Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing the Siebel Mobile and Dedicated Web Clients >

Using Siebel QuickStart with the Siebel Mobile Web Client

Siebel QuickStart is an agent that is preloaded on a mobile user's machine at start-up and reduces the time required to launch the Siebel Mobile Web Client. Siebel QuickStart is enabled and loaded for the first time from the Siebel application login screen.

NOTE:  Siebel QuickStart can be used with the Siebel Mobile Web Client, when connecting to the local database or Sample Database. It does not apply to the Siebel Dedicated Web Client or Siebel Web Client.

Siebel QuickStart applies to subsequent instances of the same type of Siebel application session—running the same application as the same user and with the same start-up options. The speed increase provided by QuickStart does not take effect on the initial Siebel login. Subsequent logins of the same type of Siebel application session benefit from QuickStart, until the user disables QuickStart.

Siebel QuickStart stores the encrypted Siebel user name and password in a cookie. For more information about using cookies with Siebel applications, see Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications.

NOTE:  Users should disable Siebel QuickStart for existing application sessions before enabling it for another application session.

Enabling and Disabling Siebel QuickStart

Instructions are provided in the following procedures for enabling and disabling Siebel QuickStart.

NOTE:  This section assumes that the Siebel QuickStart shortcut is located in the start-up group. The Siebel QuickStart shortcut is not created by default. For information about how to create it, see Siebel Mobile and Dedicated Web Client Shortcuts.

To enable Siebel QuickStart

  1. Start a Siebel application with the Mobile Web Client. For example, double-click the shortcut for Siebel Call Center for your applicable language.
  2. In the Siebel login screen, check the Enable Siebel QuickStart check box.

    The QuickStart agent is loaded into memory for the rest of the Microsoft Windows session, and is loaded again when the user logs into Windows subsequently, unless the user disables it.

To disable Siebel QuickStart from the login screen

  1. Start a Siebel application with the Mobile Web Client. For example, double-click the shortcut for Siebel Call Center for your applicable language.
  2. In the Siebel login screen, clear the Enable Siebel QuickStart check box, if it is checked.

    The QuickStart agent is not loaded for this Siebel application session, and does not load subsequently unless it is explicitly specified.

To disable Siebel QuickStart from the system tray

  • Right-click the Siebel icon in the system tray and select Disable On Startup.

    If the Siebel application is not running, the QuickStart agent exits. The agent does not load subsequently unless it is explicitly specified.

    If the Siebel application is running, the QuickStart agent stays loaded until you log out of the Siebel application session. The agent does not load subsequently unless it is explicitly specified.

Options for the Siebel Icon in the System Tray

When the Siebel application is running or the QuickStart agent is loaded, an icon appears in the system tray. Right-clicking this icon displays several choices:

  • Exit. Exits the QuickStart agent for the current Windows session. This option is available only when the QuickStart agent is loaded and the Siebel application is not running. If QuickStart is enabled, the agent loads again the next time the user starts the Siebel application the same way, or starts Windows.
  • Disable On Startup. Disables Siebel QuickStart the next time the user starts the Siebel application or starts Windows. Also exits the QuickStart agent, in the manner described in the previous section. This option is available only when the QuickStart agent is loaded, whether or not the Siebel application is running.
  • About. Displays information about Siebel applications. This option is available when the Siebel application or the QuickStart agent are running, or both.
  • Help. Displays Siebel Online Help. This option is available when the Siebel application or the QuickStart agent are running, or both.

Using View Precaching with Siebel QuickStart

When the QuickStart agent is loaded, views specified using the parameters in the [Preload] section of the configuration file, such as siebel.cfg, are preloaded (precached) during start-up of the Siebel application. In subsequent application sessions, navigating to a precached view is faster.

In the [Preload] section, specify the names of the views to be precached as the values for configuration parameters named View1, View2, and so on.

For more information about specifying configuration file parameters, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Specifying QuickStart Availability with Siebel Packager

By default, the siebel.exe program has Siebel QuickStart available. However, administrators may choose to package client installations with QuickStart unavailable—so the Enable Siebel QuickStart check box does not appear on the Siebel login screen and thus cannot be enabled by end users.

When preparing model Siebel client installations to include in packages you create using the Siebel Packager utility, you can disable Siebel QuickStart. To do this, rename or remove the siebel.exe program and then change the name of siebel1.exe to siebel.exe.

For more information on using the Packager utility, see Going Live with Siebel eBusiness Applications.

QuickStart and AutoStopDB Configuration Parameter

When you are using Siebel QuickStart, you may also decide to set the configuration parameter AutoStopDB to FALSE for the local database. Both of these features have a similar performance benefit when the Siebel application is started and exited multiple times within the same Windows session.

The AutoStopDB parameter is specified in the [Local] section of the application configuration file, such as uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools