Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > Administering and Troubleshooting the Siebel Data Warehouse > Optional Customization Procedures >

Improving Performance of Full_Load_Siebel_DW

To improve the performance for the Full_Load, drop and recreate the query indexes. The query indexes that are used for analysis purposes can be dropped and recreated before and after the full load batch.

To drop the indexes before running the full load, use ODBCSQL utility and the file drop_query_indexes.sql found in the dwrep folder to drop the indexes. Usage:

c:\sea700\dwdb\bin\odbcsql /s [ODBCName] /u [TableOwnerName] /p [TableOwnerPassword] /l [LogFileName] /a /c "--" c:\sea700\dwdb\dwrep\drop_query_indexes.sql

where ODBCName is the ODBC Entry created for the Siebel Data Warehouse. Use the Siebel-provided ODBC drivers or native ODBC database drivers.

Table 8 lists the flags used in the odbcsql command.

Table 8.  odbcsql Flag Explanations
Turn on ODBC auto-commit for session
Specify string which begins a comment (at BOL)
Specify file to write error and status to
Specify user password to login to database
Specify ODBC source to use for database
Specify user name to login to database

To recreate indexes after completing the Full Load, use the ddlimp utility found in the \dwdb\bin folder.

The usage of ddlimp is shown in the following example:

c:\sea700\dwdb\bin\ddlimp /u [TableOwnerName] /p [TableOwnerPassword] /c [ODBCName] /G SSE_ROLE /f c:\sea700\dwdb\bin\dwrep\ddlsme.ctl /b [TableSpaceName] /x [IndexSpaceName]

where ODBCName is the ODBC Entry created for the Siebel Data Warehouse. Use the Siebel-provided ODBC drivers or native ODBC database drivers.

Table 9 lists the flags used in the ddlimp command.

Table 9.  ddlimp Flag Explanations
ODBC Data Source
Default Env Variable: SIEBEL_DATA_SOURCE
DDL Filename
Create and Merge Indexes
Default: Y
Grantee for Tables
Default Tablespace
Default Indexspace
16K Page Tablespace
32K Page Tablespace
SQL Filename
Log Filename
Default: ddlimp.log
UTF8 Database
Default: N
UCS2 Database
Default: N

This utility creates the indexes in a single tablespace as specified above.

 Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. C 
 Published: 18 April 2003