Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > How the Siebel Database Upgrade Works >

About Siebel Upgrade Environments

Upgrades from: All Siebel releases.

Environments: Development, production test, production.

The Siebel Database Upgrade Guide describes how to upgrade three environments:

  • Development environment
  • Production test environment
  • Production environment

Development Environment

A development environment contains the following Oracle modules:

  • Siebel Server
  • Web server and Siebel Web Server Extension
  • Siebel Gateway Name Server
  • Siebel Database Server files installed on a Siebel Server
  • RDBMS server and Siebel database
  • Siebel Tools installed on workstations running a supported Windows environment. This includes the local database running on developers' Mobile Web Clients.
  • Siebel applications and test data required to verify the basic function of newly compiled SRF files.

The development environment is where developers use Siebel Tools to customize Siebel applications. The development environment upgrade merges these customizations with the new release. The merged repository and schema definitions become inputs to the production test environment upgrade and production upgrade.

Production Test Environment

The production test environment includes the following Oracle modules:

  • Siebel Enterprise, including at least one Siebel Server and an RDBMS server and Siebel database
  • Web server with a Siebel Web Server Extension installed
  • Siebel Gateway Name Server
  • Siebel Database Server files installed on a Siebel Server
  • All the Siebel applications currently installed in your production environment
  • A copy of the Siebel database installed in your production environment

You perform the following processes in the production test environment:

  • Test the upgraded release to validate its function and performance before deploying it to users.
  • Tune the upgrade process to minimize the time required to perform your production upgrade.

Oracle provides an upgrade tuning application that analyzes how the upgrade scripts interacted with the production test environment database. The Upgrade Tuner enables you to tune how the scripts will execute against the Siebel database in your production environment. Tuning the scripts can significantly reduce the time required to complete the production upgrade. For this reason, the production test environment database must contain the same data volume and topography as your production database.

Production Environment

The production environment is your live business environment, where your internal and external users interact with applications and generate actual business data. The production environment includes all your Siebel Enterprises worldwide.

The upgrade process assumes all production environment databases are completely separate from the development environment and production test environment databases.

Oracle provides these tools to help you transition from production test to production:

  • Siebel Application Deployment Manager (ADM). This module migrates administrative data such as lists of values (LOVs) from the production test environment to the production environment. For details, see Going Live with Siebel Business Applications.
  • Siebel Packager. This application creates installation packages for use by Siebel Anywhere. For details, see Going Live with Siebel Business Applications.
  • Siebel Anywhere. This application builds distribution kits for remote users. For details, see Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide.

Mapping Your Environments

You may have more or fewer environments than those described above. Table 23 gives recommendations for mapping your environments to the ones used in the Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

Table 23. Mapping Your Environments to Upgrade Processes
Environment Description
Recommended Upgrade

The environment has the following characteristics:

  • It is used primarily for development with Siebel Tools.
  • The Siebel database is a subset of your production database.
  • The environment is not used for tech support or training. Developers are usually installed as Mobile Web Clients.

Development environment upgrade.

The environment has the following characteristics:

  • It is intended for testing customizations before deploying them.
  • It is where you tune your upgrade SQL files to minimize production upgrade time.
  • There may be multiple upstream environments in addition to the production test environment. For example, these could include environments used by a product management group, Technical Support, and Quality Assurance.

Production test environment upgrade.

The environment is used for live business transactions by both local and remote users.

Production environment upgrade.

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Siebel Database Upgrade Guide