Using Siebel Tools > Working With Strings and Other Locale-Specific Data > Running the LMU Using the Command Line Interface >

Exporting Strings and Locale-Specific Attributes


/lmu <srclang> <trglang> export <proj|app> <all|string> [<file>]


This command allows you to export localizable attributes for all projects or for all applications. If you specify all, then all attributes (translatable and language override attributes) are exported to a file with the extension of .slf; if you specify string, then string attributes only are exported to a file with .txt or .xliff extension. If you do not specify a file name, you receive an error.


siebdev /u sadmin /p db2 /d server /lmu ENU FRA export proj all C:\temp\my_proj_results.txt

This example instructs LMU to export all attributes (string and language override attributes) for all projects to a LMU file located at C:\temp, called my_proj_results.txt. The source language is English-American and the target language is French.

Using Siebel Tools