Siebel Wireless Administration Guide > Configuring Siebel Wireless > Configuring Siebel Wireless Template Files and XSL Stylesheets >

Managing Browser Types for Siebel Wireless

Web Browser Administration allows users to define capabilities and user agents for certain Web browsers which can be acted on using conditional logic within Siebel Web Template files.

Siebel Wireless applications can take advantage of the Web browser administration and conditional logic capabilities of Siebel Business Applications to apply tags or other template-based functionality only to certain recognized browser user agents in the Siebel Wireless template files.

For more information on the logical structure and naming conventions used to apply conditional tags within Siebel Web Template files, see Using Siebel Tools.

An example of how such conditional tags are applied to Siebel Wireless applications is provided in the Optimizing the Main Menu for a Particular WML Browser Type..

Optimizing the Main Menu for a Particular WML Browser Type

The following example of applying particular WML tags to recognized wireless browsers shows how to:

  • Provide an Exit link on the main menu for Openwave wireless 3.x browsers that do not support an Exit soft key. The Exit link allows users to log out of Siebel Wireless applications using these browsers.
  • Present the Main Menu as an Options List for all browsers in the /3.x Browser Group (including those with the UP.Browser/3. user agent). By displaying the main menu as an options list, allows you to use the numbers on a phone's keypad to select main menu items.

NOTE:  The following configuration has already been performed in the seed data provided with Siebel applications. This example is provided to demonstrate the approach required to make similar modifications for Openwave or other WML browser types.

To optimize the Main Menu for a particular WML browser type

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Web Browser screen > Browsers view, and query for
  2. Drill down on the Browser name and in the Capabilities list enter.
    Capability Name
    Capability Value


    UP Browser



  3. In the Browser view, query for UPBrowser 3.x.

    This browser defines the particular user agent to which the Exit link is applied.

  4. Drill down on the Browser name and in the Capabilities list enter the following values:
    Capability Name
    Capability Value








  5. Open the following Siebel Web Template files:
    • SWLSeChannelSplash.swt
    • SWLSeServiceSplash.swt
    • SWLSSalesSplash.swt
    • SWLSServiceSplash.swt
    • SWLSStart.swt

      The files reside in the siebsrvr/WEBTEMPL directory defined during the installation of the Siebel Server. The template files are used to render the main menu of Siebel Wireless applications, to which the Exit link and options list tag will be conditionally applied.

  6. Text required to provide the Exit soft key only for browsers for which the SoftKeySupport capability has not been set to FALSE:

    <swe:case condition="Web Engine User Agent, TestCapability, 'SoftKeySupport:FALSE'">
    <swe:exitsoftkey property="Softkey" />

  7. Text required to display the main menu as an options list only for browsers for which the SelectOption capability has been set to TRUE:

    <!-- Screen Bar -->

    <swe:case condition="Web Engine User Agent, TestCapability, 'SelectOption:TRUE'">

  8. Text required to add an Exit link on the option list for browsers for which the SoftKeySupport capability has been set to FALSE and the SelectOption capability has been set to TRUE:

    <swe:if condition="Web Engine User Agent, TestCapability, 'SoftKeySupport:FALSE'">
    <swe:exitsoftkey property="Optionlink" />

  9. Text required to add an Exit link for browsers for which SoftKeySupport capability has been set to FALSE, and the SelectOption capability has not been set to TRUE:

    <swe:if condition="Web Engine User Agent, TestCapability, 'SoftKeySupport:FALSE'">
    <b><swe:exitsoftkey property="Link" /></b>


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