Using Siebel Tools > Managing Repositories >

Exporting and Importing Repositories Using the Database Configuration Utility

To export and import the entire repository, you use the Database Configuration Utility. This is typically used for backing up and restoring and for moving the contents of a repository to a repository in an another environment, when both the source and the target environment have the same physical database schema and Siebel release version.

When importing and exporting using the Database Configuration Utility, consider the following:

  • When you are importing a custom repository (not the standard Siebel Repository), all languages which were part of the original repository are restored during import. For example, if you archive repositories weekly and your development repository contains support for both ENU and DEU, then both ENU and DEU are included when one of the archived repositories is imported.
  • Whenever you make a change to the repository, compile all projects that belong to the latest version of the repository to create an updated SRF file. Keep a backup of the SRF file, so you can be sure the SRF file truly reflects the contents of the updated repository.
  • If you need to back up the entire content of the Siebel database, use the database utilities provided by your RDBMS vendor.
  • If your source repository is configured differently than the repository in the target system (both of which must be on the same Siebel release), use the Migrate option of the Database Configuration Utility.

    For more information on migrating repositories, see Going Live with Siebel eBusiness Applications.

NOTE:  When exporting a repository in a Windows or UNIX environment using the exprep Database Configuration Utility, the log files are placed in following directories:

    • Siebel_Server\log\exprep\output
    • Siebel_Server\log\exprep\state

NOTE:  The value "exprep" is the default process name for the exprep utility. You can change this value to facilitate ease of use.

To import or export a repository in a Windows environment

  1. Launch the Database Server Configuration Utility by choosing Start > Programs > Siebel Enterprise Server version_number > Configure DB Server.

    The Gateway Name Server Address dialog box appears.

  2. Specify your Gateway Server Address and Enterprise Server Name and then click Next.

    The Installation and Configuration Parameters: Siebel Server Directory dialog box appears.

  3. In the Siebel Server Directory dialog box, either accept the default value or click Browse to select a directory, and then click Next.

    The Installation and Configuration Parameters: Siebel Database Server Directory dialog box appears.

  4. Either accept the default value or click Browse to select a directory, and then click Next.

    The Siebel Database Server Options: Siebel Database Operation dialog box appears.

  5. In the list of operations, select Import/Export Repository and then click Next.

    The Import Repository Parameters: Select Repository Operation dialog box appears.

  6. Select Import Repository, and then click Next.

    You can also choose the following options: Add language to an existing Repository, or Export Repository.

    The Import Repository Parameters: Import Selection dialog box appears.

  7. Select one of the following, and then click Next.
    • If you want to select languages to import, then select Import Standard Repository.
    • If you want to import all languages in the SRF file, then select Import Custom Repository.

      The following succession of dialog boxes appears:

      Dialog Box

      Installation and Configuration Parameters: Language Selection

      Select a language and click Next. English is the default language.

      Installations and Configuration Parameters: RDBMS Platform

      Select an RDBMS Platform. IBM DB2 UDB v7.1 is the default selection.

      Installation and Configuration Parameters: ODBC Data Source Name

      Select the ODNBC Data Source Name.

      Installation and Configuration Parameters: Database User Name

      Select the Database User Name and Database Password.

      Installation and Configuration Parameters: Database Table Owner

      Select the Database Table Owner and Database Table Owner Password.

      Installation and Configuration Parameters: Import Repository Name

      Select the name of the repository that you want to import and the filename from which you are importing.

      This will be the name given to the imported repository.

  8. In the Configuration Parameter Review, review the list of parameters you entered and then accept the configuration by clicking Finish.

To import or export a repository in a UNIX environment

  1. Source environment variables from $SIEBEL_ROOT.

    SIEBEL_ROOT should be the path of your Siebel installation directory.

    LANGUAGE should be set to the language in which the Configuration Wizard prompts appear; for example, enu for U.S. English.

    If either of these values is incorrect or empty, reset them using one of the following commands, as appropriate to the shell you use.



setenv LANGUAGE New Value



  1. Set an appropriate level of detail in the log file for this activity.


setenv SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS trace3


export SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS trace3

  1. Navigate to $SIEBEL_ROOT /bin and enter:


    This launches the Database Server Configuration Wizard.

  2. Review the values of the following environment variables and confirm whether or not the settings are correct by entering either Y or N.

    NOTE:  If either the SIEBEL_ROOT or LANGUAGE value is not set or is incorrect, you must correct them before proceeding.

  3. In the Siebel Server Directory dialog box, either accept the default value or click Browse to select a directory, and then click Next.

    The Installation and Configuration Parameters: Siebel Database Server Directory dialog box appears.

  4. Either accept the default value or click Browse to select a directory, and then click Next.

    The Siebel Database Operation dialog box appears.

  5. In the Siebel Database Operations dialog box, select Import/Export Repository.

    The Import Repository Parameters: Select Repository Operation dialog box appears.

  6. Choose Import Repository.

    The Import Repository Parameters: Import Selection dialog box appears.

  7. Choose Import Standard Siebel Repository or Import Custom Repository and click Next.
  8. The following succession of dialog boxes appears.

    Dialog Box

    Language Selection

    Select a language and click Next. English is the default language.

    RDBMS Platform

    Select an RDBMS Platform. IBM DB2 UDB v7.1 is the default selection.

    ODBC Data Source Name

    Select the ODNBC Data Source Name.

    Database User Name

    Select the Database User Name and Database Password.

    Database Table Owner

    Select the Database Table Owner and Database Table Owner Password.

    Import Repository Name

    Select name of the repository that you want to import and the filename from which you are importing.

  9. In the Configuration Parameter Review dialog box, review the list of parameters and then accept the configuration by entering Y.
    Dialog Box

    Language Selection

    Select a language and click Next. English is the default language.

    RDBMS Platform

    Select a RDBMS Platform. IBM DB2 UDB v7.1 is the default selection.

    ODBC Data Source Name

    Select the ODNBC Data Source Name.

    Database User Name

    Select the Database User Name and Database Password.

    Database Table Owner

    Select the Database Table Owner and Database Table Owner Password.

    Import Repository Name

    Select name of the repository that you want to import and the filename from which you are importing.

    Configuration Parameter Review

    Summary dialog box gives a list of your choices. You can accept the configuration by entering Y.

NOTE:  You follow the same procedure for Export Repository except that you choose export instead of import in Step 8.

Using Siebel Tools