Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > How to Perform the Upgrade >

Road Map for Performing the Upgrade

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: All environments.

Use one of the following roadmaps to guide you through the steps for upgrading your Siebel database.

Each road map consists of a group of processes. Each process consists of a number list of tasks. After you complete the tasks in a process, go on to the next process in the road map. When you have completed all the processes in the road map, the upgrade is complete.

Depending on your installed release, you may not need to complete all the tasks in a process. Before starting a task, check the applicability information at the beginning of the task and verify the task applies to your upgrade.

Choose one of the following road maps to perform the upgrade:

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390