Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Configuring Access Control > Implementing Access-Group Access Control >

The User's Experience

You can configure a catalog to display in Siebel employee applications and in selected customer and partner applications, such as Siebel eSales and Siebel Partner Portal, as default functionality.

In an employee application, such as Siebel Call Center, a user can see categorized data controlled by access group membership in the Info Center and Info Center Explorer screens.

As shown in Figure 17, Info Center Explorer provides a tree interface for navigating all the catalogs to which the user has access, down to the data item level.

Figure 17.  Info Center Explorer
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Info Center, as compared to Info Center Explorer, shows how categorized data can be presented in Siebel applications using a rich and more open user interface.

To see categorized data in Info Center

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Info Center.

    The Info Center screen appears, as shown in the following figure. It shows accessible catalogs and their first-level categories.

    Click for full size image
  2. Click a category link. For example, you might choose Decision Issues.

    As shown below, the category appears, showing its data items and its first-level subcategories.

    Click for full size image
  3. Click a data item to view it or drill down on a subcategory link to see its contents.
Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications