Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Administration Tool Basics > Online and Offline Repository Modes >

Checking the Consistency of a Repository or a Business Model

Repositories in online mode and the business models within them must pass the consistency check before you can make them available for queries. When a repository or business model is inconsistent, a detailed message alerts you to the nature of the inconsistency.

Consistency check messages are of three types—error, warning, and informational:

  • Consistency error messages indicate errors that need to be fixed. Use the information in the message to correct the inconsistency, and then run the consistency check again.
  • Consistency warning messages indicate conditions that may or may not be errors, depending upon the intent of the Siebel Analytics Server administrator. For example, a warning message about a disabled join may be the result of the administrator intentionally disabling a join, such as eliminating a circular join condition.
  • Consistency informational messages provide information about conditions but do not indicate an inconsistency. The following is an example of an informational message:

    Fact table does not contain logical key.

To check the consistency of a repository

  1. In the Administration Tool, select File > Check Global Consistency.

    An informational message will alert you if the repository is consistent.

    If the repository is not consistent, a more detailed message will display that contains information about the nature of the inconsistency. For example, if you created a business model that does not have a corresponding presentation catalog, a message will alert you and you will be prompted to create one.

  2. Edit the repository to correct any inconsistencies and run the consistency check again.

To check the consistency of a business model within a repository

  1. Select a business model and right-click to open the shortcut menu.
  2. Select the option Check Consistency.

    An informational message will alert you if the subject area is consistent.

    If the business model is not consistent, a more detailed message appears that contains information about the nature of the inconsistency. For example, if you created a business model that does not have a corresponding presentation catalog, a message will alert you and you will be prompted to create one.

  3. Edit the business model to correct any inconsistencies and run the consistency check again.
Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide