System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Monitoring Siebel Server Run-Time Operations >

Monitoring Component Job Status

Monitor the status of Siebel Server component jobs using the Server Manager GUI.

For background information on starting Siebel Server component jobs, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

For information on component job states, see About Component Job States.

To monitor component job status

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen.
  2. From the link bar, click Jobs.
  3. In the Jobs list, select the component job of interest.
  4. Review the status of the component job by referencing the status field.

To monitor component job status requested by your User ID

  1. Navigate to the Server Jobs screen.
  2. In the My Jobs list, select the component job of interest.
  3. Review the status of the component job by referencing the status field.
System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications