Siebel Marketing Guide > Planning and Budgeting for Marketing > Creating a Marketing Plan >

Associating Marketing Plan Tactics With the Marketing Plan

A plan tactic is a marketing program, event, or standalone campaign that you have associated with a marketing plan. A marketing plan can be associated with any number of marketing programs, events, or standalone campaigns.

To associate a plan tactic with a marketing plan

  1. Create a marketing program, event, or standalone campaign.
  2. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Plans.
  3. In the Marketing Plans list, query for the appropriate marketing plan.
  4. Click the Plan Tactics view tab.
  5. In the Plan Tactics list, create a new record.
  6. In the Plan Tactics dialog box, query for the program, event, or standalone campaign that you want to associate with the plan and click OK.
  7. NOTE:  Each tactic can only be associated with one marketing plan.

  8. You can modify all the fields in this record except Plan Item, Type, and Organization.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003