Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Migrating Siebel 6.x Customizations >

Migrating Business Component, Business Service, and Application Scripts

Upgrades: Release 6.x only.

Environments: Development environment only.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform the Upgrade.

The majority of application, business components, and business services scripts implemented in Siebel 6.x can remain unchanged and should not require any modification after the upgrade. If existing scripts refer to methods that became obsolete or contain references to the Siebel user interface, the scripts need to be edited.

The following application and business component methods became obsolete as of Release 7.x.

  • Application.MsgBox
  • Application.InputBox
  • Application.ActiveBusComp
  • Application.ActiveApplet
  • Application.GotoApplet
  • Application.ShowStatus
  • Application.ActiveControl
  • Application.FindApplet
  • BusComp.AllowNotification
  • BusComp.SuppressNotification

In many cases, Release 7.x implementation alternatives offer comparable functionality to the obsolete methods. For example, the ActiveBusComp method can typically be replaced with a combination of ActiveBusObject and GetBusComp. By using these two methods together in a script, you can get access to the active business component. Additionally, MsgBox and InputBox methods can typically be replaced with some core functions available in JavaScript (through browser script) and some methods introduced in Release 7.x.

For example, using browser script, you can use code JavaScript features to provide warnings, dialog boxes, or input boxes through the alert, confirm, and prompt functions. For more information about using JavaScript features available in browser script to replace MsgBox and InputBox, see FAQ 1562 on Siebel SupportWeb.

The RaiseError and RaiseErrorText methods were introduced to provide an alert notification from server script. These methods allow an error message to be displayed as an alert in the Siebel Web Client. Lines of code that follow the RaiseError or RaiseErrorText methods are not executed.

For more information about using RaiseError and RaiseErrorText methods, as well as additional information about using browser script and server script in Release 7.x, see Siebel Object Interfaces Reference and Technical Note 386 on Siebel SupportWeb.

For more information on migrating scripts, see About Migrating 6.x Scripts.

Related Topics

Migrating Scripts Attached to Controls

Migrating Scripts Attached to Applets

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390