Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Upgrading to eConfigurator Version 7 >

What's New in eConfigurator Version 7

This chapter provides the information necessary for upgrading to server-based eConfigurator version 7, from either the Release 6.x Product Configurator or the Release 5.x Product Configurator.

To help you better understand the upgrade issues in deciding which upgrade approach to use, What's New in eConfigurator Version 7 highlights some of the major new features in eConfigurator version 7.

Siebel 7 eConfigurator provides many new features that you will want to take into consideration when planning your upgrade process. Table 75 lists the key eConfigurator features that have been enhanced, added, or replaced in version 7. These new features are highlighted to assist you in your upgrade planning.

Table 75. Siebel eConfigurator Version 7 Features
Where to Find Information

Product Attributes and Classification System

In earlier versions of Siebel, eConfigurator rules could be used in association with virtual products and properties to create the notion of product attributes. Now, with the new attributes and product classification system, the need for virtual products, properties, and certain associated configuration rules can in these instances be met more efficiently. Attributes now can be set and managed as part of product definition and can be set at run time. In these cases, you should consider restructuring your data and use the new attributes and product classification system.

For more information, see Product Attributes and Classification System and Customizable Products. Also see Product Administration Guide.

For information on restructuring data, see Review and Adjust eConfigurator Version 6.x Models (Recommended).

Customizable Products

Like product attributes, in earlier versions of Siebel a combination of Siebel eConfigurator rules, virtual products, and categories were often used to create product relationships. With eConfigurator version 7, customizable products and the Product Rule Manager allow the creation of bills of material (BOMs), hierarchical products, as well as nested- and subconfigurations. Data that was structured in eConfigurator version 6.x to mimic this type of functionality will not translate exactly into the eConfigurator version 7 framework. Also, since the customizable-product structure can present products and their associated prices in a hierarchical format, the customer's ability to review a quote is enhanced, eliminating the need for the quote solution provided in eConfigurator version 6.x.

For more information, see Customizable Products. Also see Product Administration Guide.

For information on restructuring product configurations, see Review and Adjust eConfigurator Version 6.x Models (Recommended).

Natural Language Rule Design

Siebel eConfigurator version 7's natural-language Product Rule Manager allows nontechnical users to administer simple and complicated configuration rules.

For more information, see Product Rule Manager.

For information on reviewing rules of an upgraded configuration model, see Checking Configuration Rules (Required).

Also see Product Administration Guide.

UI Flexibility

Siebel eConfigurator version 7 allows administrators to customize the application user interface without using Siebel Tools. During the upgrade process, default UI themes will be applied to any upgraded customizable products. To fully realize the benefit of this feature, you may want to modify or redesign certain UI elements.

For more information, see Declarative User Interface Customization. Also see Product Administration Guide.

Multiple Instantiation

With eConfigurator version 7, you can now configure multiple instances of the same product simultaneously within a single configuration session. You may want to consider restructuring your upgraded configuration models in order to make use of this feature.

For more information, see Multiple Instantiation. Also see Product Administration Guide.

For information on restructuring configuration models, see Review and Adjust eConfigurator Version 6.x Models (Recommended).

Browser-Based Configuration

Since you will receive both the server-based and browser-based deployment options of eConfigurator version 7 through the upgrade process, you may find that the browser-based deployment more appropriately matches your business needs. The browser-based deployment of eConfigurator represents an additional upgrade option available to you.

For more information, see Browser-Based Configuration.

Browser-based deployment is described in Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide.

Also see Product Administration Guide.

The development of Siebel's new features often required coming up with a new approach to solving a particular business problem. This has resulted in significant changes to the underlying structure and orientation of Siebel eConfigurator.

Because many of the new features in eConfigurator version 7 approach business problems in a manner that could not have been possible in Release 6.x, there are some limitations to the upgrade process, which are outlined in Limitations. Like any upgrade, the eConfigurator upgrade process cannot guarantee that the new features in the application are used as effectively as possible after the upgrade has taken place, since the legacy data may not be structured in a way to make use of these features. To fully realize the value of the new features offered in eConfigurator version 7, you may want to consider restructuring select parts of your implementation.

The sections that follow provide more detail about the major enhancements in eConfigurator version 7. This information is provided to assist you in planning your upgrade. For more comprehensive information about new Siebel 7 features, or eConfigurator version 7 features, see Product Administration Guide.

Siebel Database Upgrade Guide