A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y



Abs math function, about   1

Acos math function, about   1

Administration Tool

See also Online and Offline Repository Modes

about   1

Cache Manager, changing column order   1

Cache Manager, selecting columns to display   1

Edit menu, described   1

File menu, described   1

Help menu, described   1

icons and symbols (table)   1

join diagrams, setting default window size   1

keyboard shortcuts (table)   1

main window, repository parts described   1

Manage menu, described and functions (table)   1

preferences, setting general preferences   1

repository components   1

repository objects, adding or editing   1

repository objects, setting permissions   1

repository objects, specifying appearance in alphabetical order   1

row counts, about updating for tables and columns   1

scrolling speed, setting   1

Siebel Analytics Server, using to shut down   1

toolbar functions   1

Tools menu, described   1

View menu, described   1

Window menu, described   1

aggregate expression builder dialog

See Expression Builder

aggregate fact table

creating and example, about   1

sources, creating for each logical table   1

aggregate functions

about   1

aggregate queries, about   1

alternative syntax   1

Avg aggregate function, about   1

AvgDistinct, calculating average mean   1

baseline columns, computing aggregates   1

BottomN, about ranking the lowest n values   1

Count (*) (CountStar), about counting number of rows   1

Count, about calculating the number of rows   1

CountDistinct, about adding distinct process to COUNT   1

display function, reset behavior   1

First, about selecting first returned value   1

GroupByColumn, about specifying logical columns   1

GroupByLevel, about setting up aggregate navigation   1

LAST, about selecting last returned value   1

Max, about calculating maximum value   1

measure columns, computing aggregates   1

Median, about calculating the median value of rows   1

Min, about calculating the minimum value   1

NTILE, about determining the rank of a value   1

Percentile, about calculating a percent rank   1

Rank, about calculating the rank for each value   1

StdDev, about returning standard deviation   1

Sum, about calculating   1

SumDistinct, about calculating sum by adding distinct values   1

TopN, about ranking the highest n values   1

aggregate navigation, setting up

See also Specify the Aggregate Levels for Each Source

aggregate levels, specifying for each source   1

aggregate table definitions, about and navigation   1

aggregate table fragments, about and example   1

aggregate tables, about   1

aggregated fact data, creating dimension sources for each level   1

aggregated fact data, creating sources for each logical table   1

fragment content, specifying   1

WHERE clause filter, about and example   1

aggregate table fragments

about and example   1

about configuring a repository to use fragments   1

aggregate table content, specifying   1

physical joins for virtual table, constructing   1

physical layer table, defining with a Select Statement   1

physical layer table, example   1

SQL virtual table content, creating   1

aggregate tables

See also Setting Up Aggregate Navigation

about and navigation   1

aggregate table definitions, about and navigation   1

performance, about using to improve   1


Alias tab, using   1

synchronizing   1

analyzing the cache

See Using the Cache Manager

application environment, about using metadata repositories to store information   1

architectural components

Administration Tool, about   1

diagram   1

metadata repositories, about   1

multithreaded architecture   1

Web client tools and ODBC-compliant tool, about   1

Web Server and Intelligence Dashboards, about   1

ASCII string function, about   1

Asin math function, about   1

Ask DBMS button, using to change Feature table entries   1

Atan math function, about   1

Atan2 math function, about   1

authentication cache, about disabling   1

authentication options

See also Authentication Options

authentication, about   1

authentication, order of   1

database authentication, about using and procedure   1

external table authentication, about   1

external table authentication, setting up   1

LDAP authentication, about   1

LDAP authentication, setting up   1

logging level, setting   1

operating system authentication, about   1

operating system authentication, configuring (procedure)   1

password, changing   1

security, bypassing   1

Siebel Analytics Server user IDs and passwords, about and storage of   1

Siebel Server internal authentication, about   1

USER session system variable, defining for LDAP authentication   1

Avg aggregate function, about   1

AvgDistinct aggregate function, about   1

Back to top


baseline column

behavior with aggregate functions   1

example   1

Between SQL logical operator, about   1

Bit_Length string function, about   1

BottomN aggregate function, about   1

bridge tables, using to model many-to-many relationships   1

Browse dialog box

about using   1

querying for an object   1

selecting an object in   1

synchronizing an object in the query results list with the tree control list   1

buffer size, configuring   1

Business Model and Mapping layer

about creating and maintaining   1

Business Model and Mapping layer, working in

See also Defining Logical Joins

business model, about working with   1

business model, creating (procedure)   1

logical columns, creating   1

logical table source   1

logical table sources (mappings), working with   1

logical tables, about working with   1

measure, associating with a level in dimension   1

measure, removing the association   1

physical to logical mapping, defining   1

repository, about setting up and working in   1

table content definitions, creating   1

business models

See also Working with Presentation Catalogs

consistency check, about passing   1

copy business model with presentation catalog utility   1

diagram, about using to create joins   1

diagram, displaying   1

repository, checking consistency within a   1

understanding   1

Back to top



behavior in offline mode   1

behavior in online mode   1

disabling   1

enabling   1

purging   1

purging when switching between repositories   1

cache authentication, about disabling   1

cache hits

description of   1

information about   1

cache information, viewing   1

Cache Manager

about and opening   1

column order, changing   1

columns, selecting columns to display   1

global cache information, displaying   1

option settings (table)   1

purging cache   1

view and save SQL call   1

cache persistence time setting   1

cache storage

cache data storage directories   1

cache entry, controlling max number of rows   1

cache metadata file, about   1

query caching, disabling query caching   1

query caching, enabling query caching   1

Cache, Manage menu option, described   1

cache, monitoring and managing

disabling caching for the system, about and advantages   1

event polling tables, configuring   1

physical tables, about caching and persistence timing   1

Calculation Wizard, about   1

calendar date/time functions

Current_Date, about returning   1

Current_Time, about   1

Current_TimeStamp, about   1

Day_Of_Quarter, about   1

DayName, about   1

DayOfMonth, about   1

DayOfWeek, about   1

DayOfYear, about   1

Hour, about   1

Minute, about   1

Month, about   1

Month_Of_Quarter, about   1

MonthName, about   1

Now, about   1

Quarter_Of_Year, about   1

Second, about   1

TimestampAdd, about   1

TimeStampDiff, about   1

Week_Of_Quarter, about   1

Week_Of_Year, about   1

Year, about   1

Cast conversion function, about   1

catalog folders

creating or editing a catalog   1

Dynamic Name tab, sorting entries   1

Dynamic Name tab, specifying the session variable to use   1

Dynamic Name tab, unassigning a session variable   1

Ceiling math function, about   1

Char string function, about   1

Char_Length string function, about   1

character literals, about   1

checking in changes

changes, making available and saving to disk   1

Check In Changes dialog box, about using and tasks   1


described   1

client tools, connectivity to   1

cluster information, viewing

cache information, viewing   1

Cache view, about and columns described (table)   1

Request window (Session view), columns described (table)   1

Session window (Session view), columns described (table)   1

Session window, columns described (table)   1

Status view, about and columns described (table)   1

Cluster Manager

See also Using the Cluster Manager

accessing (procedure)   1

cache information, viewing   1

Cache view, about and columns described (table)   1

graphical user interface, described   1

managing clustered servers (procedure)   1

managing clustered servers, actions available   1

performance considerations   1

refreshing, setting and procedure   1

Session view, Request window (Session view) columns described (table)   1

Session view, Session and Request window, described   1

Session view, Session window columns described (table)   1

Status view, about and columns described (table)   1

stopped or offline, note about starting   1

using, about   1

Cluster Server feature

See also Using the Cluster Manager

about   1

cache information, viewing   1

Cluster Controller and Analytics Server, starting from the Command window   1

Cluster Controller and Analytics Server, starting manually in Windows   1

installing   1

managing clustered servers (procedure)   1

managing clustered servers, actions available   1

master server, about   1

NSCLusterConfig.INI file, about copying to Config directory   1

parameters, setting in the NQClusterConfig.INI file   1

parameters, setting in the NQSConfig.INI file   1

performance considerations   1

primary Cluster Controller, about   1

Repository Publishing Directory, about   1

secondary Cluster Controller, about   1

Siebel Analytics ODBC data source name, about configuring   1

startup process overview   1

stopped or offline, note about starting   1

Cluster, Manage menu option, described   1

column mapping

logical columns to physical columns, mapping   1

removing column mapping   1

Command window, stating Cluster Controller and Analytics Server   1

complex joins

about   1

logical complex joins, about and complex joins   1

logical complex joins, creating   1

Concat string function, about   1

conditional expressions

CASE (if), about and syntax   1

CASE (Switch), about and syntax   1

connection pool

about   1

creating and configuring, about   1

creating or editing   1

dialog box, fields described   1


client tools and data sources, connectivity to   1

metadata, importing   1

ODBC data source names, configuring   1

query and reporting tools, about using   1

consistency check

about passing and example   1

business model within a repository, checking consistency of   1

repository, checking for consistency   1

conversion functions

Cast, about changing the data type to another data type   1

IfNull, about testing if an expression evaluates to a null value   1

VALUEOF(), about using the function in an expression builder   1

copy business model with presentation catalog utility, about and procedure   1

Cos math function, about   1

Cot math function, about   1

Count (*)/CountStar aggregate function, about   1

Count aggregate function, about   1

CountDistinct aggregate function, about   1

Current_Date calendar date/time function, about   1

Current_Time calendar date/time function, about   1

Current_TimeStamp calendar date/time function, about   1

Back to top


Data Mining Adapter

See also Using the Data Mining Adapter

configuring (procedure)   1

In-Process Data Mining Adapter API, about   1

In-Process Data Mining Adapter API, sample implementation   1

In-Process Data Mining Adapter API, using ValueOf( ) expression   1

operation modes   1

data modeling

business model, understanding   1

logical business models, about   1

objectives of   1

physical database model, understanding   1

data sources

connectivity to   1

heterogeneous, about   1

data transformations, about   1

data warehouse, list of construction tasks   1

DATA_STORAGE_PATHS parameter, using to specify query cache storage   1

database hints

See also Database Authentication

database objects that accept objects (table)   1

hints, creating (procedure)   1

index hint, about   1

Leading hint, about   1

performance considerations   1

SQL comment markers, about entering   1

usage examples   1

using, about   1

database object

creating manually in the Physical layer   1

database hints, database objects that accept hints (table)   1

ODBC type, about assigning if database type undetermined   1

Database system function, about   1

database type, restoring default entries for   1


See also Database Authentication

authentication, about using and procedure   1

configuring, tuning, and indexing, importance   1

database hints, about using   1

symbol, described   1

datetime literals, about   1

Day_Of_Quarter calendar date/time function, about   1

DayName calendar date/time function, about   1

DayOfMonth calendar date/time function, about   1

DayOfWeek calendar date/time function, about   1

DayOfYear calendar date/time function, about   1

DCOM, changed client/server communication method   1

decimal literal, about   1

default client/server communication method, changed from DCOM to TCP/IP   1

Default initializer column, about value   1

Degrees math function, about   1


alias   1

column mapping   1

initialization block   1

measure, removing the association   1

presentation tables   1

presentation tables column   1

table as a logical table source   1

description of   1

Diagnosis Records table, about limiting the number of records   1

dimensional hierarchies

measures, about   1

sample hierarchy rollups, about and diagram   1

star and snowflake models, about   1

dimensional hierarchy

grand total levels, about   1

grand total levels, example   1

grand total, example   1

level attributes, about   1

level- based measure calculations, setting up   1

level keys, about   1

level-based measure calculations, about   1

level-based measure calculations, example   1

levels, about creating   1

dimensional level

general properties, defining   1

primary key, adding   1

dimensional models

See also Understanding the Physical Database Model

about   1

bridge tables, using to model many-to-many relationships   1

sample hierarchy rollups, about and diagram   1

single table model, about and creating   1

understanding   1

dimensional schemas

about and advantages   1

start schema (diagram)   1


about   1

about cubes from a multidimensional data source   1

creating (procedure)   1

creating and administering   1

hierarchies, about   1

note, about including the key column in the dimension   1

dimensions, defined and example   1

dimension-specific aggregation rules

columns, specifying for   1

setting up, about   1

dirty data, about   1

Disconnected Analytics

Disconnected Analytics Application Manager utility   1

display functions

example   1

reset behavior   1

DISPLAYNAME system session variable, about   1

dragging and dropping

logical tables   1

driving table

about specifying   1

caution, about specifying when creating a Business Model Diagram   1

caution, about specifying when creating a logical complex join   1

caution, about specifying when creating a logical foreign key   1

caution, specifying and query optimization   1

controlling and tuning performance, about   1

logical joins, specifying (procedure)   1

DSN connection

See Getting Users to Connect to the Server

Dynamic Name tab

entries, sorting   1

session variable, specifying   1

session variable, unassigning   1

dynamic repository variables

See also Using Repository Variables

about   1

example   1

initializing   1

Back to top


Edit menu, described   1

EMAIL system session variable, about   1

entity-relationship (E-R) models

about   1

queries that perform historical analysis, performance of   1

environment diagram, high-level   1

event polling table

cache event processing, about   1

configuring   1

CREATE TABLE statements, sample event polling table   1

making the polling table active   1

overview   1

physical databases, setting up   1

populating, about   1

repository. making changes to   1

Siebel Analytics Event Table utility, identifying using   1

troubleshooting   1

using   1

Exp math function, about   1

Export logical keys option, about using with parameterized SQL queries   1

Expression Builder dialog boxes

about using   1

accessing   1

Aggregate Content folder, about   1

Constraints folder, about   1

Dimensions folder, about   1

example (diagram)   1

expression, building (procedure)   1

Expressions folder, about   1

Functions folder, about   1

Logical Tables folder, about   1

navigating within the expression builder   1

Operators folder, about   1

Repository Variables folder, about   1

Session Variables folder, about   1

setting up example   1

toolbar (table)   1

Types folder, about   1

expression literals

character literals, about and expressing   1

datetime literals, about and formats   1

decimal, about and expressing   1

floating point, about and expressing   1

integers, about and expressing   1

numeric literals, about   1

Extensible Markup Language

See Using XML as a Data Source for Analytics

external table authentication

about   1

setting up   1

Externalize Strings utility, about and starting   1

Back to top


fact table, about   1

facts (measures), defined and aggregation rule example   1

Feature table entries, changing using Ask DBMS   1

File menu, described   1


See also Managing Query Execution Privileges

complex filter, about constructing   1

constructing a filter to view all databases references in a business model   1

constructing a filter to view all Presentation layer columns mapped to a logical column   1

query results, constructing a filter for   1

First aggregate function, about   1

floating point literal, about   1

Floor math function, about   1

folder symbol, described   1

foreign keys

Foreign Keys tab, using to specify a driving table   1

logical foreign key, creating   1

note, about importing from an Oracle database   1

primary key, relationship with   1

fragmentation content

about   1

multicolumn content descriptions example   1

parallel content descriptions example   1

single column range-based predicates example   1

single column value-based predicates example   1

unbalanced parallel content descriptions example   1

fragmented data, about and example   1

FROM clause syntax, about   1


See Aggregate Functions

Back to top


grand total dimension hierarchy

example   1

grand total levels

about   1

example   1

granularity, defined   1

graphical user interface


GROUP BY clause

query behavior with and without   1

syntax, about   1

GROUP system session variable, about   1

GroupByColumn aggregate function, about   1

GroupByLevel aggregate function, about specifying dimension levels   1

groups, working with

See also Authentication Options

about   1

groups, about creating and example   1

LDAP authentication, configuring   1

LDAP, about importing users and groups   1

member hierarchies, viewing in the Query Repository dialog box   1

member hierarchies, viewing in the Security Manager   1

predefined Administrators group, about   1

privileges example (diagram)   1

privileges, about granting and examples   1

repository, adding a new group to   1

repository, importing LDAP users and groups into   1

user privileges and group privileges example (diagram)   1

Back to top


Help menu, described   1

heterogeneous data sources, about   1






about   1

hierarchies, about dimensional hierarchies   1

hierarchy, defined and example   1

historical time comparison, about and starting Times Series Wizard   1

Hour calendar date/time function, about   1

HTML tables

example   1

XML Gateway, accessing by   1

Back to top


icons, described (table)   1

IfNull conversion function, about   1


metadata   1

metadata, about connecting using an ODBC connection   1

users and groups using LDAP   1

XML data using ODBC   1

In SQL logical operator, about   1

inconsistencies, about checking repository or business model for consistencies   1

indexing, about index hint instructions   1

INI file

NQClusterConfig.INI file, setting parameters for Cluster Server feature   1

NQSConfig.INI file, collecting information about queries   1

NQSConfig.INI file, tuning parameters   1

NSQConfig.INI file, adding an entry   1

Initialization Block dialog box

accessing (procedure)   1

using, about   1

initialization blocks

about   1

block, linking with a variable not already refreshed   1

block, removing variable's association with   1

blocks, removing   1

caution, about opening Initialization Block dialog box in online mode   1

Default initializer column, about value   1

dynamic repository variables, initializing   1

initialization block execution order, setting   1

new variable, adding to refresh with block   1

note, about number of columns different from number retrieved   1

session variables, creating or editing (procedure)   1

session variables, initializing   1

Siebel Analytics Server, re-initializing when it starts   1


variable, reordering   1

In-Process Data Mining Adapter API

about   1

column values, specifying   1

configuring (procedure)   1

sample implementation   1

ValueOf( ) expressions, using   1

Insert string function, about   1

integers literals, about   1

Is Null SQL logical operator, about   1

Back to top


Jobs, Manage menu option, described   1

join diagrams, setting default window size   1

Joins Manager

joins, about using to create   1

Joins, Manage menu option, described   1

Back to top


key symbol, described   1

keyboard shortcuts (table)   1

Back to top


Last aggregate function, about   1


See LDAP Authentication

Leading hint, about   1

Left string function, about   1

Length string function, about   1

level attributes

about   1

level keys

about   1

level-based measure calculations

about   1

example   1

setting up   1

level-based measure calculations, about   1


general properties, defining   1

hierarchy, about   1

primary key for, adding   1

levels, working with

grand total levels, example   1

level-based measure calculations, setting up   1

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

authentication, about   1

authentication, setting up   1

LDAP authentication, configuring   1

logging level, setting   1

passwords and storage, about   1

repository, importing LDAP users and groups into   1

USER session system variable, defining for LDAP authentication   1

users and groups, about using to import   1

Like SQL logical operator, about   1

literals, expressing (list of)   1

Load all objects option, about selecting   1

Locate string function, about   1

LocateN string function, about   1

log files


NQServer.log and NQCluster.log, about opening and examining   1

See Implementing the Cluster Server Feature

Log math function, about   1

log viewer utility

log records, interpreting   1

running (procedure)   1

using, about   1

Log10 math function, about   1

logging levels

individual users, about enabling for   1

levels described (table)   1

log viewer utility, interpreting the log records   1

log viewer utility, using   1

user's logging levels

disabling   1

setting   1

logical business models

about   1

bridge tables, using to model many-to-many relationships   1

dimensional models, understanding   1

logical tables and columns and heterogeneous data sources   1

single table model, about and creating   1

Logical Column dialog box

measure, associating with a level in a dimension   1

measure, removing the association   1

logical columns

creating or editing, about   1

creating, about   1

creating, procedure   1

logical column, unmapping from its source   1

logical complex join, creating   1

Logical Foreign Key dialog box, about using to specify a driving table   1

logical foreign key, creating   1

logical joins, specifying for driving table (procedure)   1

logical object, displaying all that map to physical tables   1

Logical Table dialog box

foreign key, editing   1

key, specifying   1

new logical table source, adding   1

logical table joins

See also Defining Logical Joins

about   1

Business Model Diagram, displaying   1

creating, about   1

driving table, about specifying   1

driving table, about specifying and query optimization   1

driving table, controlling and tuning performance   1

driving table, specifying for logical joins (procedure)   1

logical complex join, creating   1

logical foreign key, creating   1

logical object, displaying physical tables that map to   1

logical table sources

general properties, defining   1

removing a table as a source   1

Replace Wizard, using to replace tables or columns   1

Where clause filter, using to constrain physical tables   1

working with, about   1

logical table sources, adding and editing   1

logical tables

columns, about   1

creating by dragging and dropping   1

creating explicitly   1

creating, ways to   1

foreign key, editing   1

key, specifying   1

new logical table source, adding   1

working with, about   1

LOGLEVEL system session variable, about   1

Lower string function, about   1

Back to top


main window, repository parts described   1

Manage menu, described and functions (table)   1

many-to-many relationships, about using bridge tables   1

Marketing metadata setup

about   1

adding segmentation catalogs   1

assigning an implicit fact   1

controlling list query details   1

creating catalogs for physical star schemas   1

creating target levels   1

enabling sampling for target level   1

setting up cache for target levels, about   1

setting up cache for target levels, guidelines and procedures   1

setting up list catalogs   1

setting up qualified list items   1

setting up target levels for saved result sets   1

Marketing segmentation

definition   1

metadata, about   1

terminology   1

MASTER_SERVER parameter, about   1

math functions, list of   1

Mavg running aggregate function, about   1

Max aggregate function, about   1


dimension, associating with   1

dimension, removing the association   1

measure column

behavior with aggregate functions   1

default aggregation rule, specifying a   1

example   1

measure column, specifying a default aggregation rule   1

Median aggregate function, about   1

member hierarchies

Query Repository dialog box, using to view   1

Security Manager, viewing in   1

metadata repository, about   1

metadata, importing

about   1

connections, about   1

Min aggregate function, about   1

Minute calendar date/time function, about   1

Mod math function, about   1


See Making Changes to a Repository

Month calendar date/time function, about   1

Month_Of_Quarter calendar date/time function, about   1

MonthName calendar date/time function, about   1

More tab

joins diagrams, using to set default window size   1

scrolling speed, using to set   1

MSUM running aggregate function, about   1

multi-database joins, about   1


dimensions for a cube from a multidimensional data source   1

multidimensional data source

Ask DBMS, about availability of   1

multithreaded architecture, about   1

Back to top


Now calendar date/time function, about   1

NQClusterConfig.INI file, setting parameters for Cluster Server feature   1

nQLogViewer utility

log records, interpreting   1

query log file, using to view   1

NQQueryStats.log, about   1

NQSConfig.INI file

entry, adding an   1

queries, setting to collect more information about   1

tuning parameters, about   1

NQServer.log, and NQCluster.log, about opening and examining   1

NTile aggregate function, about   1

numeric literals, about   1

Back to top


Object Type option, using to create virtual physical tables   1

Octet_Length string function, about   1


calls from client applications, list of   1

client tools and data sources, about providing connectivity to   1

connection, about physical metadata imports   1

data source names, configuring   1

metadata, importing   1

query and reporting tools, about connecting with   1

offline mode

cache invalidation, implications for   1

repository, opening in   1

one-to-many relationships, about primary key-foreign key relationship (diagram)   1

online help, accessing   1 ,  2

online mode

cache invalidation, implications for   1

changes, making available and saving to disk   1

Check In Changes dialog box, about using and tasks   1

consistency check, about passing   1

consistency, checking repository for   1

repository, opening in   1

Options dialog box, using to set general preferences   1

Oracle database

note, about importing foreign keys from   1

ORDER BY clause, about   1

Back to top


parallel content descriptions, examples and discussion   1


changing   1

Siebel Analytics Server Administration account   1

Percentile aggregate function, about   1


database hints, about resulting in better query performance   1

server configuration and tuning   1


See also Setting Permissions for Repository Objects

adding or editing   1

limiting queries by filtering (procedure)   1

limiting queries by maximum run time (procedure)   1

limiting queries by number of rows received (procedure)   1 ,  2

limiting queries by objects (procedure)   1

limiting queries by time periods (procedure)   1

repository objects, about setting for   1

physical column, creating or editing   1

physical database model, understanding

aggregate navigation, about setting up   1

contents of physical database, understanding   1

dimensional schemas, about and advantages   1

dimensional schemas, about star schema (diagram)   1

entity-relationship (E-R schemas, about   1

entity-relationship (E-R) schemas, performance for queries for historical analysis   1

physical models, types of   1

primary-key-foreign key relationships, about and diagram   1

Physical Diagram

command, about using   1

displaying   1

editor, about using to specify multi-database joins   1

foreign key join or complex join, defining   1

physical joins, about defining   1

physical joins

See also About Physical Joins

about   1

complex joins, about   1

fragmented data, about and example   1

Joins Manager, using to define   1

multi-database joins, about   1

note, about imported key and foreign key joins   1

primary key and foreign key relationships, about   1

tip, about avoiding unnecessary joins   1

physical joins, defining in the Physical Diagram   1

Physical layer

creating and maintaining, about   1

physical layer objects, about   1

queries, specifying types of sent to a database   1

Physical layer, creating manually   1

Physical layer, described   1

Physical layer, working in

See also Creating or Changing Connection Pools

catalog, creating or editing   1

column mapping, removing   1

connection pool, creating or editing   1

database hints, about   1

database hints, database objects that accept hints (table)   1

database type, restoring default entries for   1

Feature table entries, changing using Ask DBMS   1

logical columns, mapping to physical columns   1

physical joins, defining with the Joins Manager   1

query type, locating   1

schema folders, working with   1

XML data source, setting properties for   1

physical schemas

importing from ODBC (procedure)   1

importing, about   1

physical tables

creating or editing   1

overview   1

Physical Table dialog box, completing Columns and Keys tabs   1

virtual physical tables, creating using the Object Type option   1

XML data source, setting properties for   1

Pi math function, about   1

PORTALPATH system session variable, about   1

Position string function, about   1

Power math function, about   1


Cache Manager, changing column order   1

Cache Manager, selecting columns to display   1

general preferences, setting   1

join diagrams, setting default window size   1

repository objects, specifying appearance in alphabetical order   1

scrolling speed, setting   1

presentation catalogs

Alias tab, using   1

caution, about moving columns into presentation catalog folders   1

copy business model with presentation catalog utility   1

creating (procedure)   1

Presentation Catalog dialog box, described   1

presentation tables, deleting   1

table, reordering in the Presentation layer   1

tables, sorting in alphanumeric order   1

working in, about   1

presentation columns

Alias tab, using   1

creating or editing (procedure)   1

Presentation Column dialog box, described (table)   1

Repository Documentation utility, using to map to logical and physical columns   1

working with, about   1

Presentation Layer

nested folders in Siebel Answers   1

Presentation layer

about creating   1

about creating and maintaining   1

Presentation Layer dialog box, using the Alias tab   1

Presentation layer, creating

See also About Repository Structure in the Administration Tool

business models, copying to the Presentation layer   1

columns, about removing unneeded or unwanted   1

logical keys, about exporting in the Presentation Catalog   1

presentation columns, renaming   1

Presentation layer repository layer, about   1

Presentation layer, working in

See also Using the Alias Tab of Presentation Layer Dialog Boxes

Alias tab, using   1

Presentation Catalog dialog box, described   1

presentation catalogs, about working in   1

presentation catalogs, creating   1

Presentation Column dialog box, described (table)   1

presentation column, creating or editing   1

presentation column, deleting   1

presentation column, reordering   1

presentation columns, working with   1

Presentation layer, about and example   1

Presentation Tables dialog box, described (table)   1

presentation tables, creating   1

presentation tables, deleting   1

table, reordering   1

tables, sorting in alphanumeric order   1

presentation tables

Alias tab, using   1

column, deleting   1

creating (procedure)   1

presentation column, reordering   1

Presentation Tables dialog box, described (table)   1

primary key

foreign key, relationship with   1

specifying   1

primary key-foreign key relationship

about and diagram   1

PRIMARY_CONTROLLER parameter, about   1


query privileges, about controlling and activities   1

Project, Manage menu option, described   1

Back to top


Quarter_Of_Year calendar date/time function, about   1


aggregate functions, rules for   1

database, specifying types sent to   1

Leading hint, about using to build the join order   1

query caching, enabling to improve performance   1

query privileges, controlling and activities   1

query type, locating   1

query caching

about   1

advantages of   1

cache event processing with an event polling table   1

cache hits   1

cache hits, information about   1

cache management strategy, choosing   1

Cache Manager, about and opening   1

Cache Manager, options settings (table)   1

cache storage, configuring   1

cache strategies   1

cost of caching, about   1

disabling for system   1

disabling query caching   1

enabling query caching   1

global cache information, displaying   1

improve performance, enabling to   1

invalidation after offline repository changes   1

note, about query references with different persistence times   1

parameters to control query caching, location of   1

purge cache options   1

purging cache   1

refresh interval, setting for XML data sources   1

security attribute, about enforcing   1

suite of queries, about running   1

query environment, administering

See also Server Configuration and Tuning

collecting more information, about   1

query log, administering   1

server, about connecting to   1

Siebel Analytics Server, shutting down in UNIX   1

Siebel Analytics Server, shutting down in Windows   1

Siebel Analytics Server, shutting down using the Administration Tool   1

Siebel Analytics Server, starting in UNIX   1

Siebel Analytics Server, starting in Windows   1

usage tracking, administering   1

query execution privileges   1

query log, administering

about   1

file size, controlling   1

log viewer utility, interpreting the log records   1

log viewer utility, using   1

logging levels

about enabling   1

described (table)   1

setting a user's   1

logging system, configuring   1

user's logging levels

disabling   1

query repository

new object, creating (procedure)   1

procedure   1

Query Repository dialog box

about using   1

member hierarchies, using to view   1

parent of an object   1

searching for object based on name   1

Show Qualified Name   1

type of object   1

Query Repository Filter dialog box

about and accessing   1

filter, constructing   1

filter, constructing to view all database references in a business model   1

filter, constructing to view all Presentation layer columns mapped to a logical column   1

query specification (SELECT statement), about   1

query tool, about connecting with   1

Back to top


Radians math function, about   1

Rand math function, about   1

RandFromSeed math function, about   1

Rank aggregate function, about   1

RCOUNT running aggregate function, about   1

refresh interval, setting for XML data sources   1

Rename Wizard, about and starting   1

Rename Wizard, using to rename Presentation layer and Business Model and Mapping layer tables and columns   1

Repeat string function, about   1

Replace string function, about   1

Replace Wizard, about and starting   1

reporting tool, about connecting with   1


Administration Tool, about using to create and edit repositories   1

comparing repositories   1

comparing, turning off Compare Mode   1

LDAP authentication, configuring   1

LDAP, importing users and groups into   1

making changes to and implications for cache   1

merging repositories, about and process   1

merging version of Siebel Analytics Repository (procedure)   1

new group, adding to   1

new user, adding to   1

synchronizing   1

synchronizing and updating (procedure)   1

Repository Documentation utility, about and starting   1

Repository Import Wizard, about and using   1

repository mode

See also Checking the Consistency of a Repository or a Business Model

business model within repository, checking consistency of   1

changes, making available and saving to disk   1

Check In Changes dialog box, about using and tasks   1

Load all objects option, about selecting   1

note, editing while repository is being loaded   1

offline mode, opening repository in   1

online mode, about passing consistency check   1

online mode, checking consistency of a repository   1

online mode, opening repository in   1

repository objects

See also Creating a New Analytics Repository File

alphabetical order, specifying in   1

note, about naming objects Administrator   1

permissions, adding or editing   1

permissions, setting   1

repository variables

See also Using the Analytics Variable Manager

about   1

cache purging considerations   1

Default initializer column, about value   1

dynamic repository variables, about   1

dynamic repository variables, example   1

static repository variables, about   1

static repository variables, example   1

static repository variables, using in an expression   1

static repository variables, using in expression builder   1

uses for static repository variables   1

repository, managing metadata

See also Constructing a Filter for Query Results

complex filter, about constructing   1

filter, constructing to view all Presentation layer columns mapped to a logical column   1

note, about constructing more than one filter   1

query results, constructing a filter for   1

repository, setting up

Administration Tools, repository components in   1

connection pool, about creating and configuring   1

data source, about defining   1

new repository, creating   1

NQSConfig.INI file, adding entry   1

online help, accessing   1 ,  2

physical schemas, about importing   1

saving   1 ,  2 ,  3

saving, checking consistency, and correcting errors   1

setup checklist (table)   1

Siebel Analytics Server, about starting   1

testing and refining, about   1

user community, about publishing to   1


REQUESTKEY system session variable, about   1

Right string function, about   1

RMAX running aggregate function, about   1

RMIN running aggregate function, about   1

rollover, described   1

Round math function, about   1

row count feature

updating for tables and columns   1

row counts

displaying   1

updating   1

row counts in physical layer, displaying   1

Row-Wise Initialization feature

about and example   1

variable with a List of Values, initializing   1

RSUM running aggregate function, about   1

running aggregate functions

about   1

Mavg, about calculating a moving average   1

MSUM, about calculating a moving sum   1

RCOUNT, about counting number of input records   1

RMAX, about showing the maximum values of a set of records   1

RMIN, about showing the minimum values based on a set of records   1

RSUM, about calculating a running sum   1

Back to top


sample scripts, locating and example   1

schema folders

schema object, creating   1


See also Process of Creating the Physical Layer From Relational Data Sources

physical schemas, about importing   1

physical schemas, importing from ODBC (procedure)   1

scrolling speed, setting   1

Second calendar date/time function, about   1

SECONDARY_CONTROLLER parameter, about   1


See also Authentication Options

bypassing   1

group privileges, about granting and examples   1

groups, about creating and example   1

groups, about working with   1

LDAP authentication, configuring   1

LDAP, about importing users and groups   1

member hierarchies, viewing in the Query Repository dialog box   1

member hierarchies, viewing in the Security Manager   1

predefined administrators group   1

privileges example (diagram)   1

repository, adding a new group to   1

repository, adding new user to   1

repository, importing LDAP users and groups into   1

Siebel Analytics Server Administration account password   1

Siebel Analytics Server Administrator account, about   1

user accounts, about working with   1

user privileges and group privileges example (diagram)   1

Security Manager

See also Working with Groups

member hierarchies, using to view   1

Security, Manage menu option, described   1

SELECT list syntax

about and syntax   1

FROM clause syntax, about   1

GROUP BY clause syntax, about   1

ORDER BY clause syntax, about   1

WHERE clause syntax, about   1

SELECT statement

about and basic syntax   1

conditional expressions, list of   1

queries and aggregate functions, rules for   1

query specification   1

Select list syntax   1

SQL logical operators   1

usage notes   1

WHERE clause   1

server configuration and tuning

See also Server Configuration and Tuning

aggregate tables, about using   1

databases, importance of configuring, tuning, and indexing   1

NQSConfig.INI parameters. about using for tuning   1

query caching, about enabling to improve performance   1

server session management

See Server Configuration and Tuning

Session Manager

See also Server Session Management

active query, killing   1

disconnecting a user from a session   1

Request Window fields (table)   1

Session Window fields (table)   1

session, viewing   1

update speed, controlling   1

using, about   1

session variables

See also Using the Analytics Variable Manager

about   1

creating or editing (procedure)   1

initializing, about   1

nonsystem session variables, about using   1

row-wise initialization, about and example   1

system session variables, about using   1

system session variables, table of   1

using for authenticating users   1

Sessions, Manage menu option, described   1

shutting down Siebel Analytics Server

Administration Tool, using to shut down server   1

UNIX, shutting down server   1

Windows, shutting down from a command prompt   1

Windows, shutting down from the Services applet   1

Siebel Analytics Client testing tool   1

Siebel Analytics Event Tables utility, about and starting   1

Siebel Analytics Scheduler, about interface to   1

Siebel Analytics Server

See also About the Cluster Server Feature

Administration Tool, shutting down using   1

automatic startup, configuring for   1

business model, about interface to physical databases   1

connecting to, about   1

fails to start   1

internal authentication, about   1

nonlocal files, about accessing   1

note, about changing repository in online mode and attempting to stop server   1

password, changing   1

repository variable initialization blocks, re-initializing   1

UNIX, running the shutdown script   1

UNIX, running the Siebel startup script   1

user ID, changing   1

user IDs and passwords, about and storage of   1

Windows, configuring for automatic startup   1

Windows, shutting down from a Windows command prompt   1

Windows, shutting down from the Services applet   1

Windows, starting from the Services applet   1

Siebel Analytics Server Administrator

account, about and password   1

group, about   1

Siebel Analytics Server XML Gateway

See Using the Siebel Analytics Server XML Gateway

Sign math function, about   1

Sin math function, about   1

single table model, about and creating   1

SKIN system session variable, about   1

snowflake models, about dimensional hierarchies   1

Sort Objects tab, using to specify repository objects in alphabetical order   1

sourcing query

definition   1

standard query, difference between   1

SQL 92 functions

datetime literals, about   1

NTILE function, about   1

SQL FROM clause syntax, about   1

SQL functions

aggregate functions, about   1

calendar date/time functions, about   1

conversion functions, about   1

datetime literals, about   1

expression literals, about   1

NTILE function, about   1

running aggregate functions   1

string functions, about   1

system functions, about   1

SQL logical operators, list of   1

SQL queries, about selecting the Export logical keys option   1

SQL statement

database hints, about   1

database hints, creating   1

database objects that accept hints (table)   1

SQL syntax and semantics

conditional expressions, list of   1

queries and aggregate functions, rules for   1

Select list syntax   1

Select statement, about and basic syntax   1

Select usage notes   1

SQL logical operators   1

SQL WHERE clause syntax, about   1

Sqrt math function, about   1

star schema

about and diagram   1

dimensional hierarchies, about   1

static repository variables

See also Using Repository Variables

about   1

example   1

expression builders, using in   1

expression, using in   1

status bar, showing   1

StdDev aggregate function, about   1


user tracking log files, selecting an output location for   1

string functions

about   1

Abs, about calculating the absolute value   1

Acos, calculates the acr cosine of a numerical expression   1

ASCII, about converter single character string to   1

Asin, about calculating the arc sine of a numerical expression   1

Atan, about calculating the arc tangent of a numerical expression   1

Atan2, about calculating the arc tangent of y/x   1

Bit_Length, about returning length in bits   1

Ceiling, about rounding a noninteger numerical expression   1

Char, about converting a numerical value   1

Char_Length, about returning length in number of characters   1

Concat, about forms of function   1

Cos, about calculating the cosine of a numerical expression   1

Cot, about calculating the cotangent of a numerical expression   1

Degrees, about converting an expression from radians to degrees   1

Exp, about sending the value e to the power specified   1

Floor, about rounding a noninteger numerical expression   1

Insert, about inserting a character string   1

Left, about returning characters from the left of a string   1

Length, about returning the length in number of characters   1

Locate, about returning the numerical position of the character_expression1   1

LocateN, about returning the numerical position of the character_expression1   1

Log, calculated the natural logarithm of an expression   1

Log110, about calculating the base 10 logarithm of an expression   1

Lower, about converting a character string to lower case   1

Mod, about dividing the first numerical expression   1

Octel_Length. about returning the bits in base 8 units   1

Pi, about returning the value of pi   1

Position, about returning the numerical position of the character_expression1   1

Power, about taking the first numerical expression to the power specified   1

Radians, about converting from degrees to radians   1

Rand, about returning a pseudo-random number   1

RandFromSeed, about returning a pseudo-random number from a seed value   1

Repeat, returns a specified expression n times   1

Replace, about replacing specified characters   1

Right, about returning a specified number of characters from the right of the string   1

Round, about rounding a numerical expression to n digits   1

Sign, about returning a value of 1, -1, or 0   1

Sin, calculated the sine of a numerical expression   1

Sqrt, about calculating the square root of the numerical expression argument   1

Substring, about creating a new string starting from a fixed number   1

Tan, about calculates the tangent of a numerical expression   1

TrimBoth, about stripping specified leading and trailing characters   1

TrimLeading, about stripping specified leading characters   1

TrimTrailing, about stripping specified trailing characters   1

Truncate, about truncating a decimal number   1

Upper, about converting a character string to uppercase   1

Substring string function, about   1

Sum aggregate function, about   1

SumDistinct aggregate function, about   1

symbols, described (table)   1

Synchronize Aliases utility, about and procedure   1


session variables, about and LDAP authentication   1

SQL functions, about   1

variables, about and external table authentication   1

Back to top



content definitions, creating   1

event polling table, identifying   1

one-to-many relationship, about and diagram   1

Tan math function, about   1

TCP/IP, client/server communication method changed   1

text strings, using the Externalize Strings utility to translate   1

Times Series Wizard, about and starting   1

TimestampAdd calendar date/time function, about   1

TimeStampDiff calendar date/time function, about   1


docking   1

on/off, toggling   1

Tools menu, described   1

TopN aggregate function, about   1

TrimBoth string function, about   1

TrimLeading string function, about   1

TrimTrailing string function, about   1


event polling table   1

Siebel Analytics Server fails to start   1

Truncate math function, about   1

Turn Off Compare Mode, enabling   1

Back to top


Unified Logon, about support of   1


shutting down the Siebel Analytics Server   1

starting the Siebel Analytics Server   1

Update Physical Layer wizard, about and starting   1

Upper string function, about   1

usage tracking log files

sample scripts, locating and example   1

usage tracking data (table)   1

usage tracking, administering

See also Server Session Management

about and example   1

file naming conventions, about and example   1

note, about error accessing usage tracking output file   1

output file, about and schema described (table)   1

output file, column behavior in   1

output file, format of   1

output location, selecting   1

performance considerations, about and checkpoints described   1

queries, collecting more information about   1

user community, about publishing to   1

user ID, changing for the Siebel Analytics Server   1

user interface components

Edit menu, described   1

File menu, described   1

Help menu, described   1

icons and symbols (table)   1

keyboard shortcuts (table)   1

main window, described   1

Manage menu, described   1

toolbar functions, described   1

Tools menu, described   1

View menu, described   1

Window menu, described   1

USER session system variable, defining for LDAP authentication   1

User system function, about   1

USER system session variable, about   1

USER_LOG_FILE_SIZE parameter, using to control query log file size   1


See also Managing Query Execution Privileges

LDAP, using to import users   1

new user, adding to repository   1

Siebel Analytics Administration account, about and password   1

user accounts, about   1


copy business model with presentation catalog utility, about and procedure   1

Externalize Strings utility, about and starting   1

log viewer utility, interpreting the log records   1

log viewer utility, using   1

Repository Documentation utility, about and starting   1

Siebel Analytics Event Tables utility, about and starting   1

Synchronize Aliases, about and procedure   1

Back to top


VALUEOF( ) conversion function, about   1

ValueOf( ) expressions, using   1

Variables, Manage menu option, described   1

variables, using

See also Tasks Using the Initialization Block Dialog Box--Variable Tab

Default initializer column, about value   1

dynamic repository variables, about and example   1

new variables, creating   1

nonsystem session variables, about using   1

session variables, about   1

Siebel Analytics Server, re-initializing when it starts   1

static repository variables, about and example   1

static repository variables, using variables in expression builders   1

system session variables, about and LDAP authentication   1

system session variables, about using   1

system session variables, table of   1

system variables, about and external table authentication   1

Variable Manager, about and classes of variable   1

View menu, described   1

virtual physical tables, creating using the Object Type option   1

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WEBGROUPS system session variable, about   1

Week_Of_Quarter calendar date/time function, about   1

Week_Of_Year calendar date/time function, about   1

WHERE clause

filter, about and example   1

syntax, about   1

Window menu, described   1


Cluster Controller and Analytics Server, starting manually   1

NT and 2000 Administrator account, about and Siebel Analytics Server Administrator account   1

NT and 2000, about support of Unified Logon   1

NT and 2000, user ID to access nonlocal files   1

ODBC data source names, configuring   1

shutting down Siebel Analytics Server from a command prompt   1

shutting down Siebel Analytics Server from the Services applet   1

Siebel Analytics Server, configuring for automatic startup   1

starting Siebel Analytics Server from the Services applet   1


Calculation wizard, about   1

Rename Wizard, about and starting   1

Replace Wizard, about and starting   1

Repository Import Wizard, about and using   1

Time Series Wizard, about and starting   1

Update Physical Layer Wizard, about and starting   1

workspace, Administration Tool

Presentation Catalog dialog box, about using Presentation Table tab   1

Presentation Tables dialog box, about using Columns tab   1

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XML data source

Ask DBMS, about availability of   1

connection pool properties, setting   1

physical table, setting properties for   1

properties, about setting   1

query output format settings, specifying   1

refresh interval, setting   1

XML Gateway

See also Using the Data Mining Adapter

about using   1

example   1

example, more complex   1

HTML tables, accessing   1

HTML tables, example   1

XML data, importing using the XML Gateway   1

XML examples   1

XML ODBC database type

See also Using XML ODBC

example   1

importing XML data   1

XML data sources, about accessing   1

XML examples   1

XML, using as a data source

See also Using the Data Mining Adapter

about   1

example, more complex   1

HTML tables, accessing   1

HTML tables, example   1

importing data using the XML Gateway   1

XML examples   1

XML Gateway example   1

XML Gateway, about using   1

XML URL, locating   1

XPath expressions, support of   1

XSL transformation files (XSLT), support of   1


Siebel Analytics, use of   1

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Year calendar date/time function, about   1

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Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide