Siebel Marketing Guide > Specifying Waves and Vendor-Specific Lists >

Setting Up Waves

Use the Campaigns screen's Waves view tab to define distribution waves or time periods for the specified campaign. You can use the List Distribution list to specify a percentage of contacts in each wave that will be sent to each vendor, as well as the output file layout and the method for distributing the list.

Before creating a second wave, decrease the number in the % field of the first wave, which, by default, is 100%. The percent number for all waves cannot exceed 100.

To set up multiple waves

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Campaigns > My Campaign Plans.
  2. In the Campaign Plans list, select the campaign.
  3. Click the Waves view tab.
  4. In the Waves list, create a new record.
  5. Complete the necessary fields, using Table 69 as a guide and save the wave record.

Table 69. Fields in the Campaign Waves Form
The default percent is 100 for a single wave. If you are planning multiple waves, first reduce the percentage number in the first wave and type the percentage of contacts that will be included in the second wave. The total percent for all waves cannot exceed 100%.
This field shows the corresponding number of contacts to be included in the wave. The number in this field is automatically calculated when you save the record.
It is possible for the displayed count to be one less than the actual count in the wave, due to rounding functionality.
Describe the characteristics of the wave.
Lag (Days)
The default is 0. Type the number of days the wave is delayed after loading a campaign. The maximum lag for all the waves cannot be greater than number of days between the start date and end date of the campaign.
The wave is launched when the server processes the Load Campaign request.
This server process can be automatic, using a scheduled program launch or can be manually started using the right-click menu in the Program Flow workspace.
Wave Code
Type a wave code, up to 10 characters. You cannot save the record without a wave code. The wave code appears as part of your program's source code if you have set up the source code format to include it. The wave code for the default wave is A.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003