Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Creating and Administering the Business Model and Mapping Layer in a Repository > Creating and Administering Logical Table Sources (Mappings) >

Defining Content of Sources

To use a source correctly, the Siebel Analytics Server has to know what each source contains in terms of the business model you are defining. Use the Content tab of the Logical Table Source dialog box to define any aggregate table content definitions, fragmented table definitions for the source, and any Where clauses to limit the number of rows returned. For more information about aggregate table columns, see Specify the Aggregate Levels for Each Source.

To create table content definitions

  1. Access the Content tab of the Logical Table Source dialog box.
  2. If a logical source is an aggregate table and you have defined logical dimensions, do the following:
    1. Select Logical Level from the Aggregation content drop-down list.
    2. In the Logical Level pane, select the appropriate level for the dimension.

      You should specify a level for each dimension, unless you are specifying the Grand Total level. Dimensions with no level specified will be interpreted as being at the Grand Total level.

  3. If a logical source is an aggregate table and you want to define content for columns, do the following:
    1. Select Column from the Aggregation content drop-down list.
    2. In the Table pane, select each logical dimension table that defines the aggregation level of the source.
    3. In the Column pane, select the logical column for each dimension that defines how the aggregations were grouped.

      When there are multiple logical columns that could be used, select the one that maps to the key of the source physical table. For example, if data has been aggregated to the Region level, pick the logical column that maps to the key of the Region table.

      NOTE:  Do not mix aggregation by logical level and column in the same business model. It is recommended that you use aggregation by logical level.

  4. To specify fragmented table definitions for the source, use the Fragmentation content window to describe the range of values included in the source when a source represents a portion of the data at a given level of aggregation.

    You can type the formula directly into the window, or click the Expression Builder button to the right of the window to access the Fragmentation Content Expression Builder, where you specify content in terms of existing logical columns. For more information about fragmentation content, see Specify Fragmentation Content.

  5. Select the option This source should be combined to specify that this source is combined with other sources.

    This option is only for multiple sources that are at the same level of aggregation.

  6. (Optional) Specify Where clause filters in the Where Clause Filter window to limit the number of rows the source uses in the resultant table.
    1. Click the Expression Builder button to open the Physical Where Filter Expression Builder.
    2. Type the Where clause and click OK.
  7. Select the option Select distinct values if the values for the source are unique.
Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide