Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Creating and Administering the Physical Layer in a Repository > Setting up Connection Pools >

Setting Up Additional Connection Pool Properties for an XML Data Source

Use the XML tab of the Connection Pool dialog box to set additional properties for an XML data source.

CAUTION:  The XML tab of the Connection Pool dialog box provides the same functionality as the XML tab of the Physical Table dialog box. However, when you set the properties in the XML tab of the Physical Table dialog box you will override the corresponding settings in the Connection Pool dialog box.

To set up connection pool properties for an XML data source

  1. Right-click the XML database, select New Object, and then select Connection Pool.
  2. In the Connection Pool dialog box, click the XML tab.
  3. Complete the fields, using Table 12 as a guide.
Table 12.  XML Connection Pool Properties

Maximum connections

Default is 10.

Query input supplements

Header file/Trailer file

Used for XML Server data source.

Query output format

XML is the only choice for an XML data source. Other choices are available for an XML Server data source.

Search script

Used for XML Server data source.

URL loading time out

Time-out interval for queries. The default is 15 minutes.

If you specified a URL to access the data source, set the URL loading time-out as follows:

  • Select a value from the drop-down list (Infinite, Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds).
  • Specify a whole number as the numeric portion of the of the interval.

URL refresh interval

The refresh interval for XML data sources is analogous to setting cache persistence for database tables. The URL refresh interval is the time interval after which the XML data source is to be re-queried directly rather than using results in cache. The default setting is infinite, meaning the XML data source will never be refreshed.

If you specified a URL to access the data source, set the URL refresh interval.

  • Select a value from the drop-down list (Infinite, Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds).
  • Specify a whole number as the numeric portion of the interval.

XPath expression

An XPath expression is a simple XSLT transformation rule that fits into one line. It is not essential, given the support of XSLT, but it is supported for convenience. A sample entry might be */BOOK[not(PRICE>'200')].

XSLT file

An XSLT file contains formatting rules written according to the XSLT standard. It defines how an XML file may be transformed. The current implementation of the XML gateway does not support all XML files, only those that resemble a tabular form, with repeating second level elements. To increase the versatility of the XML gateway, customers can specify an XSLT file to preprocess an XML file to a form that the Analytics Server supports. Specifying the XSLT file in the connection pool will apply it to all the XML physical tables in the connection pool. You can also specify an XSLT file on a per-table basis on the XML tab of the Physical Table object, which overrides what was specified in the connection pool.

To specify query output format settings

  1. (Optional) For an XSLT file, type the path to and name of the XSLT file in the XSLT File field, or use the Browse button.
  2. (Optional) For an XPath expression, type the XPath expression in the XPath Expression field, for example, //XML, or use the Browse button.
Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide