Siebel Marketing Guide > Designing Marketing Program Plans >

About the Program Execution Workflow

Multistage programs can be launched manually or use the automatic Program Execution workflow, with multiple processes, that trigger key events such as building the snapshot, loading a campaign (list generation), and launching a campaign (sending lists to vendors and sending offers to targeted contacts). The Program Schedule drives the process, with activities typed into Schedule, triggering the execution of each program. Each of these key events can be executed manually, using the Program Flow menu or the Program Explorer menus.

The Program Execution workflow process shows how executing a program, launching a campaign, and loading a campaign occur in a multistage process.

When the stage is activated, Siebel Marketing builds a snapshot and applies a predefined allocation of segment counts to campaign plans. Campaigns are loaded and executed, and the next stage is scheduled. This process continues until the last stage occurs, and the program is completed. Each stage of a program is a unique event, and Siebel Marketing tracks campaign and response history at the unique stage level (for each run). For more information about workflow processes and the Siebel Business Process Designer, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003