Using Siebel Tools > Working with Objects >

Modifying Objects

You can modify objects using either the Object List Editor or the Properties window.

For guidelines about when to modify objects and when to create new objects, see Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications.

To modify objects in the Object List Editor

  1. In the Object Explorer, select the object type you want to modify.
  2. In the Object List Editor, select the object you want to modify.
  3. Use the TAB key to move the cursor to the specific value you want to modify.

    NOTE:  It is recommended that you use the TAB key to move from property column to property column in the object—if you use the mouse you might unintentionally change the value of a Boolean property.

  4. Type in a new value, or pick a value from the pick list (if one is provided).
  5. To commit your changes, click anywhere outside the modified row or move outside the row with the UP or DOWN arrow.

    A check mark appears in the Changed column.

To modify objects using the Properties window

  1. In the Object Explorer, select the object type you want to modify.
  2. In the Object List Editor, select the object you want to modify.
  3. Choose View > Windows > Properties to open the Properties window.
  4. In the Properties window, select the current value, and then type in a new one.
  5. To commit your changes, select another property or click anywhere outside the Properties window.

    A check mark appears in the Changed column in the Object List Editor.

Using Siebel Tools