copied into the correct index location. See Installing Siebel Search Under Windows and Administration of Siebel Search for instructions on installing Hummingbird and creating indices respectively.

    How to check. Search indices are always located in the same location. You can go to the \Siebel_Root\search\sample\index directory and you should see a set of around six files for each index that will have labels that start with "FUL" followed by the index name. Some of the file sizes may be 1 KB, but most will be larger.

  2. Question. Did you install Hummingbird before installing the Siebel Server?

    Requirement. It is recommended that Hummingbird 5.0 be installed before the Siebel Server in order to minimize configuration. If you installed Hummingbird after you installed Siebel Server, you will need to modify some search parameters.

    How to check. See Siebel Search Parameters for information on viewing and modifying the Search Parameters. These modifications are done through the server administration screens for a server, and through the .cfg file for sample searching.

  3. Question. Are there multiple application servers pointing to a single Search Server?

    Requirement. Search administration must be done by pointing directly to the application server residing with the Search Server itself. If you point to another application server, then you will not be able to administer Siebel Search.

    NOTE:  When using Resonate, be careful to connect to the correct Siebel server.

  4. Question. Did you create indices after opening up Search Center or after doing a search during the current session?

    Requirement. When the Search Center is first opened in a server session or a search view is displayed in the customer applications, the list of available search indices information is cached for all users. This means that any new indices created during the current session will not show up in this session or in subsequent sessions. To refresh the cache it is important to connect to each Siebel server directly, go to the Search Administration - Search Indices view and choose the Reload Categories menu item from the top applet. This will reload the new list of available indices for that server. The servers do not have to be restarted. Simply opening a new session will show the new list of search categories.

    How to check. After restarting the server and clients, you will now see the indices.

  5. Question. Is your stop file setting pointing to the correct Hummingbird location?

    Requirement. When indexing, a file called a stop file is used to eliminate unnecessary words. The location of this stop file is in \Fulcrum_Root\fultext\fultext.stp. This value must be set for the stop file location in the Search Index Settings view.

    How to check. Go to the Search administration screens and the Search Index Settings view. There is a setting called Stop File which should point to the actual location of the stop file. For mobile client administration, copy the stop file to the index folder, and change the setting to the name of the stop file.

  6. Question. Are you setting up SearchServer on a UNIX machine?

    Requirement. UNIX does require some additional steps to set up the ODBC data connector. See Installing Siebel Search Under UNIX for more information.

  7. Question. Are you setting up SearchServer under Windows on an Oracle database?

    Requirement. There is one additional step required for setting up search under an Oracle database. See Additional Steps for Oracle Database Users Under Windows for details on setting up the ODBC data source. If you are using UNIX, see DataDirect ODBC Driver Installation and Configuration.

  8. Question. Is the file system set up correctly?

    Requirement. Building an index is dependent on the file system. Problems with the file system may cause errors when indexing.

    How to check. Go to the Resolution Documents Administration view and try to open files and save new files to the application. You should not receive any errors.

  9. Question. Are you trying to index off of the sample database?

    Requirement. Only data in databases connected to a server by ODBC connectors can be used to build new indices. If you try to index while pointing to the sample database, you will create new indices with zero records in them.

    How to check. When you are indexing from the search administration view, you will see a result of 0 records indexed.

Siebel Search Administration Guide