Siebel Marketing Guide > Campaign Plans and Campaigns > Working With Campaign Teams and Groups >

Setting Up Campaign Teams

Campaign teams are used by Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns. Campaign Teams are set up by assigning individual employees to a team that is associated with a campaign. Each employee position on the campaign team has access to the campaign in the Campaigns screen's My Campaigns list.

To set up a campaign team

  1. Use the step in the following list that applies to your product:
  2. Select the campaign plan or campaign and click the Team view tab.
  3. The creator selected record is automatically assigned as the primary member of the team. This position may be removed from the team as long as you specify a member of the team as the Primary.

  4. In the Team list, create a new record.
  5. Select employees from the Add Employees list, and click OK.
  6. Click in the Primary field to designate the primary team member.
  7. The default primary team member is the position that created the campaign.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003