Siebel Marketing Guide > Campaign Plans and Campaigns > Setting Up Campaign Quotas >

Creating Campaign Quota Plans

Use the following procedure to set up quota plan for your campaign. Then, using the procedures that follow, define the details of the quota plan.

To create a quota plan

  1. Use the step in the following list that applies to your product:
  2. In the Campaigns list, select the campaign and click the Quotas view tab.
  3. In the Quotas list, create a new record.
  4. Complete the fields for the quota plan.
  5. Some fields are described in Table 60.

    Table 60. Quota Plan Fields
    Active Flag
    Automatically set to True upon quota creation.
    Description of the Quota Plan.
    Automatically populated when the Period field is completed.
    Internal Division Name
    The name of the internal division associated with this quota.
    (Required) The time period for which the quota is active.
    Plan Name
    (Required) Type a relevant name for the Quota Plan.
    Automatically populated when the Period field is completed.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003