Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Query Caching in Siebel Analytics Server >

About the Analytics Server Query Cache

The Siebel Analytics Server stores metadata about each stored query result. It uses the cache metadata to evaluate whether new queries can use results already stored in cache. If a query does qualify to use results stored in the cache, it is called a cache hit. The Analytics Server can use cache to answer queries at the same level or at a higher level of aggregation.

The parameters to control query caching are located in the NQSConfig.INI file described in Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide.

NOTE:  For information about how to use Siebel Delivers to seed the Siebel Analytics Server Cache, please see Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide.

Advantages of Caching

The fastest way to process a query is to skip the bulk of the processing and use a precomputed answer.

Aggregate tables are examples of precomputed answers. Aggregate tables contain precalculated results for a particular aggregation level. For example, an aggregate table might store sales results for each product by month, when the granularity of detail for the database is at the day level. To create this aggregate table, a process (often a query) computes the results and then stores them in a table in the database.

With query caching, the Siebel Analytics Server stores the precomputed results of queries in a local cache. If another query can use those results, all database processing for that query is eliminated. This can result in dramatic improvements in the average query response time.

In addition to improving performance, being able to answer a query from a local cache conserves network resources and processing time on the database server. Network resources are conserved because the intermediate results do not have to come over the network to the Siebel Analytics Server. Not running the query on the database frees the database server to do other work. If the database uses a charge back system, it could save money in the budget as well.

Another benefit of using the cache to answer a query is savings in processing time on the Siebel Analytics Server, especially if the query results are retrieved from multiple databases. Depending on the query, there might be considerable join and sort processing in the server. If the query is already calculated, this processing is avoided, freeing server resources for other tasks.

To summarize, query caching has the following advantages:

  • Dramatic improvement of query performance.
  • Less network traffic.
  • Reduction in database processing and charge back.
  • Reduction in Siebel Analytics Server processing overhead.

Security Enforced

Query caching enforces all security attributes that are set in the system. If a query is cached from a user whose configuration specifies database-specific logon IDs, the cache entry is only valid for that user. Similarly, if a query is cached, only users who have privileges to ask the query can read the query from the cache. For more information about security, see Security in Siebel Analytics.

Costs of Caching

Query caching has many obvious benefits, but also certain costs:

  • Disk space for the cache
  • Administrative costs of managing the cache
  • Potential for cached results being stale
  • Minor CPU and disk I/O on server machine

With proper cache management, the benefits will far outweigh the costs.

Disk Space

The query cache requires dedicated disk space. How much space depends on the query volume, the size of the query result sets, and how much disk space you choose to allocate to the cache. For performance purposes, a disk should be used exclusively for caching, and it should be a high performance, high reliability type of disk system.

Administrative Tasks

There are a few administrative tasks associated with caching. You need to set the cache persistence time for each physical table appropriately, knowing how often data in that table is updated. When the frequency of the update varies, you need to keep track of when changes occur and purge the cache manually when necessary. You can also create a cache event polling table and modify applications to update the polling table when changes to the databases occur, making the system event-driven.

The Analytics Server also provides ODBC-extension functions for purging cache entries programmatically. You can write your own scripts to call these functions at the appropriate times.

Keeping the Cache Up To Date

If the cache entries are not purged when the data in the underlying databases changes, queries can potentially return results that are out of date. You need to evaluate whether this is acceptable. It might be acceptable to allow the cache to contain some stale data. You need to decide what level of stale data is acceptable and then set up (and follow) a set of rules to reflect those levels.

For example, suppose your application analyzes corporate data from a large conglomerate, and you are performing yearly summaries of the different divisions in the company. New data is not going to materially affect your queries because the new data will only affect next year's summaries. In this case, the tradeoffs for deciding whether to purge the cache might favor leaving the entries in the cache.

Suppose, however, that your databases are updated three times a day and you are performing queries on the current day's activities. In this case, you will need to purge the cache much more often, or perhaps consider not using it at all.

Another scenario is that you rebuild your data mart from scratch at periodic intervals (for example, once per week). In this example, you can purge the entire cache as part of the process of rebuilding the data mart, making sure that you never have stale data in the cache.

Whatever your situation, you need to evaluate what is acceptable as far as having noncurrent information returned to the users.

CPU Usage and Disk I/O

Although in most cases it is very minor, query caching does require a small amount of CPU time and adds to the disk I/O. In most cases, the CPU usage is insignificant, but the disk I/O might be noticeable, particularly if queries return large data sets.

Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide