System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications

What's New in This Release

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Monitoring Siebel Server Run-Time Operations

About Siebel Server States

About Siebel Server Component Group States

About Siebel Server Component States

About Siebel Server Task States

About Component Job States

About User Sessions

About Siebel Application Statistics

About Siebel Application State Values

Monitoring Siebel Enterprise Server Status

Monitoring Siebel Server Status

Monitoring Siebel Server State

Monitoring Siebel Server Component Groups

Monitoring Siebel Server Log Files

Monitoring Siebel Server Statistics

Monitoring Siebel Server User Sessions

Monitoring Siebel Server Tasks

Monitoring Siebel Server Component Status

Monitoring Siebel Server Component State

Monitoring Siebel Server Component State Values

Monitoring Siebel Server Component Statistics

Monitoring Siebel Server Component Tasks

Monitoring Server Component Task Status

Monitoring Server Component Task State

Monitoring Server Component Task Log Files

Monitoring Server Component Task State Values

Monitoring Server Component Task Statistics

Monitoring Component Job Status

Monitoring User Session Status

Monitoring User Session State

Monitoring User Session Log Files

Monitoring User Session State Values

Monitoring User Session Statistics

Analyzing System Data with Siebel Run-Time Data

Identifying Task Log Files From the Siebel Server Log File

Process of Mapping Tasks with Operating System Data

Mapping User Sessions to Siebel Servers or AOMs

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Configuring Siebel Server and Component Logging

About Configuring Siebel Server and Component Logging

About Events and Event Logging

About Event Attributes and Log File Format

About Siebel Server Log Files

About Component Log Files

Configuring Siebel Server Logging

Setting Log Levels for Siebel Server Event Types

Viewing Siebel Server Log Files

Examples of Siebel Server Log Files

Configuring Siebel Server Component Logging

Setting Log Levels for Component Event Types

Viewing Component Log Files

Examples of Component Log Files

Common Event Types for Component Diagnostics

Common Event Types for Application Object Manager Diagnostics

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Configuring SWSE Logging and Monitoring

About SWSE Logging

Configuring SWSE Logging

Parsing a SWSE Log File Cookie

About SWSE Monitoring

Configuring the SWSE Statistics Page

Accessing the SWSE Statistics Page

Reading the SWSE Statistics Page

Example of SWSE Statistics Page

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Configuring Additional System Logging

About Environment Variables for System Logging

Configuring Siebel Gateway Name Server Log Files

Configuring Standard Error Files

About Other Siebel Server Log Files

About Flight Data Recorder (FDR) Log Files

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Querying System Log Files

About the Log File Analyzer

Strategy for Analyzing Log Files

Process for Analyzing Log Files with LFA

Configuring the Log File Analyzer

Launching the Log File Analyzer

Launching the Log File Analyzer Under Microsoft Windows

Launching the Log File Analyzer Under UNIX

About Running Log File Analyzer Commands

Creating and Saving LFA Queries

Querying Log Files for Users

Querying Log Files for Literal Values

Querying Log Files for Error Messages

Querying Log Files for Sessions

Querying Log Files of a Particular Severity

Querying Log Files for a Particular Log Event

Querying Log Files with a Particular Log Subevent

Querying Log Files After a Particular Time

Querying Log Files Within a Time Interval

Querying Log Files for Components

Querying Log Files Using Multiple Conditions

Filtering LFA Queries

Saving Log File Analyzer Output to Text Files

Displaying Saved Query Output

Interrupting Log File Analyzer Queries

Listing Query Command Key Words

Listing Log Event Fields Display Status

Showing Log Event Fields in LFA Results

Hiding Log Event Fields in LFA Results

Deleting Log File Analyzer Saved Query Results

Listing Log File Analyzer Queries and Run-time Details

Listing Log File Information Using Log File Analyzer

Exiting Log File Analyzer

About Log File Analyzer Error Messages

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Capturing Siebel Environment Data

About Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector

Capturing Siebel Environment Data Under Microsoft Windows

Running Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector Under Microsoft Windows

Capturing Siebel Environment Data Under UNIX

Process of Running Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector Under UNIX

Preparing the UNIX Environment to Use SDDC

Running Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector Under UNIX

Reviewing Siebel Environment Data

SDDC Output Under Microsoft Windows

SDDC Output Under UNIX

Configuring SDDC Content Under Microsoft Windows

Configuring SDDC Content Under UNIX

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List of Statistics and State Values

List of Siebel Server Infrastructure Statistics

List of Application Object Manager Statistics

List of Database Infrastructure Statistics

List of Siebel eAI Statistics

List of Siebel Remote Statistics

List of Communication Server Statistics

List of Assignment Manager Statistics

List of Workflow Manager Statistics

List of Siebel Server Infrastructure State Values

List of Application Object Manager State Values

List of Siebel eAI State Values

List of Siebel Remote State Values

List of Communications Server State Values

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System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications