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About the Object List Editor

The Object List Editor displays the objects for the object type currently selected in the Object Explorer. If the object selected in the Object Explorer is a second or third-level object, two Object List Editors are displayed—the object for the type selected in the Object Explorer is in the bottom window. In the example shown in Figure 7, the top-level object is Applet, the specific applet is Activity Prospects List Applet, and the available Web templates are Base (selected), Edit, and Edit List.

In the same figure, the pencil icon (to the left of the applet name) indicates that the applet has been locked by the Siebel Tools user, so that modifications to it can be saved.

Figure 7.  Example of the Object List Editor Window
Click for full size image

Inactive Objects

Inactive objects have the Inactive property set to TRUE, which inactivates the record in the repository table.

Changed Flag

After you edit a record, a check mark appears in the Changed property of the object. This indicates that changes have been made to the contents of the corresponding record since a particular date and time. If there is no check mark in the Changed property, it means that the object has not been changed since the date and time specified in the General tab of the Development Options dialog box.

The Changed flag cascades upwards through its parents. That is, when an object is edited or created, the changed flag is set for its parent object, if any, and for the parent object of that parent, and likewise up through the hierarchy. For more information, see Setting Change Date Preferences.

Pencil Icon

The pencil icon in the first (W) column of an object indicates that the object is locked and editable. In Figure 7, all visible objects are locked.


Property values in the Object List Editor can appear as drilldown fields (hyperlinks) when the value is the name of another object. You can click the drilldown to navigate to the associated object type.

To be able to use drilldowns in the Object List Editor, you must be assigned the Developer responsibility. Users are assigned responsibilities in the Administration - Application > Reproducibilities screen of Siebel applications. For more information, see Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications.

Using Siebel Tools