Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Clustering Siebel Analytics Servers > Using the Cluster Manager >

Viewing Cluster Information

The section describes how to view status, cache, and session information about a cluster and the meaning of the information provided.

Status Information

The Status view is automatically displayed when you first open the Cluster Manager window. You can also access the Status view by selecting View > Status in the Cluster Manager window.

The categories of information displayed in the Information pane may vary depending on the server to which Administration Tool is connected. Table 33 describes categories that may appear.

Table 33.  Status View Columns


The name of the machine hosting the Siebel Analytics Server or Cluster Controller.


When Clusters is selected in the Explorer pane, this field is available. There are two types:

  • Controller - The object is a Cluster Controller.
  • Server - The object is a Siebel Analytics Server.


The role of the object in the cluster:

  • Controlling - A Cluster Controller that is currently assigned the responsibility for control of the cluster.
  • Primary - The primary Cluster Controller. This role is not displayed if the primary Cluster Controller is currently the controlling Cluster Controller.
  • Secondary - The secondary Cluster Controller. This role is not displayed if the secondary Cluster Controller is currently the controlling Cluster Controller.
  • Clustered server - An Analytics Server that is a member of the cluster. This role is not displayed for the clustered server defined as the master server.
  • Master - The clustered server that the Administration Tool connects to for editing repositories in online mode.


The status of the object in the cluster:

  • Online - The Cluster Controller or Analytics Server is online. For Cluster Controllers, this means the controller can accept session requests and assign them to available servers within the cluster. For clustered servers, this means that the server may be assigned sessions by the Cluster Controller.
  • Quiesce - This status is applicable to clustered servers only. The Analytics Server is being quiesced. This means that any activity in progress on outstanding sessions will be allowed to complete before the server transitions to Offline status.
  • Offline - The Cluster Controller or Analytics Server is offline. For Cluster Controllers, this means the controller cannot accept session requests or assign sessions to available servers within the cluster. For clustered servers, this means that the server is not communicating with the controlling Cluster Controller and cannot accept sessions assigned by the controlling Cluster Controller. If the server subsequently becomes available, it will be allowed to participate in the cluster. If you want to stop the Cluster Controller or clustered server after quiescing it, you need to issue the Stop command.
  • Forced Offline - This status applies to clustered servers only. The Analytics Server has been stopped. This is identical to the offline status, except that if the Analytics Server comes back online, it will not be assigned requests. The server will remain in this state until the Start command is issued against this server from the Administration Tool Cluster Manager or both Cluster Controllers are shut down and restarted.

Start Time

The timestamp showing when the Cluster Controller or Analytics Server was last started. This field will be blank if the Cluster Controller or clustered server is offline.

Last Reported Time

The time the Cluster Controller or Analytics Server communicated with the Controlling Cluster Controller. If the server or controller is offline, this field may be blank.


This field is available when either Servers or an individual server is selected in the Explorer pane. It shows the number of sessions currently logged on to a clustered server.

Cache Information

The Cache view is available in the Cluster Manager window if caching is enabled.

The categories of information and their display sequence are controlled by your Options settings. Table 34 describes categories that may appear.

Table 34.  Cache View Columns


ID of the user who submitted the query that resulted in the cache entry.


Time the cache entry's result set was created.

Last used

Last time the cache entry's result set satisfied a query. (After an unexpected shutdown of an Analytics Server, the "Last used" time may temporarily have a stale value, that is, older than the true value.)

Creation elapsed time

Time, in milliseconds, needed to create the result set for this cache entry

Row count

Number of rows generated by the query

Row size

Size of each row (in bytes) in this cache entry's result set.

Full size

Total number of bytes stored in this cache entry's result set. This is the product of row count times row size and does not include any overhead.

Column count

Number of columns in each row of this cache entry's result set.

Use count

Number of times this cache entry's result set has satisfied a query (since Analytics Server startup).


Text of the SQL that generated the cache entry.

Business Model

Name of the business model associated with the cache entry.

To view cache information

  • Click an individual server in the Explorer pane, and then select View > Cache.

Session Information

The Session view is available for Analytics Servers. The information is arranged in two windows, described in Table 35.

  • Session window—Appears on the top. Shows users currently logged on to the Analytics Server.
  • Request window—Appears on the bottom. Shows active query requests for the user selected in the Session window.

Table 35 describes the information that appears in the Session window.

Table 35.  Session Window Columns (Top Window)

Session ID

Unique internal identifier that Analytics Server assigns each session when the session is initiated.


Name of the user connected.

Client Type

Type of client session. The client type of Administration is reserved for the user logged in with the Analytics Server administrator user ID.


Name of the Presentation layer catalog to which the session is connected.


Logical name of the repository to which the session is connected.

Logon Time

Timestamp when the session logged on to Analytics Server.

Last Active Time

Timestamp of the last activity on the session or the query.

Table 36 describes the information that appears in the Request window.

Table 36.  Request Window Columns (Bottom Window)

Session ID

Unique internal identifier that Analytics Server assigns each session when the session is initiated.

Request ID

Unique internal identifier that Analytics Server assigns each query when the query is initiated.

Start Time

Time of the initial query request.

Last Active Time

Timestamp of the last activity on the session or the query.


These are the possible values. Due to the speed at which some processes complete, you may not see all values for any given request or session.

  • Idle—There is presently no activity on the request or session.
  • Fetching—The request is being retrieved.
  • Fetched—The request has been retrieved.
  • Preparing—The request is being prepared for processing.
  • Prepared—The request has been prepared for processing and is ready for execution.
  • Executing—The request is currently running. To kill a request, select it and click the Kill Request button. The user will receive an informational message indicating that a Siebel Analytics Server administrator canceled the request.
  • Executed—The request has finished running.
  • Succeeded—The request ran to completion successfully.
  • Canceled—The request has been canceled.
  • Failed—An error was encountered during the processing or running of the request.


Currently unused.

To view session information

  • Select a server in the Explorer pane, and then select View > Sessions.

    Session information for the server is displayed in the Information pane. It shows all users logged into the server and all current query requests for each user.

To disconnect a session

  • In the Session view, right-click the session in the Session window (top window) and click Disconnect.

To kill a query request

  • In the Session view, right-click the request in the Request window (bottom window) and click Kill Request.

Server Information

Selecting Server info from the View menu provides information about the cluster server such as server version number.

Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide