System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Capturing Siebel Environment Data >

Configuring SDDC Content Under UNIX

The UNIX Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector (SDDC) can be configured to enhance the amount of information collected during a SDDC execution. Modify the SDDC INI file to record any configurations to the SDDC UNIX output.

The SDDC INI file, siebsnap.ini, resides in the binary (bin) subdirectory of the Siebel Server root directory. To modify this file, open with a UNIX text editor.

For information on SDDC configurations under Microsoft Windows, see Configuring SDDC Content Under Microsoft Windows.

To configure SDDC to collect enhanced diagnostic information

  1. With a text editor, open the siebsnap.ini file located in the binary (bin) subdirectory of the Siebel Server root directory.
  2. Set specific parameters in the siebsnap.ini file based on how much information you require.

    See Table 37 for details and descriptions of SDDC INI file parameters.

  3. Save the siebsnap.ini file.
Table 37.  UNIX Configuration Parameters for Siebsnap.ini file
INI File Parameter


Set this parameter to send the SDDC output to a different file location than the default.

The directory from which SDDC runs.


Set this parameter to TRUE to collect log file information. For further information on log files, see Configuring Siebel Server and Component Logging.



Set this parameter to TRUE to collect log archive information.



Set this parameter to TRUE to collect crash file information.



Set this parameter to TRUE to collect dump file information.



Set this parameter to TRUE to collect assert file information. For further information on assert files, see About Other Siebel Server Log Files.



Set this parameter to TRUE to collect Flight Data Recorder (FDR) file information. For further information on these log files, see About Flight Data Recorder (FDR) Log Files.



Set this parameter to TRUE to collect Siebel Application Response Measurement (Siebel ARM) information. For further information on these Siebel ARM files, see Performance Tuning Guide.



Set this parameter to TRUE to collect the following quick fix files if present: upgrade.txt, obsolete.txt, incompatible.txt, and log.txt.



Set this parameter to the number of .tar.z files you want to retain. It is useful to retain snapshots of the system in regular intervals and compare them. Once SDDC reaches the value set by the FileRetention parameter, it overwrites the oldest file.


StartDate, EndDate

Set these parameters to allow the SDDC utility to collect files between a range of dates. Configure the date values in the following format:



dd = Integer of the date ranging from 01 to 31.

Month_Acronym = A three-letter month acronym as follows: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.

yy = Integer of the last two digits of the year.

If no value is set for EndDate, then all files to the current date are collected.

EndDate =Current Date

StartTime, EndTime

Set these parameters in conjunction with the StartDate and EndDate parameters to further refine the range of files collected by the SDDC utility. Configure the time values in the 24 hour clock format.

If no values are set, the default start time is 00:00 and the default endtime is 23:59.

StartTime =00:00, EndTime =23:59

Example of UNIX SDDC Configuration INI File

The following listing is an example of the contents of a UNIX Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector (SDDC) configuration INI file. See Configuring SDDC Content Under UNIX for parameter descriptions and configuration details.















System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications