Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing Siebel Analytics Software in the UNIX Environment > Installing Siebel Analytics Web Components >

Installing on Apache Tomcat 4.x Stand-Alone

Apache Tomcat may be configured to work in conjunction with the Apache HTTP Server. For the details of this process, refer to documentation for the Apache HTTP Server and Apache Tomcat software.

Siebel Analytics Web requires slightly different versions of the JDK/JRE on the various platforms on which it is supported. The versions required are:

NOTE:  Siebel Analytics Web has not been certified for all Java versions.

In the following procedure, Tomcat is installed at /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.

To install on Apache Tomcat (stand-alone)

  1. Modify the Tomcat startup script /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4/bin/ to run the Analytics Web initialization script located at INSTALLDIR/setup/
    1. Configure other environment variables as well. Insert the following lines:




    . INSTALLDIR/setup/

    1. Confirm that the beginning of your file resembles the following extract:

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # Start Script for the CATALINA Server
    # $Id:,v 2002/01/30 18:10:40 patl Exp $
    # --------------------------------------------------------




    . INSTALLDIR/setup/

    1. Replace INSTALLDIR with the full path to the directory where Siebel Analytics has been installed, and verify that CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME point to appropriate values for your configuration.
    2. NOTE:  A period precedes the path to the Siebel Analytics Web initialization script.

  2. Insert the following lines near the top of the Tomcat shutdown script, located at /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4/bin/
  3. CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4



    The beginning of your file should resemble the following extract:

    # ----------------------------------------------------
    # Stop script for the CATALINA Server
    # $Id:,v 2002/01/30 18:10:40 patl Exp $
    # -----------------------------------------------------




    NOTE:  The environment variables CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME are added here for convenience and are not required. However, they should be defined in your shell's environment before you attempt to start or stop Tomcat. Place them in the scripts for ease of use.

  4. Open the file /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4/conf/server.xml in a text editor. Locate the <Host> tag for the virtual host you wish Siebel Analytics Web to run under. A default installation of Tomcat 4.x has a single <Host> tag for the default host.
  5. Within this tag add the following element:
  6. <Context path="/analytics" docBase="INSTALLDIR/Web/Servlet"/>

    Replace INSTALLDIR with the full path to the directory where Siebel Analytics has been installed.

To test the Tomcat Web server installation

  1. Make sure that you are logged in as the user that all Analytics processes are supposed to run under, in this case, sa.
  2. Start the Tomcat server by executing the following command:
  3. /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4/bin/

  4. Open a Web browser and attempt to browse to the location where you have installed Analytics Web. In the example, the URL is:

    If you see a login page you have successfully installed Analytics Web.

    NOTE:  The port number (in the example procedure, 8080) is that on which a default installation of Tomcat 4.x listens. If your installation of Tomcat uses a different port, you need to change this value.

A Note on Dashboard Access from Siebel Analytics Applications

If you installed a Siebel Analytics application, the Siebel Analytics dashboards will be accessible only through the Siebel eBusiness application interface. Siebel Industry Applications Analytics Metadata describes the configuration necessary for the Siebel Analytics dashboards to be accessible from views in the Siebel eBusiness application.

To access the Analytics dashboard from outside the Siebel eBusiness application

  1. In the $INSTALL_DIR/SiebelAnalytics/Web/Servlet/Res/CustomMessages directory, look for the file named Siebel7Messages.xml.
  2. Remove the file from this directory.
  3. Restart the Web server.

 Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. C 
 Published: 18 April 2003