Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Preparing for Installation > Planning the Siebel Directory Structure >

File and Directory Naming Conventions

If your deployment currently runs under Windows, but you think that you might at some future date switch to UNIX, or codeploy UNIX servers, it is recommended that you follow the same naming conventions as in UNIX. This practice avoids the need to rename everything later. Use lowercase for all filenames, directory names, path names, parameters, flags, and command-line commands, unless you are instructed otherwise.

Directory names or filenames may not contain special characters, such as apostrophes, accents, number signs, ampersands, or spaces. You can use underscores to separate words if needed.

Windows directory paths for temporary files may not have spaces in them; otherwise, your installation will fail. If your directory path contains spaces, use the Windows short filename.

To verify the name of your temp file

  1. From a DOS command prompt, enter set temp.
  2. Edit your filename, if needed.
Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools