Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Security in Siebel Analytics > Analytics Security Manager >

Working with Users

User accounts can be defined explicitly in a Siebel Analytics Server repository or in an external source (such as a database table or an LDAP server). However user accounts are defined, users need to be authenticated by the Siebel Analytics Server for a session to take place, unless the Siebel Analytics Server administrator has configured the system to bypass Siebel Analytics Server security. (See Bypassing Siebel Analytics Server Security for details.)

Users defined explicitly in a repository can access business models in that repository, but they cannot span repositories.

The Siebel Analytics Server Administrator user account is created automatically when a repository is created and cannot be deleted. For more information on the Administrator user account, see Siebel Analytics Server Administrator Account.

This section includes the following topics:

Adding a New User to a Repository

Use this procedure to add a new user to a repository.

To add a new user to a repository

  1. Open a repository in the Administration Tool.
  2. Display the security manager by selecting Manage > Security.
  3. Select Action > New > User to open the User dialog box.
  4. Type a name and password for the user.
  5. If you want to log queries for this user in the query log, change the query logging level to 1 or 2. (See Setting a Logging Level for more information on query logging.)
  6. Click OK.

    This creates a new user with no rights granted to it.

  7. To modify the user's permissions, open the User dialog by double-clicking on the user icon you want to modify. If you click Permissions, you can change permissions for multiple columns.
  8. Specify the password expiration option.
    • If the user's password should never expire, select the option Password Never Expires.
    • If you want the user's password to expire, use the Days drop-down list to select the number of days to elapse before the user's password will expire. The maximum interval is 365 days.

      When the specified number of days passes after the password is created or changed, the password expires and must be changed.

  9. You can grant rights to the user individually, through groups, or a combination of the two. To grant membership in a group, check as many groups as you want the user to be a part of in the Group Membership portion of the dialog box.
  10. To specify specific database logon IDs for one or more databases, type the appropriate user IDs and passwords for the user in the Logons tab of the User dialog box.

    NOTE:  If a user specifies database-specific logon IDs in the DSN used to connect to the Siebel Analytics Server, the logon IDs in the DSN are used if the Siebel Analytics Server administrator has configured a connection pool with no default database-specific logon ID and password. For information about configuring the connection pools to support database-specific logon IDs, see Creating or Changing Connection Pools.

  11. Set up any query permissions for the user. For information, see Managing Query Execution Privileges.

Siebel Analytics Server Administrator Account

The Siebel Analytics Server Administrator account (user ID of Administrator) is a default user account in every Siebel Analytics Server repository. This is a permanent account. It cannot be deleted or modified other than to change the password and logging level. It is designed to perform all administrative tasks in a repository, such as importing physical schemas, creating business models, and creating users and groups.

NOTE:  The Siebel Analytics Server Administrator account is not the same as the Windows NT and Windows 2000 Administrator account. The administrative privileges granted to this account function only within the Siebel Analytics Server environment.

When you create a new repository, the Administrator account is created automatically and has no password assigned to it. You should assign a password for the Administrator account as soon as you create the repository. The Administrator account created during the installation of the Siebel Analytics repository, that is, the repository shipped with Siebel Analytics, has the default password SADMIN.

The Administrator account belongs to the Administrators group by default and cannot be deleted from it. The person logged on using the Administrator user ID or any member of the Administrators group has permissions to change anything in the repository. Any query issued from the Administrator account has complete access to the data; no restrictions apply to any objects.

NOTE:  You can set the minimum length for passwords in the NQSConfig.ini file using the MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH setting.

Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide