Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Upgrading the Database > Running the Siebel Upgrade Wizard >

Prerequisites for Restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

If the Siebel Upgrade Wizard stops due to errors, verify that you have met these prerequisites before restarting the wizard:

  • Carefully review the relevant log files to make sure that your upgrade has completed successfully up to that point.
  • Back up your complete set of log files, from the beginning of the process to the point at which it stopped, to another directory.

    This maintains a complete record of your log files, and prevents your previous log files from being overwritten, which could prevent accurate diagnosis of the reason for the break in the upgrade.

  • If you are continuing a previous and incomplete schema upgrade, do not change the Log Output Directory that you previously selected.
  • If problems with your environment prevent the upgrade from restarting, you must restore the database from the prior base version (the version from which you are upgrading). For example, environment problems may occur when table creation fails due to a database problem (insufficient storage or network problems), which cause subsequent upgrade steps to fail.

    If you need to restore your database and restart the upgrade, delete or store the upgrade log files. The files are located in the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\PROCESS\output


    Also delete the state.log file. It is located in the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\PROCESS\state


To manually start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin


  2. Enter the following command:

    Windows: siebupg /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION.ucf



    _UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION is the portion of the upgrade configuration file name that lists upgrade mode, upgrade environment, and the Siebel release from which you are upgrading. The file is located in SIEBEL_ROOT\bin (UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin).

    For example, to start a development upgrade from Release 7.0.4 under Windows, enter the following command:

    siebupg /m master_upgrep_dev_704.ucf.

  3. To begin the upgrade, click OK (Windows) or click Enter (UNIX).

    A check mark appears beside each item as it is completed.

  4. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard stops after the step, Export schema definition, and the following message appears:

    Pause #1

    Please make sure your database administrator performs operations based on the files in the DDL Output Directory to complete this step. Once the operations are completed, please select Yes. To stop now and continue upgrade later, please select No. (To resume, please start the Upgrade Wizard from the command line using option /m master_upgrep_<env>_<path>_mf.ucf.)

  5. Do not click either Yes or No when the preceding message appears. Depending on whether you are upgrading from a midtier environment or a mainframe environment, continue your upgrade by completing the appropriate tasks:
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390