A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W



activity plans, creating and using

about   1

activity plan and activities, associating to a campaign or program   1

activity plan template, creating   1

activity plan template, creating activities for   1

programs and campaigns, associating activity plans with   1

activity templates

activities, creating for   1

activity plan template, creating   1

actual expenses and revenue, about and fields   1


custom measure, applying to (procedure)   1

levels, list of   1

allocation functions, clearing   1

Allocation view

about and controls   1

campaign, allocating a segment to   1

segments, allocating (2 methods)   1

allocation, definition   1

analytic adapter

See also About Analytic Adapters

about and process   1

attribute families creating for   1

components, list of   1

customer hierarchy, sample mappings   1

fields, using for data retrieval   1

joins, about creating and examples   1

loading target groups, loading   1

mapping tables from the Siebel Marketing Repository Server, list of   1

new workflow process, setting up   1

target load completed successfully, verifying   1

workflow process, adding the analytic adapter data table to   1

analytic adapter tables, about   1

analytics server, mapping to the marketing server   1

Answer screen, using to select and create report criteria   1

Application Programming Interface (API) methods, about   1

assigned budget, about   1

Assignment Manager

assignment skill rules, about using   1

campaign contacts, automatically assigning owners to   1

multiple assignment skills, associating with a campaign   1

assignment skills, deleting   1


document to marketing plan   1

documents to programs and campaigns   1

email offers, adding to   1

eNewsletter offers, adding to   1

Web offers, adding to   1

attribute families, defining

See also Defining Attributes and Buckets

about and example   1

Attribute Families view, about using   1

attributes, adding to attribute families   1

creating attribute families   1

synchronizing new attributes with those in the data source's table, about   1

unclean data, trapping   1

user-defined attribute labels, about   1

user-defined attribute labels, creating (procedure)   1

user-defined attribute labels, example   1

user-defined attribute labels, guidelines for when to create new labels (table)   1

attribute family

See also Enabling Multistage Segmentation and Targeting Using Campaign History

Siebel Data Warehouse, guidelines for creating from   1

Siebel Database Campaign History, guidelines for creating from   1

attribute hierarchies, creating

See also Defining Attributes and Buckets

about and example   1

attribute levels in the hierarchy, specifying   1

automatic data retrieval, enabling   1

automatic data retrieval, workflow described   1

caution, about deleting an attribute hierarchy   1

creating an attribute hierarchy   1

data retrieval for field values, canceling   1

data retrieval task status, checking   1

resequencing levels   1

resynchronizing attributes and getting field values, using Data Retrieval   1

synchronizing with attributes and fields, about   1

attribute joins, about using   1


See also Creating Lists of Prospects Using Additional Attributes

internal list, adding using prospect attributes   1

list of prospects, about creating using attributes   1

list of prospects, creating using attributes (procedure)   1

wildcard searches, about performing for   1

wildcard searches, performing for (procedure)   1

attributes, defining

See also Defining Attributes and Buckets

attribute families, about and example   1

attribute hierarchies, about and example   1

attributes described   1

attributes, purposes of   1

buckets, about and example   1

audience for guide   1

automatic execution of programs

about scheduling   1

campaign workflow process, understanding   1

caution, scheduling concurrent program executions   1

schedule, deleting   1

schedule, editing   1

scheduling (procedure)   1


Average Opportunity Revenue Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1


campaign quota objective, assigning to   1

new awards, creating   1

Back to top


bidirectional join connection, about   1

bound measures

about   1

calculations, about using in   1

creating (procedure)   1

buckets, defining

See also Defining Bucket Values

about and example   1

buckets and range values, about designing and examples   1

building rollups for buckets, two methods   1

creating buckets   1

sequence of a value, changing   1

values for the bucket, creating   1

Back to top


cache joins

about   1

caching guidelines   1

calculations, about using in bound measures   1

call guides

call guide, creating   1

phone offers, creating for   1

Call Status Analysis chart, viewing   1

Call Status by Employee chart, viewing   1

Campaign Achievement chart

Siebel Campaigns, viewing in   1

Siebel Marketing, viewing in   1

steps before viewing   1

Campaign Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

campaign assignment skills, setting up

about   1

assignment skills and all its campaign skill items, deleting   1

campaign skill items, deleting   1

multiple assignment skills, associating with a campaign   1

skill items, associating with a skill   1

campaign charts

Call Status Analysis chart, viewing   1

Call Status by Employee chart, viewing   1

Campaign Achievement chart, steps before viewing   1

Campaign Achievements, viewing in Siebel Campaigns   1

Campaign Achievements, viewing in Siebel Marketing   1

Campaign Trend Analysis chart, viewing   1

Lead Quality Analysis by Campaign chart, viewing   1

Lead Quality by Response chart, viewing   1

Opportunity Revenue Analysis by Employee chart, viewing   1

Opportunity Revenue Analysis chart, viewing   1

Order Revenue Analysis chart, viewing   1

Trend Analysis by Employee chart, viewing   1

types of charts   1

campaign contacts, automatically assigning owners to   1

campaign data

importing   1

mapping fields   1

campaign elements, reviewing   1

campaign execution options, setting up

about setting up   1

campaign contacts, automatically assigning owners to   1

setting up (procedure)   1

Campaign Explorer

campaign elements, reviewing   1

concurrent marketing programs and campaigns, using to monitor   1

folder, adding items to   1

campaign groups

about   1

groups, adding to a campaign   1

Campaign History table

about and list of tables   1

campaign load table update rules (table)   1

contents of   1

campaign history, about   1

Campaign Launch workflow process, understanding   1

campaign load error   1

campaign load mappings

See also About Analytic Adapters

about   1

campaign load mapping, validating   1

campaign load table update rules (table)   1

Contact Key components, sample mappings (table)   1

creating campaign load mappings   1

integration components and fields, mapping   1

mapping rules for integration components (Marketing Contact)   1

mapping rules for integration components (Marketing Person)   1

marketing integration objects, about and diagram   1

marketing integration objects, used for campaign loading   1

marketing person integration component description (table)   1

Marketing Person integration object, creating a campaign load mapping using   1

Marketing Person integration object, mapping scenarios   1

Marketing Person Integration object, using   1

Siebel Contact and Campaign History tables, about and list of tables   1

Campaign Load workflow process, understanding   1

campaign plans

campaign plan costs, adding   1

campaign plan costs, types of costs described   1

Campaign Plans timeline, about   1

definition   1

campaign plans, setting up in Siebel Marketing

about   1

about and list of tasks   1

campaign plan, associating offers with   1

campaign plan, associating other entities with   1

campaign plan, creating in Program Explorer   1

campaign plan, creating in Program Flow   1

creating (procedure)   1

execution options, setting up   1

Siebel Marketing, about launching in   1

team, assigning to a campaign plan   1

campaign quotas, setting up

about and process   1

campaign quota plan, assigning participants   1

new awards, creating   1

quota objective values, editing   1

quota objective, assigning predefined awards to   1

quota plan, adding quota objectives to   1

quota plan, creating   1

campaign record, handling errors on   1

campaign results

campaign result inputs, refreshing values for   1

tracking under a forecast   1

campaign skills, defined   1

campaign teams, working with

about   1

campaign team, setting up   1

groups, adding to a campaign   1

Campaign Trend Analysis chart, viewing   1

campaign, definition   1



about   1

campaign record, handling errors on   1

campaign workflow process, understanding   1

contacts or prospects, adding to   1

documents, attaching to   1

execution history, about tracking   1

list, adding to a campaign   1

new campaign with offer, defining   1

note, determining which program is using inaccessible campaigns   1

occurrence, selecting an   1

opportunity, creating for   1

planning suggestions   1

predefined campaigns with associated offers, adding   1

Campaigns Opportunity, using to promote a prospect   1

campaigns, launching

See also Using the Schedule Calendar View

campaign launch status, monitoring   1

email campaign scenarios   1

email campaign, monitoring the status of   1

email campaign, stopping, resuming, or restarting   1

manually launching campaigns (procedure)   1

manually launching campaigns, prerequisites   1

marketing program, launching   1

task log, viewing   1

types of campaigns   1

Universal Email Delivery, about support for   1

campaigns, setting up

See also Working With Campaign Contacts and Prospects

new campaign, creating   1

offer, associating with a campaign   1

SmartScript, setting up   1

subcampaign, setting up   1


Average Opportunity Revenue Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Call Status Analysis chart, viewing   1

Call Status by Employee chart, viewing   1

Campaign Achievement chart, steps before viewing   1

Campaign Achievements, viewing in Siebel Campaigns   1

Campaign Achievements, viewing in Siebel Marketing   1

Campaign Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

campaign charts, about   1

Campaign Trend Analysis chart, viewing   1

Lead Quality Analysis by Campaign chart, viewing   1

Lead Quality by Analysis chart, viewing   1

Offer Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Offer Type Analysis (Response) by Campaign chart, viewing   1

Offer Type Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Opportunity Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Opportunity Revenue Analysis by Employee chart, viewing   1

Opportunity Revenue Analysis chart, viewing   1

Order Revenue Analysis chart, viewing   1

response charts, about viewing in Siebel Campaigns   1

response charts, accessing (procedure)   1

Revenue Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Trend Analysis by Employee chart, viewing   1

child joins, about and unidirectional and bidirectional joins   1

communication server requests, configuring   1

component groups

enabling   1

group status, determining   1

group status, locating and verifying   1

synchronizing   1

contact information, working with

contact and prospects, viewing in Siebel Campaigns   1

contacts and prospects, viewing   1

imported or internal list, about associating with campaign   1

lists of contact information, types of   1

prospects or contacts, adding to a campaign   1

prospects or contacts, associating with a campaign   1

prospects or contacts, reviewing the request to associate   1

contact lists, viewing from   1


See also Creating Output File Layouts

data matching and data cleansing   1

definition   1

removing from a list   1

Contacts List view, using to view contact information   1

cost parameter, about using and procedure   1

counts, updating   1

custom measures

See also Creating Bound Measures

See also Creating Source Code Formats

about   1

aggregation and restrictions, about   1

aggregation levels, list of   1

aggregation, applying to (procedure)   1

building expressions, about and logical functions (table)   1

creating (procedure)   1

deleting all or portion of expression   1

editing (procedure)   1

expressions (table)   1

expressions, adding to   1

mathematical expressions (table)   1

restrictions (table)   1

restrictions, applying to   1

customer hierarchies

See also About Customer Hierarchies

about and example   1

designing customer hierarchies and levels, about and process   1

viewing details associated with source code format   1

customer hierarchies, creating

See also Creating Customer Hierarchies and Adding Targeting Levels

about and example   1

creating (procedure)   1

targeting levels, adding to a customer hierarchy   1

customer hierarchies, mapping tables to

See also Understanding Joins

guidelines   1

mapping tables and targeting levels, about   1

new table, about mapping to customer hierarchies   1

sample customer hierarchy design (table)   1

targeting level, mapping tables and fields to   1

customer hierarchy aggregation level, about   1

Back to top


D&B lists, about   1

D&B, integrating list management with

about   1

account data, viewing for D&B prospect   1

D&B prospect, promoting   1

data mapping

field, maintaining after data mapping   1

new fields, adding after   1

data quality settings, verifying   1

data retrieval

about   1

automatic data retrieval, about setting up   1

automatic data retrieval, enabling   1

automatic data retrieval, workflow described   1

data retrieval for field values, canceling   1

data retrieval task status, checking   1

Enable Data Retrieval function, about using to general list of distinct values   1

resynchronizing attributes and getting field values, using to   1

data source

new server definition, adding for   1

data source names, defining   1

date measure criteria, creating   1

Decision Broker business service, configuring


about using   1

example, invoking business service using Siebel eScript   1

example, invoking business service using Siebel VB script   1

example, invoking Decision Broker using Personalization   1

example, using workflow to invoke a business service   1

prerequisites to configuring   1

testing campaigns with My Offer view   1

Decision Manager

See also Setting Up Real-Time Marketing With Siebel Analytics

about using   1

Decision Wizard, using to create a decision   1

decisions, creating and testing

See also Configuring the Decision Broker Business Service—Advanced

about   1

decision record, creating (procedure)   1

Decision Wizard, using to create a decision   1

deleting a decision   1

score, example of a decision that produces   1

testing a decision, about   1

testing a decision, ways to and procedure   1

decisions, retrieving information from Decision Broker

See also Configuring the Decision Broker Business Service—Advanced

about   1

example, invoking business service using Siebel eScript   1

example, invoking business service using Siebel VB script   1

example, invoking Decision Broker using Personalization   1

example, using workflow to invoke a business service   1

prerequisites to configuring   1

testing campaigns with My Offer view   1


assignment skills   1

snapshot   1

Delivery Profiles

about   1

delivery profile, creating   1

offer, associating with   1

direct campaigns, targeted at   1

direct mail offers, about and Direct Mail Offer view   1


distribution list, generating

exported lists, viewing   1

generating a list   1

lists that will be split by measure, previewing   1

load campaign workflow process, understanding   1

note, previewing not working   1

previewing (procedure)   1

previewing, about   1

sample list example   1

server task, checking status of   1

waves, distribution lists, and list previews   1

distribution method, vendor task   1

distribution profiles

vendor task, described   1

vendors, defining for   1

Do you have another offer? applet, about   1


marketing plan, attaching to   1

programs and campaigns, attaching to   1

Downloads applet, about   1

drag-and-drop, about Program Flow Designer   1


Back to top


EIM_PRSP_CON interface table, deleting records in list   1


campaign scenarios   1

campaign, testing   1

campaigns, stopping, resuming, or restarting   1

offers, sending   1

Siebel eMail Response, about configuring to capture email responses   1

Universal Email Delivery, about support for   1

email offers

See also Associating a Template With an Email Offer

about and Email Offers view   1

attachments, adding to email offers   1

offer template, associating with   1

offer template, associating with an email offer   1

protocols supported   1

eMarketing, setting up and using

about   1

home page, accessing by visitors   1

Information page, about and applets   1

installing, applications to install before eMarketing   1

Offers pages, using and configurable applets   1

Product Detail view, about using   1

Request a Call view, about using and accessing   1

responsibilities and users, setting up default   1

Send Product Information view, about using and accessing   1

Siebel Personalization, using with eMarketing   1

unstructured content, additional   1

user access, tasks to control user access   1

user interface, customizing   1

Web site visitor, about   1

Web site, about   1

Web Survey view, about using   1


Call Status Analysis by Employee chart, viewing   1

Opportunity Revenue Analysis chart, viewing   1

Trend Analysis by Employee chart, viewing   1

Enable Data Retrieval function, using to generate list of distinct values   1

eNewsletter offers, creating and editing

See also Delivery Profiles See also Using Delivery Profiles - Email, eNewsletter, and Fax

about and eNewsletter Offer view tabs   1

attachments, adding to eNewsletter offers   1

creating eNewsletter offers   1

eNewsletter rules, creating   1

eNewsletter rules, creating conditions for the rule   1

eNewsletter sections, about adding   1

eNewsletter sections, about editing   1

eNewsletter sections, resequencing   1

eNewsletter sections. adding and applying rules   1

multiple templates, adjusting to MIME Alternative standard   1


campaign record, handling   1

field name retrieval, troubleshooting during   1

Internal Communication protocol error message   1

Even % for All Campaigns allocation method   1

Even % for Unallocated Campaigns allocation method   1


offers, about how links appear in an offer   1

offers. about associating with   1

offers. associating with (procedure)   1

Exclusion box, removing expressions from   1

exported lists, viewing   1


custom measure, adding to   1

deleting all or portion of   1

virtual field, using expressions to create   1

External Keys table (S_DD_USER_KEY), about   1

external lists, about   1

external lists, importing and managing

See also Importing and Managing External Lists

about   1

campaign and response data, importing   1

campaign and response fields, mapping   1

database columns in the prospect table, mapping list columns to   1

existing List Import Format, applying to your list   1

fields, mapping to when importing a lists   1

import mode, selecting (procedure)   1

import request, tracking the status of   1

import status and error messages, understanding   1

importing an external list, creating a record   1

importing external lists, format and tasks performed   1

List Import Format, about editing the settings   1

List Import Format, about using   1

List Import mode, selecting   1

list import request, launching   1

list records, maintaining attributes for   1

log file, viewing for an import task   1

mapping fields when importing, about   1

server components and tasks, verifying status of   1

extractor, analytic adapter component   1

Back to top


fax offers

See also Using Delivery Profiles - Email, eNewsletter, and Fax

about and Fax Offer view   1

offer template, associating with fax offer   1

sending   1

Featured Offers applet, about   1

fields, working with

automatic data retrieval, about setting up   1

field names, about retrieving during data mapping   1

field names, troubleshooting during retrieval   1

field values, data retrieval   1

fields, maintaining after data mapping   1

mapping a character field to a numeric field   1

new fields, adding after data mapping   1

virtual fields, creating using expressions   1

wildcard search, performing for (procedure)   1

wildcard searches, about performing for   1

filter and segment criteria, defining

See also About Visual Segmentation

about   1

business scenario   1

filter expressions, about selecting available values   1

filter expressions, building (procedure)   1

filter expressions, removing   1

filter expressions, using Or in an expression   1

filter records, creating (procedure)   1

filters, defined and displaying   1

segment information, building   1


See also Sorting and Filtering By Scores Using Decision Broker

creating (procedure)   1

criteria, about defining   1

criteria, building (procedure)   1

defined and displaying   1

definition   1

expression, using OR in an expression   1

expressions, removing   1

offer list, using profile information to filter dynamically   1

fixed costs, about   1

forecast allocation

See also Allocating Segment Counts to Campaigns

about using   1

counts, updating and Clear Allocation functions   1

Forecast Mode, using for allocation   1

forecast expenses and revenues, about and field (table)   1

forecast, definition   1

Forecast's Predicted Results form fields (table)   1

forecasting for campaigns

See also Creating and Using Activity Plans

about   1

campaign plan costs, adding   1

campaign plan costs, entering   1

campaign results under a forecast, tracking   1

creating forecasts   1

Forecast's Predicted Results form fields (table)   1

list inputs, using assumptions based on   1

per sale consumptions, adding revenue or contributions   1

segment input, adding   1

frames, implementing eMarketing without frames   1

fund request

marketing plan, associating with   1

marketing plan, viewing request associated with   1

Back to top


global deployment, eMarketing   1

Globalization Rules

offers, applying to   1

Gross count, allocating segments   1


audience for   1

organization of   1

Back to top


history, ways to find status history   1


editor, using to edit the offer template   1

frames, implementing eMarketing without frames   1

Back to top


IBM DB2, verifying database Page Size parameter   1

import request, tracking the status of   1

imported lists

campaign, about associating with   1

importing a list

mapping fields when importing   1

inbound costs, about   1

inbound offers, Real-Time Marketing Offer fields (table)   1

Inclusion box, removing expressions from   1

incoming data, validating the structure of   1

IncrementDisplayCount ( ), about and parameters   1

indirect campaigns, targeted at   1

Information applet, about   1

initializing Siebel Marketing

data source names, defining   1

initializing Siebel marketing

See also Siebel Marketing Initialization Checklist

component groups, enabling   1

component groups, synchronizing   1

database Page Size parameter, verifying for DB2   1

initialization checklist   1

Marketing Repository server definition, creating   1

marketing server components, about setting up and list of (table)   1

multistage programs, initializing   1

opportunities and orders, enabling automatic response   1

Siebel Server process, restarting using Microsoft Windows   1

User Name parameter, verifying create table privileges for   1

Wave Batch Size parameter, configuring   1

workflow processes, activating   1

Input Summary form, using   1

integration components

about   1

campaign load mapping, validating   1

mapping integration components and fields   1

mapping rules (Marketing Contact)   1

mapping rules (Marketing Person)   1

Marketing Person integration object, creating a campaign load mapping using   1

Marketing Person integration object, mapping scenarios   1

internal lists

about   1

campaign, about associating with   1

internal lists, creating and managing

See also Promoting Prospects

about and list of tasks   1

contacts or prospects, adding to an internal list   1

creating internal lists, about   1

internal list, adding using prospect attributes   1

internal lists of contacts or prospects, creating   1

lists of prospects, about creating using attributes   1

lists of prospects, creating using attributes (procedure)   1

Internet SMTP/POP3 communications driver, about using for inbound and outbound communications   1

Back to top


joining tables and fields

See also Guidelines for Customer Hierarchies and Joins

caching, guidelines for   1

cost parameter, about using and procedure   1

customer hierarchies and joins, guidelines   1

new join between tables, creating   1

table fields, joining   1

joins, understanding

See also Guidelines for Customer Hierarchies and Joins

about and example   1

attribute joins, about using   1

multistage programs, creating for   1

parent and child joins, about and unidirectional and bidirectional joins   1

start point joins, about using   1

table joins, about using   1

Back to top


launching campaigns

types of campaigns   1

Lead Quality Analysis by Campaign chart, viewing   1

Lead Quality by Analysis chart, viewing   1

List Contacts and Prospects view, using to promote a prospect   1

List Import Format

about using   1

editing the settings, about   1

existing List Import Format, applying to your list   1

import status and error messages, understanding   1

List Import mode, selecting   1

list import request, launching   1

list management

See also List Management

about   1

list file name format   1

tasks, list of   1

list measures

defining, about   1

list output formats, definition   1

list records

additional attributes, adding to list   1

additional attributes, creating   1

attributes, maintaining for list records   1

Lists Split by Measure, previewing   1

Lists view. using to view a contact or prospect list   1

lists, generating

exported lists, viewing   1

generating a list   1

lists that will be split by measure, previewing   1

load campaign workflow process, understanding   1

note, previewing not working   1

previewing (previewing)   1

previewing, about   1

sample list example   1

server task, checking status of   1

lists, viewing and maintaining

about and format   1

Contact or Prospects List view, using to view contact or prospect information   1

contacts, removing from a list   1

deactivating lists   1

deleting lists   1

Lists view, using to view a contact or prospect list   1

prospects, removing from a list   1


offer, associating with   1

load campaign, definition   1

log file

import task, viewing   1

logical custom measure expressions (table)   1

Back to top


manually launching programs, about   1

mapping fields

about   1

when importing a list (procedure)   1

Mapping tables, multistage program initialization   1

mapping tables, procedure   1


table mappings, about preserving   1

tables, mapping from a data source   1

Market Development Funds module (MDF)

fund request associated with marketing plan, viewing   1

fund request, associating with a marketing plan   1

Market Plan Explorer, using to review marketing plan organization and associated tactics   1

Marketing Administrators access groups

See also Adding a Position to the Marketing Administrators Access Group

user's position, about adding to   1

user's position, about adding to (procedure)   1

Marketing Contact integration object

about   1

mapping rules   1

User Key fields, about   1

marketing integration objects

about and diagram   1

campaign load mapping, used for   1

Contact Key components, sample mappings (table)   1

mapping rules for integration components (Marketing Contact)   1

marketing person integration component description (table)   1

Marketing Person integration object

about   1

about using and component description (table)   1

campaign mapping, creating using   1

integration components (table)   1

mapping scenarios   1

note, about ID required to confirm person in db   1

marketing plan, definition   1

marketing planning and budgeting

budgets, developing and assigning for a marketing plan   1

forecast and actual expenses for the marketing plan, calculating   1

fund request associated with a marketing plan, viewing   1

goal for marketing plan, creating   1

marketing plan organization and associated tactics, reviewing using Plan Explorer   1

marketing plan tactics, assigning a budget to   1

marketing plan tactics, associating with the marketing plan   1

marketing plan to marketing subplan, changing   1

marketing plan, about creating   1

marketing plan, associating a fund request with   1

marketing plan, attaching a document to   1

marketing plan, creating (procedure)   1

marketing plan, recalculating   1

marketing subplan, creating   1

marketing program

See also Using the Schedule Calendar View

campaign launch status, monitoring   1

email campaign scenarios   1

email campaign, monitoring the status of   1

email campaign, stopping, resuming, or restarting   1

launching   1

manually launching campaigns (procedure)   1

manually launching campaigns, prerequisites   1

task log, viewing   1

Universal Email Delivery, about support for   1

marketing program plans, designing

See also Using the Program Flow

attribute family, guidelines for creating from Siebel Data Warehouse   1

attribute family, guidelines for creating from the Siebel Database Campaign History   1

marketing program tasks, list of   1

multistage programs, about and types of programs   1

multistage programs, about launching   1

multistage segmentation, enabling and targeting using campaign history   1

program plans, about   1

program plans, about creating   1

program plans, creating (procedure)   1

Program Wizard, about and launching   1

marketing program stage

segments, adding   1

marketing program, defined   1

marketing programs and campaigns

Explorer, using to monitor concurrent programs   1

Marketing Repository

about and setting up server types   1

server definition, creating   1

marketing server components

component group status, determining   1

component groups, enabling   1

component groups, synchronizing   1

setting up, about and list of (table)   1

marketing server, mapping to the analytics server   1

mathematical custom expressions (table)   1

Max EAI Records parameter

See also Adjusting the Max EAI Records Parameter

adjusting the size, about   1

increasing the parameter, advantages to   1

reducing the parameter, advantages to   1

viewing or changing (procedure)   1

measures, creating

See also Custom Measures

tasks, list of   1

media offers, about and Media Offers view   1

merge joins, about   1

Microsoft Exchange, customizing email protocols   1

Microsoft Windows

Siebel Server process, restarting   1

MIME Alternate standard, adjusting multiple templates   1

multilingual deployment, eMarketing   1

multistage programs

about and types of programs   1

launching, about   1

multistage programs, initializing

about   1

joins, creating for mulitstage programs   1

S_CAMP_CON and S_DD_USER_KEY tables, mapping   1

multistage recurring campaigns

multiple waves, setting up   1

vendor-specific lists, creating   1

multistage segmentation, enabling   1

attribute family, guidelines for creating from the Siebel Data Warehouse   1

attribute family, guidelines for creating from the Siebel Database Campaign History   1

My Offer view, associating responsibilities with   1

Back to top


nested loop joins, about   1

Net count, allocating segments   1

numeric measure criteria, creating   1

Back to top


ODBC setup errors, troubleshooting during field name retrieval   1

Offer Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

offer delivery, about   1

offer group

creating (procedure)   1

group suppression, about and example   1

suppression behavior, changing   1

offer qualification, about   1

offer rejections, tracking

group suppression, about and example   1

offer group suppression, changing behavior   1

offer group, creating   1

offer sorting, about   1

offer templates, creating and editing

See also Creating and Editing Offer Templates

about and offer types associated with   1

creating an offer template   1

email offer, associating with   1 ,  2

hyperlinks (HREF). using in a template   1

offer template associated with an offer, editing in the default HTML editor   1

offer template associated with an offer, editing in the Offers screen   1

offer template associated with an offer, using the Siebel HTML editor   1

Offer Templates list, adding a template to   1

Personalization Categories, about using   1

template not associated with an offer, editing   1

Offer Type Analysis (Response) by Campaign chart, viewing   1

Offer Type Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

offer, definition   1


campaign plan, associating with   1

campaign, associating with   1

custom sorting, ways to   1

inbound offers, creating (Real-Time Marketing Offer fields)   1

offer code lookups, performing   1

offer list, using profile information to filter dynamically   1

personalization rules, creating to establish sort specifications   1

profile information, sorting an offer list dynamically using   1

qualifying offers, about   1

rule set, creating and associating with an applet   1

sorting and filtering, about   1

standard sort, using based on targeting and offer name   1

testing prerequisites   1

Offers page, using and configurable applets   1

offers, creating and using

See also Associating a Template With an Email Offer

Delivery Profiles, about   1

Delivery Profiles, associating with an offer   1

Delivery Profiles, creating a delivery profile   1

direct mail offers, about and Direct Mail Offer view   1

eNewsletter offers, creating and editing   1

fax offers, about and Fax Offer view   1

fax offers, associating an offer template with   1

Globalization Rules, applying to offers   1

literature, associating with an offer   1

media offers, about and Media Offers view   1

offer template, associating with an email offer   1

offer, creating   1

offers, about   1

offers, modifying   1

phone offers, working with   1

product, associating with an offer   1

Web offers, about and Web offers view   1

Web offers, adding attachments to   1

Web offers, Web surveys, events, and URLs. about associating with offers   1

Web offers, Web surveys, events, and URLs. about how links appear in an offer   1

Web offers, Web surveys, events, and URLs. about Web Survey view   1

Web offers, Web surveys, events, and URLs. associating with offers (procedure)   1

OLAP, online analytical processing   1

Open Database Connectivity data source names, defining   1


automatic response, enabling   1

campaign, creating for   1

Opportunity Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Opportunity Revenue Analysis by Employee chart, viewing   1

Opportunity Revenue Analysis chart, viewing   1

Order Revenue Analysis chart, viewing   1

orders, enabling automatic response   1

organization of   1

outbound costs, about   1

output file layout, working with

about   1

components, adding to output file layouts   1

creating output list layouts (procedure)   1

previewing distribution lists and formats   1

program stage, associating with   1

prospects, adding and creating a seed list   1

seed list, changing name of   1

output file layouts, working with

vendor task, about   1


output lists, definition   1

Back to top


parent joins, about and unidirectional and bidirectional joins   1

partition tables

examples   1

guidelines   1

understanding   1

union table rules, examples of   1

union table, about associating with   1

union tables, about creating with associated partition tables   1

pass-through table, about   1

Personalization Categories drop-down list, about and using   1

personalization rules, creating rules to establish sort specifications   1

Personalization, using with eMarketing   1

phone offers, working with

about phone orders   1

call guides, about and creating   1

call guides, creating a call guide   1

Pick Campaign dialog box, using to define new campaign with offer   1

Plan Explorer, using to review marketing plan organization and associated tactics   1

Preview List, about preview not working   1

previewing waves, distribution lists, and list previews   1

Product Detail view, about using   1

products, associating with offers   1

profile information

offer list, using to filter dynamically   1

offer list, using to sort dynamically   1

program and campaign organizational tools

about   1

program execution schedule

creating   1

deleting   1

editing   1

Program Execution workflow, about using to launch multistage programs   1

Program Explorer

campaign plan, using to create   1

concurrent marketing programs and campaigns, using to monitor   1

Program Flow Designer, about   1

Program Flow view

See also Using the Program Flow

about using   1

campaign plan, using to create   1

campaign, adding list to   1

new campaign with offer, defining   1

predefined campaigns with associated offers, adding   1

segments, adding to a program stage   1

stage, adding to the program   1

program plan

definition   1

program plans timeline, about   1

See also Creating a Program Plan


program stage, associating with output file layout   1

Program Wizard, about and launching   1

program, definition of a marketing program   1


See also Using the Schedule Calendar View

campaign launch status, monitoring   1

campaign record, handling errors on   1

documents, attaching to   1

email campaign scenarios   1

email campaigns, monitoring the status of   1

email campaigns, stopping, resuming, or restarting   1

execution history, about tracking   1

manually launching campaigns (procedure)   1

manually launching campaigns, prerequisites for   1

marketing programs, launching   1

occurrence, selecting an   1

task log, viewing   1

Universal Email Delivery, about support for   1

promotion map

about modifying and prospect information (table)   1

map entries, modifying   1

prospect lists

deleting prospects from list   1

Lists view, viewing from   1

Prospect records, about updating using Update Existing Duplicates Mode   1


campaign, adding to   1

campaign, associating with   1

data matching and data cleansing   1

definition   1

list, removing from   1

viewing in Siebel Marketing   1

Prospects by Attribute view, using to promote a prospect   1

Prospects List view, using to view prospect information   1

Prospects More Info view, using to promote a prospect   1

prospects, promoting

Campaigns Opportunity, using to promote a prospect   1

List Contacts and Prospects view, using to promote a prospect   1

promotion map, modifying, about and prospect information (table)   1

prospect, promoting to a contact, about and application checks   1

prospect's response to an opportunity, about promoting   1

Prospects by Attribute view, using to promote a prospect   1

Prospects More Info view, using to promote a prospect   1

prospects, defined   1

Back to top



Back to top



Recommended Products applet, about   1

record aggregation level, about   1

RejectOffer( ), about and parameters   1


columns, adding and deleting   1

marketing segment, creating from   1

Request a Call view, about using and accessing   1

Request More Information applet, about   1

resolve incoming duplicates mode, about   1

response charts

accessing (procedure)   1

Average Opportunity Revenue Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Campaign Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Offer Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Offer Type Analysis (Response) by Campaign chart, viewing   1

Offer Type Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Opportunity Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Revenue Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

Siebel Campaigns, about viewing in   1

response data

importing, about and List Import view described   1

response fields for mapping import data   1

Response Details form, fields (table)   1

response management, using

about   1

attachments, adding   1

automatic response, about creating from opportunities and orders   1

offer code lookups, performing   1

opportunities, adding   1

orders, adding   1

products, adding   1

Response Details form, fields (table)   1

response information, adding   1

response, promoting to an opportunity   1

source code lookups, performing   1

response, definition   1


adding attachments to   1

adding opportunities to   1

adding orders to   1

adding products to   1

responses management, about   1

responsibilities, setting up for eMarketing   1


custom measure restrictions (table)   1

custom measures, applying to   1

results, definition   1

Retrieve Data functionality, about synchronizing new attributes with those in the data source's table   1

Revenue Analysis (Response) chart, viewing   1

rollups, definition   1

rule set, creating and associating with an applet   1

Back to top


S_CAMP_CON table, mapping   1

S_DD_USER_KEY table, mapping   1

Salutation applet, about   1



dynamically calculated data, filtering on   1

real-time behavioral scores, sorting on   1

sorting and filtering by, about   1

scoring engine, creating an interface to

intermediate DLL code, example   1

seed lists

name, changing name of   1

prospects, adding and creating a seed list   1

segment count, allocating to campaigns

See also Allocating Segment Counts to Campaigns

about   1

campaign, allocating a segment to (procedure)   1

distributing segments, about   1

segments, allocating (2 methods)   1

segment criteria, creating and editing

See also About Visual Segmentation

attributes and fields, about performing wildcard searches for   1

attributes, performing wildcard search for   1

date measure criteria, creating   1

fields, performing a wildcard search for   1

marketing segment, creating from report   1

numeric measure criteria, creating   1

report columns, adding and deleting   1

report criteria, about selecting and creating   1

segment criteria, about defining on the Segments screen   1

segment criteria, about editing   1

segment definitions, building   1

segment, creating using prebuilt reports   1

Visual Segmentation, about using to create segments   1

segment definitions, building   1

segment information, building

about   1

defining segments   1

segment definitions, editing, displaying, and viewing   1

subset of segments available, displaying   1

segment, adding to campaign plan   1

segment, definition   1

Segments screen

attributes and fields, about performing wildcard searches for   1

attributes, performing wildcard searches for   1

date measure criteria, creating   1

fields, performing a wildcard search for   1

numeric measure criteria, creating   1

segment criteria, about defining   1

segment definitions, building   1

Send Product Information view, about using and accessing   1

server components and tasks, verifying status of

about and list of components   1

data quality settings, verifying   1

incoming data, validating the structure of   1

server definitions

about   1

data source server definitions, about creating   1

Marketing Repository, about and server type   1

new server definition, adding for a data source   1

server task, checking status of   1

Servers List, mapping from tables   1


Siebel Analytics

criteria setup processes, determining   1

criteria setup processes, enabling fields for data retrieval   1

criteria setup processes, setting up custom measures   1

data source names, defining   1

mapping subject areas   1

Siebel Analytics Server, setting up

about configuring   1

prerequisites, list of   1

Siebel Analytics repository mapping, about creating   1

third-party scoring engine, creating an interface to   1

Siebel Campaigns

See also Viewing Response Charts in Siebel Campaigns

Campaign Achievements, viewing   1

Siebel Contact table

about and list of tables   1

campaign load table update rule (table)   1

Siebel Data Warehouse Campaign History, guidelines for creating an attribute family from   1

Siebel Database Campaign History, guidelines for creating an attribute family from   1

Siebel Decision Manager

See also Setting Up Real-Time Marketing With Siebel Analytics

about using   1

Siebel Dun & Bradstreet

account data, viewing for a D&B prospect   1

D&B prospect, promoting   1

list management, about integrating with   1

Siebel eMail Response, about configuring to capture email responses   1

Siebel HTML Editor to edit the offer template   1

Siebel Marketing

See also Setting Up Campaign Plans in Siebel Marketing

Campaign Achievements, viewing in   1

campaign plans, about launching in   1

Siebel Marketing Server, about   1

Siebel Personalization, using with eMarketing   1

Siebel Real-Time Marketing

See also Setting Up Real-Time Marketing—Basic

features, list of   1

personalize eMarketing, about using to   1

ways to use, list of   1

Siebel Real-Time Marketing with Siebel Analytics, setting up

See also Setting Up Real-Time Marketing With Siebel Analytics

about and list of tasks   1

Siebel Analytics Server, setting up   1

Siebel Real-Time Marketing-basic, setting up

See also Setting Up Real-Time Marketing—Basic

about   1

Application Programming Interface (API) methods, about   1

qualifying offers, about   1

Real-Time Marketing Offer fields (table)   1

sorting and filtering offers   1

tracking offer rejections   1

Siebel Server, restarting process using Microsoft Windows   1

Siebel Web Engine, about   1


skill items defined   1

skill items, associating with a skill   1

skip incoming duplicates mode, about   1

SmartScript, setting up   1

SMTP protocols, customizing email protocols   1

snapshot files, generating and maintaining

automatically generating a snapshot file   1

data elements, adding to snapshot file   1

deleting a snapshot   1

generating a snapshot file, about and directories created   1

guidelines for using snapshot files   1

manually generating a snapshot file   1

modifying contents of snapshot file, about   1

program snapshot, about   1

snapshot task, checking status of   1

stage plan details, modifying   1

stopping a snapshot in Active status   1

stopping a snapshot task in Pending status   1

troubleshooting failed snapshot task   1

snapshot, definition   1


See also Sorting and Filtering By Scores Using Decision Broker

custom offer sorting   1

offer list, using profile information to sort dynamically   1

offers, using standard sort based on targeting and offer name   1

rule set, creating and associating with an applet   1

sort specifications, creating personalization rules to establish   1

Source Code Formats list

about   1

reordering list   1

source code formats, creating

creating source code formats (procedure)   1

source code format components, defining   1

Source Code Formats list, viewing available formats   1

ways to use, about   1

source code lookups, performing   1

source code, definition   1


campaign record, handling errors on   1

definition   1

execution history, about tracking   1

occurrence, selecting an   1

start point join, about using   1

status bars, understanding timelines   1

status history, ways to find   1

Status timeline, about   1


snapshot task in Active status   1

snapshot task in Pending status   1

subcampaigns, setting up   1

subwaves, determining the number created   1

suppressions, definition   1


component groups   1

Back to top


table joins, about using   1

See also Categories of Joins in Siebel Marketing

Table setup errors, troubleshooting during field name retrieval   1



mapping tables from a data source   1

mappings, about preserving   1

parent and child joins, about and unidirectional and bidirectional joins   1

partition and union tables, guidelines   1

partition and union tables, understanding   1

partition tables, about associating with a union table   1

S_CAMP_CON and S_DD_USER_KEY tables, mapping   1

Servers List, mapping tables from   1

union table rules, examples of   1

union tables, creating with associated partition tables   1

target groups

load completed successfully, verifying   1

loading (procedure)   1

targeting aggregation level, about   1

targeting levels

customer hierarchy, adding to   1

tables and fields, mapping to   1

Task Information Log file, using to troubleshoot failed snapshot task   1


campaign plan, assigning to   1

organizations inheritance, turning off   1

telemarketing offers, about defining   1



terms used (table)   1

Test Server, about   1


testing campaigns and offers

See About Testing Campaigns and Offers

about   1

business scenario   1

email and fax offers, sending   1

email campaign, testing   1

testing offers, prerequisites   1

The New User Link applet. about   1

third-party scoring engine, creating an interface to   1


See also Using Timelines

about   1

color-code status bars, understanding   1

navigating to and from timelines   1

types of   1


Trend Analysis by Employee chart, viewing   1


failed snapshot task   1

fields name retrieval, possible errors   1

Back to top


unclear data, about and trapping   1

unidirectional join connection, about and example (diagram)   1

union tables

creating with associated partition tables   1

examples   1

guidelines   1

partition table, about associating with   1

pass-through table, alternative to   1

understanding   1

union table rules, examples of   1

Universal Email Delivery, about support for   1

unordered collections, about   1

update existing duplicates mode

about   1


offers, about how links appear in an offer   1

offers, associating with   1

offers, associating with (procedure)   1

user interface, customizing

about   1

eMarketing without frames, implementing   1

full-text search, about   1

response management, about   1

Web templates, using   1

User Name parameter, verifying create table privileges for   1

user-defined label record

attribute labels, about creating   1

attribute labels, creating (procedure)   1

attribute labels, example   1

guidelines for when to create new labels (table)   1

Back to top


vendor profiles, setting up

defining vendors and assigning list distribution method   1

distribution profiles, defining for vendors   1

multiple list formats, handling   1

vendor tasks, list of   1

vendors defined   1


defined   1

multiple list formats, handling   1

vendor-specific lists, creating   1

virtual fields, creating using expressions   1

visual segmentation, mapping data for

about   1

marketing server, mapping to the analytics server   1

Siebel Analytics criteria setup processes, determining   1

Siebel Analytics criteria setup processes, enabling fields for data retrieval   1

Siebel Analytics criteria setup processes, setting up custom measures   1

Siebel Analytics subject areas, mapping   1


Back to top


Wave Batch Size parameter

configuring   1

subwaves, determining the number created   1


about using   1

definition   1

multiple waves, setting up   1

vendor-specific lists, creating   1

Web Anonymous User responsibility, about   1

Web Corporate User responsibility, about   1

Web Offer applet, about   1

Web offers

about and Web Offers view   1

attachments, adding to   1

offers, about associating with   1

offers, about associating with (procedures)   1

offers, about how links appear in an offer   1

Web Offers Downloads, using to add attachments to Web offers   1

Web Registered User responsibility, about   1

Web site

eMarketing home page, accessing by visitors   1

eMarketing Web site, about   1

user access, tasks to control user access   1

visitor, about   1

Web Survey view

eMarketing Offers page, about using   1

Web surveys

offers, about associating with   1

offers, about links appear in an offer   1

offers, associating with (procedure)   1

Web survey link, about clicking on   1

Web templates, using to customize the user interface   1

wildcard searches

attributes and fields, about performing for   1

attributes, performing search for (procedure)   1

fields, performing search for (procedure)   1

Windows, restarting Siebel Server process   1

workflow process

activating   1

analytic adapter components   1

analytic adapter data table, adding to   1

Workspace box, removing expressions from   1

Back to top

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003