Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing Siebel Analytics Software in the UNIX Environment > Installing Siebel Analytics Web Components >

Installing on Sun ONE Web Server on Solaris

Siebel Analytics Web requires that the servlet container be configured to use Sun JDK/JRE version 1.3.1_01 or higher. Change settings using the administration console in the Web Server Administration Server.

NOTE:  You need a user name and password in order to access the Sun ONE Web Server Administration Server. In addition, depending upon how Sun ONE is installed, you may also need root access. Refer to Sun ONE documentation for additional details.

To create a new virtual server on Sun ONE

  1. Navigate to the Sun ONE Web Server Administration Server >Global Settings tab.
  2. Click for full size image

  3. Create a new virtual server. Assign the Server Name field a value that can be accessed through DNS.
  4. In most cases, the default value may be accepted. Change this value only if you are sure that the name you typed in is a valid name that can be translated to a network address through DNS.

  5. In the Server Port field, assign the port number you wish the Web server process to listen on.
  6. Assign the Server Identifier field a value that helps an administrator to identify the purpose of a particular virtual server.
  7. Set the Server User field to sa, because you want the Web server process to run under this user's credentials. Default values may be accepted for all other fields.

When you create a new virtual server, the Sun ONE Web Server Administration Server creates a new directory for this server, typically named https-ServerIdentifier, where ServerIdentifier is the value you entered in the similarly-named field when you created the virtual server. This directory contains an XML file named web-apps.xml. This file must be edited.

To edit the web-apps.xml file

  1. Locate this directory. For example:
  2. /usr/local/iplanet6sp1/servers/https-saw

  3. Locate the file web-apps.xml in the config subdirectory of your virtual server's directory (for example, /usr/local/iplanet6sp1/servers/https-saw/config/Web-apps.xml).
  4. In this file, add the following line between the <vs> and </vs> tags:
  5. <web-app uri="/analytics" dir="INSTALLDIR/Web/Servlet"/>

    Make sure that XML syntax is strictly followed when editing this file. Any XML syntax errors may result in your virtual server failing to start. The modified file should resemble the following:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE vs PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.; iPlanet//DTD Virtual Server Web Applications 6.0//EN" "http://">


    <web-app uri="/analytics" dir="INSTALLDIR/Web/Servlet"/>


  6. Replace INSTALLDIR with the complete path to the Analytics installation directory.
  7. Copy the file INSTALLDIR/setup/ to your virtual server's directory (for example:
  8. /usr/local/iplanet6sp1/servers/https-saw/

    Set the executable bit for this file.

  9. If you started the virtual server at any point during the installation procedure, you must now stop it by using the administration console or the stop script present in your virtual server directory.
  10. NOTE:  To start up the server with Siebel Analytics Web environment settings, the server must be started from the command line script The server should be stopped using the stop script in the virtual server's directory.

After installing the Sun ONE Web server, test the Siebel Analytics Web server.

To test the Sun ONE Web server installation

Make sure that you are logged in as the user that all Siebel Analytics processes are supposed to run under, in this case, sa.

  1. Switch to the virtual server's directory and execute the following command:
  2. ./

    Make sure that you have navigated to the virtual server's directory before executing the above command. For example, if your current directory is /export/home/sa and you execute the following command, the Analytics Web server will not start correctly:


  3. Open a Web browser and attempt to browse to the location where you have installed Analytics Web. In the example, the URL would be:

    If you see a login page you have successfully installed Siebel Analytics Web.

    NOTE:  Siebel Analytics Web requires that the stack size for any worker threads on which it runs requests be at least 1MB. The two settings that control stack size are StackSize and NativePoolStackSize.

    NOTE:  To start up the server with Siebel Analytics Web environment settings, the server may be stopped and restarted from the command line script

 Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. C 
 Published: 18 April 2003