Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Administration Tool Basics >

Analytics Administration Tool User Interface Components

This section includes a description of the following interface components:

Main Window in the Administration Tool

The main window of the Administration Tool is a graphical representation of the following three parts of a repository:

  • Physical layer. Represents the physical structure of the data sources to which the Siebel Analytics Server submits queries. This layer is displayed in the right pane of the Administration Tool.
  • Business Model and Mapping layer. Represents the logical structure of the information in the repository. It shows the business models, which contain logical columns arranged in logical tables, logical joins, and dimensional hierarchy definitions. This layer also contains the mappings from the logical columns to the source data in the Physical layer. It is displayed in the middle pane of the Administration Tool.
  • Presentation layer. Represents the presentation structure of the repository. This layer allows you to present a view different from the Business Model and Mapping layer to users. It is displayed in the left pane of the Administration Tool.

Figure 9 shows the three layers of a repository, as described in the preceding list.

Figure 9.  Example Administration Tool Main Window
Click for full size image

Menus in the Administration Tool

The Administration Tool includes the following menus:


The File menu contains options to work with repositories as well as several server-related options that are active when a repository is open in online mode. Before you open a repository, the File menu has fewer commands available.


The Edit menu options allow you to edit a repository and work with join conditions, security settings, and repository variables.


The View menu options toggle the view of specific metadata panes, give you access to the Join diagrams, and refresh the repository view.


The Manage menu allows you to access the management functions described in Table 3.

Table 3.  Manage Menu Functions
Menu Option


This option is available when a repository is opened in online mode. It opens the Job Manager window, which is the management interface to Siebel Analytics Scheduler.


This option is available when a repository is opened in online mode. It opens the Session Manager, which you can use to monitor activity on the system, including the current values of repository and session variables.


This option is available when a repository is opened in online mode and caching is enabled. It opens the Cache Manager window, which allows you to monitor and manage the cache.


This option is available when the Siebel Analytics Cluster Server feature is installed. It opens the Cluster Manager window, which you can use to monitor and manage the operations and activities of the cluster.


This option opens the Security Manager, which displays security information for a repository and provides a central location for security configuration and management.


This option opens the Joins Manager, where you can work with physical and logical joins.


This option opens the Variables Manager window, which you can use to create, edit or delete variables.


Opens the Project Manager window in which you can create, edit, or remove projects or project elements. Project elements include presentation catalogs, logical fact tables, groups, users, variables, and initialization blocks. You use projects during multiuser development. For more information, see Setting up an Analytics Multiuser Development Environment.


The Tools menu options allow you to set options for the Administration Tool, access the Time Series Wizard, and work with various management functions.


The Window menu options allow you to cascade or tile open layer windows and toggle between them.


The Help menu allows you to obtain the following information:

  • Help Topics. Access the online help system for the Administration Tool.
  • Siebel on Web. Access the Siebel Systems Web site.
  • About Administration Tool. Obtain information about the installed Administration Tool.
  • About Siebel Analytics Server. Obtain information about the installed Siebel Analytics Server.

Toolbar in the Administration Tool

The toolbar provides access to functions that you use frequently.

To toggle the toolbar on and off

  • Select Tools > Options > Show Toolbar.

To dock the toolbar

  • Place your cursor on the double bars to the left of the toolbar, and then click and drag to where you want to place the toolbar.

Keyboard Shortcuts in the Administration Tool

Table 4 presents the keyboard shortcuts you can use in the Administration Tool to perform frequent tasks.

Table 4.  Keyboard Shortcuts



Open > Offline

Open > Online





















Query Repository


Icons and Symbols in the Administration Tool

Table 5 presents the icons and symbols used in the Administration Tool with an explanation of what each represents.

Table 5.  Icons and Symbols
Icon or Symbol
What It Represents

A database in the physical layer and in the Logons tab of the User dialog box. Identifies a database for which you can specify a user ID and a password for the Siebel Analytics Server to use.

A user database sign-on which is a hidden object visible only in the Query Repository dialog box.

A connection pool in the physical layer.

A collapsed catalog folder in the Physical layer; a collapsed business model in the Presentation and Business Model and Mapping layers; and a collapsed sources folder within the logical table.

An expanded catalog folder in the physical layer; an expanded business model in the Presentation and Business Model and Mapping layers.

A collapsed schema folder in the physical layer.

An expanded schema folder in the physical layer.

A physical table in the physical layer, and a logical table in the Presentation and Business Model and Mapping layers.

A physical cube table in the physical layer.

A table registered as a Siebel event polling table.

A logical table source in the Business Model and Mapping layer.

An alias table.

An object that is a stored procedure call, as specified by the Object Type option in the General tab of the Physical Table dialog box.

An object that has a Select (view) object type.

A key for a physical or logical table.

A foreign key for a physical or logical table in the Joins Manager.

A physical or logical complex join in the Joins Manager.

A dimension in the Business Model and Mapping layer.

A level in the Business Model and Mapping layer.

A level in the Business Model and Mapping layer in which a level key contains one or more columns from another level.

A physical or logical column.

A logical column with an aggregation rule.

A derived logical column.

A physical cube column from a multidimensional data source. This icon represents columns that are not measures.

A physical cube column from a multidimensional data source. This icon represents columns that are measures.

An invalid item. For example, a column may be invalid, if it has no physical mapping.

A collapsed business model in the Business Model and Mapping layer that is not available for queries.

An expanded business model in the Business Model and Mapping layer that is not available for queries.

An item that contains an attribute definition.

Overlays other symbols to indicate a new item that has not been checked in (appears in online mode only). For example, this icon would appear on top of an alias table icon to indicate an alias table is new.

A system DSN ODBC entry. Appears in the Import dialog box.

A measure definition.

A user.

A security group.

An LDAP server.

A group hierarchy.

All users.

Overlays other icons to indicate an object that is checked out. For example, this icon would appear on top of a table icon to indicate that the table has been checked out.

A static repository variable.

A dynamic repository variable.

A system session variable.

A nonsystem session variable.

An initialization block.

A group association (appears only in the results display of the Query Repository dialog box).

A level-to-level relationship (appears only in the results display of the Query Repository dialog box).

A type privilege (appears only in the results display of the Query Repository dialog box).

A query privilege (appears only in the results display of the Query Repository dialog box).

A privilege package (appears only in the results display of the Query Repository dialog box).

An object privilege (appears only in the results display of the Query Repository dialog box).

Overlays other icons to indicate an object that has been cut. Appears with other symbols, for example, to indicate that a cut item is an alias table.

Online Help in the Administration Tool

Most windows and dialog boxes have online help containing information to help you complete a task. To access a help file, click the help buttons in a window or dialog box.

Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide