Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Upgrading a Database from the Mainframe >

Performing Intersection Table Maintenance

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Production environment only.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform the Upgrade.

The intersection table maintenance jobs (ITM) identify and resolve potential duplicate row IDs from intersection tables.

To run the intersection table maintenance process

  1. If you are not on the Siebel Upgrade Main Menu, enter the following command:



    The Siebel Upgrade Job Submission Menu appears.

    • For Siebel eBusiness application upgrades, the panel ID is SBLRUNHP.
    • For Siebel Industry application (SIA) upgrades, the panel ID is SBLRUNFP.
  3. Select the appropriate menu option for your upgrade path for intersection table maintenance:
    • For Siebel eBusiness application upgrades, select option 18: INTERSECTION TABLE MAINT.
    • For Siebel Industry application upgrades, selection option 21: INTERSECTION TABLE MAINT.
  4. On the ITM Maintenance Process Menu (Panel ID SBLITMP), select option 0: CHANGE JCL TEMPLATES - SET DSNHLQ (REQUIRED), and then press Enter.
  5. On the ITM Maintenance Process Menu (Panel ID SBLITMP), select option 1: BUILD/POPULATE PDS DATASETS (UNPACK03), and then press Enter.

    This places you in edit mode for dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(UNPACK03).

  6. Run the job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(UNPACK03).

    This job populates (unpacks) all ITM JCL and SQL PDS members into their corresponding PDS datasets.



  7. Verify that the job ran successfully.

    RC=0 indicates that the job was successful.

    Verify that the JCLTEST return code is FLUSH.

    Jobs with an ABEND (end abnormally) U99 or U099 message are jobs that failed.

    If you selected Siebel-Scheduled Mode, this job is logged (as Completed Successfully or Failed) to the target Siebel log table: TARGET_TABLEOWNER.TMP_SBLLOG_TAR.

    NOTE:  You must fix any failed jobs before proceeding with the upgrade. For information on restarting failed jobs, see Running the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

  8. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.
  9. On the ITM Maintenance Process Menu (the panel ID is SBLITMP), select option 2: ADD JOBCARDS TO INTERSECTION TABLE MAINTENANCE (ITM) JOBS, and then press Enter.
  10. At the prompt, enter a three-character job name prefix, and then press Enter.

    NOTE:  The job name prefix is used for the ITM JCL generated for the Update and Delete jobs.

    A message indicates that the JCL generation is in process, then a series of messages indicates the number of jobs generated. The number of jobs varies by upgrade path.

  11. When three asterisks (***) appear at the bottom of the display messages, press Enter to return to the ITM Maintenance Process Menu.

    The jobcards are added to the JCL templates.

  12. On the ITM Maintenance Process Menu (the panel ID is SBLITMP), select option 4: RUN UNLOAD JOBS, and then press Enter.

    This places you in edit mode for dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(SUBITMUL).

    TIP:   If you want to run the ITM Unload jobs manually, select option 3 to view the PDS list of all unload jobs. Option 4 submits all ITM Unload jobs in a single job submission.

  13. To run the job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(SUBITMUL), enter submit on the command line and then press Enter.

    This job automatically submits all the unload jobs references in datasets DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.EXEC(@ITMUL).

  14. Verify that this job (and all jobs submitted automatically) ran successfully.

    RC=0 or RC=4 indicates that the job was successful.

    Verify that the JCLTEST return code is FLUSH.

    Jobs with an ABEND (end abnormally) U99 or U099 message are jobs that failed.

    If you selected Siebel-Scheduled Mode, this job is logged (as Completed Successfully or Failed) to the target Siebel log table: TARGET_TABLEOWNER.TMP_SBLLOG_TAR.

    NOTE:  You must fix any failed jobs before proceeding with the upgrade. For information on restarting failed jobs, see Running the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

    TIP:   To review a list of all jobs submitted automatically, view datasets DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.EXEC(@ITMUL). This corresponds to all PDS members listed in option 3.

  15. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.
  16. On the ITM Maintenance Process Menu (the panel ID is SBLITMP), select option 5: RUN DELETE/UPDATE JOBS USING PDS LIST, and then press Enter.

    This places you in edit mode for dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.ITMJOBS.JCL. This is a PDS, so all PDS members are listed.

    NOTE:  If a message indicates that no maintenance jobs were generated, either option 4 was not run or no tables require maintenance.

  17. To run each PDS member job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.ITMJOBS.JCL, select a PDS member, enter submit on the command line and press Enter. Repeat for each PDS member.

    All jobs can run in parallel (that is, at the same time).

  18. Verify that this job (and all jobs submitted automatically) ran successfully.

    RC=0 or RC=4 indicates that the job was successful.

    Verify that the JCLTEST return code is FLUSH.

    Jobs with an ABEND (end abnormally) U99 or U099 message are jobs that failed.

    If you selected Siebel-Scheduled Mode, this job is logged (as Completed Successfully or Failed) to the target Siebel log table: TARGET_TABLEOWNER.TMP_SBLLOG_TAR.

    NOTE:  You must fix any failed jobs before proceeding with the upgrade. For information on restarting failed jobs, see Running the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

  19. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390