System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Capturing Siebel Environment Data >

Reviewing Siebel Environment Data

The Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector (SDDC) utility creates output files and directories, as necessary, after each execution of the utility. Manually access these files to review the Siebel environment data or send the output files to Siebel Technical Support for review.

The output files document the environmental setup information, application configurations, and log files if specified. For further information on running SDDC:

The SDDC Microsoft Windows utility creates output in the format of a root directory with additional subdirectories and files. For details on SDDC Microsoft Windows output file information and locations, see SDDC Output Under Microsoft Windows.

The SDDC UNIX utility creates output in the format of compressed files. For details on SDDC UNIX output file information and locations, see SDDC Output Under UNIX.

SDDC uses the following naming convention for the creation of root directory and file names:



ss = siebsnap

GS|SS|WS = Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Server, or Web server

yyyy-mm-dd = Year, month, and day

hh_mm_ss = Hour, minute, and second based on a 24-hour clock.

For example, the directory or file name ss_SS2003-04-08_17_10_30 represents information collected for a Siebel Server on April 8th at approximately 5:00 PM, and the directory or file name ss_GS2003-04-07_14_18_58 represents information collected for the Siebel Gateway Name Server on April 7th at approximately 2:00 PM.

Common SDDC Output Files and Folders

The output from a Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector (SDDC) execution for a Siebel Server, the Siebel Gateway Name Server, and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) contains common folders and files. Table 34 provides further descriptions of the information collected in these files and folders.

Table 34.  Common Files and Folders
Files and Subfolders

ReadMe file

Provides a snapshot of the files copied and directories created during the SDDC execution.

Siebsnap log file

Provides a detailed log of information collected during the SDDC execution. This file is only available for SDDC under Microsoft Windows.

Configuration file

Copies the configuration file used if one is specified during the SDDC execution.This file is only available for SDDC under Microsoft Windows.

siebel_info directory

Directory for Siebel environment information. This folder contains further subfolders, which contain log files and details on the Siebel environment.

system_info directory

Directory for system information. This folder contains text files containing information on hardware, network statistics, operating system, and registry keys.

db_info directory

Directory for database version information. This folder contains text files containing details on the database version.

WebserverLogs directory

Directory for Web server log information. This folder contains log files for the Web server.

System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications