Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Setting Up Aggregate Navigation >

Create Dimension Sources for Each Level of Aggregated Fact Data

In addition to creating the source for the aggregate fact table, you should create corresponding logical dimension table sources at the same levels of aggregation.

Using the example of a monthly sales table containing a precomputed sum of the revenue for each product in each store during each month, you need to have three other sources—one for each of the logical dimension tables referenced in the example:

  • A source for the Product logical table with the following content specification:

    By logical level: ProductDimension.ProductLevel


    By column: Product.Product_Name

  • A source for the Store logical table with the following content specification:

    By logical level: StoreDimension.StoreLevel


    By column: Store.Store_Name

  • A source for the Time logical table with the following content specification:

    By logical level: TimeDimension.MonthLevel


    By column: Time.Month

    NOTE:  If the sources at each level already exist, you do not need to create new ones. You need to have at least one source at each level referenced in the aggregate content specification.

Although you have a choice to specify aggregate content by logical level or column, it is recommended that you use logical levels exclusively.

This source content information tells the Siebel Analytics Server what it needs to know to send queries to the appropriate physical aggregate fact tables, joined to and constrained by values in the appropriate physical aggregate dimension tables. Be sure that joins exist between the aggregate fact tables and the aggregate dimension tables in the Physical layer.

One recommended way to accomplish this is to select an aggregate fact table source and the corresponding aggregate dimension table source and show the physical diagram (selected tables only). Verify there is a join from the tables in the logical dimension table source to the tables in the logical fact table source.

Creating Sources for Each Logical Table

Use this procedure to create sources for logical tables.

To create the sources for each logical table

  1. In the Business Model and Mapping layer of the Administration Tool, select the Sources folder under the logical table and select New Logical Table Source from the right-click menu.
  2. In the General tab of the Logical Table Source window, type a name for the source.
  3. Click Add to select the physical tables that populate the source.

    For example, if the Product_Name column comes from a physical table in a database named OrderEntry, navigate to that table in the Browse window, select the table and click Select. This adds the table to the Logical Table Source window.

  4. Map any columns in the logical to physical mapping area of the window.

    Any physical columns with the same names as the logical columns are mapped automatically.

  5. In the Content tab of the Logical Table Source window, describe the content specification of the source.
  6. Set any necessary WHERE clause constraints.
  7. Repeat this process.
Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide