Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > How the Upgrade Works >

About the Database Server Configuration Utility

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: All environments.

The Database Server Configuration utility provides a user interface for performing the Siebel Database upgrade. To complete an upgrade, you must run the utility several times, each time in a different mode, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Database Server Configuration Utility Modes
Click for full size image

Development Environment Upgrades

For a development environment upgrade, you run the utility twice, once in each of the following modes:

  • upgrep. This mode makes the following changes:
    • Drops interface tables and database triggers
    • Populates columns that must change from NULL to NOT NULL
    • Creates new tables. Merges existing tables.
    • Prepares for index creation. Verifies that there are no unique key violations.
    • Creates indexes
    • Imports seed data
    • Imports the Prior V x.x Siebel Repository, New Siebel Repository, and New Customer Repository
    • Makes modifications to repository objects to prepare for the repository merge
    • Updates primary children foreign key references
    • Performs miscellaneous file actions
  • upgphys. This mode makes the following changes:
    • Synchronizes the Siebel Database schema to the logical schema definition in the merged repository
    • Deduplicates intersection tables
    • Exports repository object definitions to a file, custrep.dat
    • Exports the logical schema definition to a file, schema.ddl

      These two files are used as input to the development environment and production environment upgrades.

    • Renames the New Customer Repository to Siebel Repository
    • Updates the schema version in S_APP_VER

Production Upgrades

For a production upgrade, you run the utility in the following mode:

  • upgrep + upgphys. This mode makes the following changes:
    • Drops interface tables and database triggers
    • Populates columns that must change from NULL to NOT NULL
    • Uses the custrep.dat and schema.ddl files from the development environment upgrade to create new tables and merge existing tables
    • Prepares for index creation. Verifies that there are no unique key violations.
    • Creates indexes
    • Imports seed data
    • Updates primary children foreign key references
    • Performs miscellaneous file actions
    • Makes several administrative changes to table data, including updating the schema version in S_APP_VER. It does not make schema changes.

How SQL Files Are Handled

When you run the Database Server Configuration utility, it does the following:

  • Collects configuration information
  • Forwards the information to an SQL generator that creates or populates SQL files with the required commands. The SQL generator extracts these commands from an intermediate XML file containing all the SQL commands required for an upgrade.
  • Creates an upgrade configuration file (UCF)
  • Prompts you to start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. The wizard uses the UCF file to execute the SQL files and other input files against the Siebel Database.

In some cases, you will need to modify the generated SQL files as required by Siebel Release Notes, Technical Notes, or Siebel Alerts before you run the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. To do this, answer No when prompted to run the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. Then, edit the SQL files and manually launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

How To Identify Upgrade Configuration Files

Upgrade configuration files are stored in the following location:

Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin


Upgrade configuration files use the following naming convention:



  • UPGRADEOPTION = the upgrade process you are performing
    • Siebel Database schema upgrade = upgrep
    • Custom database schema upgrade = upgphys
  • ENVIRONMENT = the environment that you are upgrading
    • Development environment upgrades =dev
    • Production environment upgrades =prod
  • VERSION = the version from which you are upgrading

For example, if you are upgrading from Siebel 7.0.4, the UCF file generated from the development environment upgrep is as follows:


Related Topic

About Parameter Validation

The Database Server Configuration Wizard validates certain parameters, and does not proceed if you enter an invalid parameter. The configuration wizard validates the following information:

  • That you have renamed the Siebel Repository to Prior Customer Repository
  • That tablespaces exist in your database
  • That username and password are valid
  • That tableowner and tableowner password are valid
  • That the language pack is installed
  • That the directories chosen exist
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390