System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Configuring SWSE Logging and Monitoring >

Configuring the SWSE Statistics Page

The SWSE Statistics page is configured in the [SWE] section of the eapps.cfg file by the parameter StatsPage. By default this value is:


StatsPage = _stats.swe.

This parameter is a configurable item and can be changed to other file names (for example, SiebelStats.swe),

NOTE:  Make sure the Statistics page has a .swe suffix.

The eapps.cfg file contains an additional parameter that defines content in the SWSE Statistics page: SessionMonitor.

SessionMonitor specifies if statistics are gathered on all current sessions and then reported to the application's SWSE Statistics page. If SessionMonitor is enabled (TRUE), when sessions are created they are entered into the statistical repository and appear on the application's SWSE Statistics page. This setting allows system administrators to determine who is logged onto the system at any given time, and to determine the session ID with a given user in a non-debug log level. However, performance is slightly degraded by using this feature. If SessionMonitor is disabled (FALSE), sessions are not monitored by the statistical repository and do not appear in an application's SWSE Statistics page.

This parameter is configured in the [SWE] section of the eapps.cfg. The default value is FALSE and appears as follows


SessionMonitor = FALSE

System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications