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Creating Analytic Adapter Workflow Process for Other Analytic Tools

Create an Analytic Adapter workflow process for each analytical tool from which data will be loaded using the Analytic Adapter.

NOTE:  You do not need to add a process for Siebel Analytic Adapter.

To set up a new workflow process

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Business Process Administration > Workflow Processes.
  2. In the Workflow Processes list, select the Analytic Adapters workflow process.
  3. Copy the Analytic Adapter workflow process, and name the copy.
    1. Click the menu button and choose Copy Record.
    2. In the name field, type a name for the copy, and save the record.
  4. In the Workflow Processes list, select the new process and click the Process Properties view tab.
  5. Change the properties for the new workflow process using Table 17 as a guide.
  6. Click the All Processes view tab to return to the Workflow Processes list.
  7. In the Workflow Processes list, click Activate when the workflow is ready to use.
  8. The property values that you set are defaults and can be changed during a target group load.

Table 17. Workflow Process Properties
Property Name Field
In the Default String Field, change the value to the name of the Analytical tool.
This parameter stores the source of the Target Group in S_DD_TRGT_GRP.SRC_TOOL_NAME
In the Default Number field, type the number of data elements that will be exported from the analytical tool, excluding the data mining score.
For example, if customer ID and a model score will be extracted from an analytical tool, then type 1 for this property.
Process Name
In the Default String field, type the name of the new workflow process.
In the Default String field type the path to the directory where the target groups for the analytical tool are stored.
This optional property stores the path and file name of the target group.
In the Default String field, type the reference name for the Analytic Adapter data table.
In the Default String field, type a default name for the target group.
This optional property is the name of the target group stored in S_DD_TRGT_GRP.NAME.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003