Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide > Overview of Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging >

Overview of Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Client Modules

Store-and-Forward Messaging client modules include client inbound and outbound queues, client APIs, and a connectivity management module. Client inbound and outbound queues communicate with Store-and-Forward Messaging server inbound and outbound queues to transmit messages.

The connectivity management module periodically monitors the client connectivity and setup connections by way of the Pocket PC Connection Manager. You can, for example, set up a time interval that instructs the client module to check whether a connection exists each time the specified time interval is hit. If, at the time of checking, the device is connected, the client module transfers messages (if any) in both directions then it goes to sleep; if the device is disconnected, the client module calls the Pocket PC Connection Manager to set up a connection. The connectivity module does not function if the handheld device or the wireless modem equipped with the handheld device does not use the Pocket PC Connection Manager to manage connectivity.

Messages are transmitted between the client inbound and outbound queues and the Store-and-Forward Messaging Server inbound and outbound queues. The client module is responsible for transmitting all messages including transactions, asynchronous query requests, and registration requests to the server. The client also processes server responses as well as server outbound data messages, such as Activity dispatches and updates. The MQe implementation requires that the client polls the server periodically to transmit messages. The interval at which polling occurs can be configured in the Siebel Handheld installation setup.ini file.

Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide