Siebel Marketing Guide > Creating and Using Offers > About Email Offers >

Associating a Template With an Email Offer

This section describes how to associate a template with an email offer. To edit the offer template, see Creating and Editing Offer Templates.

To associate an offer template with an email offer

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Offers > Email Offers.
  2. In the Email Offers list, select the offer and click the Email Templates view tab.
  3. In the Email Templates list, create a new record.
  4. In the Email Templates form, complete the necessary fields.
    1. The sequence field is automatically populated. Change the sequence if you are adding multiple templates with rich and plain format. The sequence field includes email attachments. Therefore, when you add your first template, you can see a sequence number other than 1.
    2. For example, if you have two templates (one HTML and one text) associated with the email offer, adjust the sequence so that you associate the plain format (text) first and the rich format (HTML) last. This satisfies the MIME Alternate standard. The MIME Alternate standard allows your customers to receive the HTML version if their email program supports HTML emails. If their email program does not support HTML, the customer will receive the text version of the offer.

    3. In the Template Name field, click the select button.
    4. You can associate one HTML template and one text template to the offer.

    5. In the Pick Offer Template dialog box, select the template record and click OK.
  5. Save the record to associate the template with the offer.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003