Siebel Search Administration Guide > Siebel Search Configuration Using Siebel Tools > Advanced Configuration of Search Operations >

Using Search Filters in Filter Search Specs

At search time results can be constrained implicitly through a filter search spec. This is typically defined under Search Engine > Search Definition > Search Definition Category object.

For text fields an example of filter search spec is as follows. For the search category Literature in the Call Center Definition, to restrict literature search results implicitly, by the Sales Tool Type of Brochure, you may want to specify a filter search specification like the following: [Sales Tool Type]=LookupValue('SALES_TOOL_TYPE', 'Brochure').

For information on Search filter syntax, see Syntax For Filter Search Specifications.

For date fields, an example of filter search spec is as follows. For the "Auction End Date" filter field example, you could add the Filter Field to the search category Auction Item in the eSales Search Definition. For example, to restrict results to only those Auction Items whose End Date is less that today's date, you may want to specify a filter search specification as follows. [Auction End Date] <= Today().

NOTE:  Hummingbird Search Server does not support indexing time fields, so if you index a datetime column the time part would be ignored.

Supported comparison operators are =, <>, <, >, <=, >. Other supported functions include the Today() function. You can also specify Today() + or - a certain number of days. For example, you could add the following to the Search Spec: [Auction End Date]<= Today() + 10. As always multiple filter search spec can be joined together by AND, OR, and NOT.

Table 21 lists search filter field object properties.

Table 21.  Search Filter Field Object Properties

Name (Buscomp Field)


The active fields of the buscomp that is associated with the parent Search Index object.

These fields will be included in the search merely as filters.

Column Name


The name of the physical column in the search index which varies with the vendor of your database software.


Data Type


Specifies the data type of the column. Valid values are varchar and char.


Index Mode


Specifies the index mode of the column. Valid values are literal, none and normal.

The index mode specifies the type of indexing that is applied on the values in this field.





Text Length


The amount of storage, in bytes, allocated to a field.


Siebel Search Administration Guide