Siebel Marketing Guide > Campaign Plans and Campaigns > Using Response Management >

Using the All Responses View

The All Responses list allows you to view responses to selected campaigns and offers and to add response information to existing prospect or contact records. You can use this view to promote a contact to an opportunity, specify the response type and channel, and score the response. An optional Details form allows you to type additional information about the response.

To add response information

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Responses > All Responses.
  2. In the All Responses list, create a new record.
  3. In the Responses form, complete the fields using the following table as a guide.
  4. Fields
    Required. Click the Campaign select button. In the Pick Campaign dialog box, choose the campaign and then click OK.
    Required. Type a description that contains details of the response.
    Last Name
    Click the Last Name select button for a prospect or contact. In the Pick Contact (or Prospect) dialog box, select the respondent's name and click OK.
    A number of fields are automatically populated based on this selection. These include:
    • The respondent's first name.
    • The account associated with the respondent. If no account is associated, use the Account select button to choose one.
    • The account address (city, state, country, telephone number, and so on), that are associated with the respondent are automatically filled in the form.
    Lead Partner
    Choose a partner organization to associate with the response. If a lead partner was assigned at the program level or campaign level, it will automatically appear in this field. If you do choose to change the Lead Partner value, the drop-down list shows only those partners associated with the campaign source.
    In the Method field, choose the method used to capture the response. This field is optional.
    Options are Mail, Other Lists, Web Demo, Direct mail, Other, Email, Fax, Phone, BRC (Business Reply Card), Web, Event Registration List, Event Attendee List, Purchased Lists, Partner List, and Sales Created List.
    Required. Click the Offer select button. In the Pick Offer dialog box, choose the offer that prompted the response and click OK.
    Only those offers associated with the selected campaign will appear in the list.
    Response Type
    Required. Choose the type of response from the list. Options include Clicked on Web Offer, Clicked on Product URL, Email Reply, Requested Call Back, and so on.
    Type a numeric value that represents a score for the response.
    Source Code
    In Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns, source codes are assigned to each campaign contact according to the source code format associated with the program stage. If this information is included in offer materials, the code can be added by the user on the response.
    Offer Code
    Each offer has a unique offer code. If the offer code is included in the offer materials, the code can be added by the user on the response.
    Choose a status of Open, Pending or Closed.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003