Using Siebel Tools > Working With Archive Files >

Importing Objects From an Archive File Using the Command-Line Interface

You can also import objects using the command-line interface. You invoke the command-line interface from the siebdev executable using the command switch /batchimport. The siebdev.exe is located in the Bin directory of the Siebel Tools installation directory.

The syntax of the /batchimport switch is:

siebdev.exe /c <config file> /d <database> /u <user name> /p <password> /batchimport <Siebel Repository name> <Import Mode> <.sif file1, .sif file2, .sif fileN; or directory where .sif files can be found> <log file>

NOTE:  You can specify the SIF file and the log file by the full path or the relative path to the current directory.

For example, the following sample import command imports import1.sif, located in the parent directory, and import2.sif, located in the Tools directory, into the Siebel repository using the overwrite mode. It also logs the results to import.log:

siebdev.exe /c tools.cfg /d sample /u sadmin /p sadmin /batchimport "siebel repository" overwrite ..\import1.sif c:\Tools\import2.sif import.log

The following sample import command imports all files under c:\tools\importfiledir into the Siebel repository using the merge mode. It also logs the results to import.log.

siebdev.exe /c tools.cfg /d sample /u sadmin /p sadmin /batchimport "siebel repository" merge c:\tools\importfiledir import.log

Using Siebel Tools