Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Application Upgrade Planning >

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Workflow Designer

Upgrades: Releases 7.0.x, 7.5.x.

In Release 7.7, the Workflow Process Designer was moved to Siebel Tools. Workflow components and definitions are defined as Siebel Tools objects and are stored in the repository.

The upgrade script migrates workflows from the main Siebel Database to the repository. Before upgrading your development or production environments, make sure that they include all of the necessary workflows.

The upgrade copies or moves all workflow definitions to the repository as follows:

  • Seed workflows. The old seed workflows are overwritten by new seed workflows. Their status is Inactive.
  • Customer workflows, status Inactive. These are converted to workflow definitions in the repository. They will not have a status.
  • Customer workflows, status In-Progress. These are converted to workflow definitions in the repository. Their status remains In-Progress.
  • Customer workflows, status Active. These are converted to workflow definitions in the repository. Their status is changed to Completed. These workflow definitions are not copied to the main Siebel Database. This means that after the upgrade, no workflows are deployed. You must manually deploy seed workflows and customer workflows after the upgrade.

You must deploy and activate repository workflows in order to use them. Workflow policy object and policy program data is upgraded normally. No data is changed or lost. Database triggers are not upgraded. After the upgrade, you must regenerate database triggers.

For information on how to deploy workflows, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

Schema Changes

The main Siebel Database tables that contain workflow definitions have changed. The new tables contain the workflow definitions for deployed workflows. The definitions of workflows that are Inactive or In-Progress are located in the repository. The tables are named as follows:

  • Siebel Database tables containing workflow information begin S_WFA.
  • Repository tables containing workflow information begin S_WFR.
  • Siebel Database tables that contain workflow information for releases prior to Release 7.7 begin S_WF_ (note the underscore after WF). After the upgrade to Release 7.7, these tables are obsolete and are not referenced by applications.
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390