Siebel Marketing Guide > List Management > Viewing and Maintaining Lists >

Removing Prospects from Lists

A prospect cannot be removed from a list using the List Contacts and Prospects view, because the prospect may appear on more than one list. You have more control over individual prospect lists when you remove the association between the prospect record and its list. If you remove all list associations for a prospect, the prospect record is deleted.

To remove a Prospect from a list

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > List Management > Lists.
  2. In the Lists list, select the list and click the List Contacts and Prospects view tab.
  3. In the List Contacts and Prospects list, select the record you wish to remove and drill down on the first or last name of the prospect.
  4. Click the Prospect Lists tab.
  5. In the Prospect Lists list, select and delete the list or lists from which you wish to remove the prospect.
  6. If you select and delete all of the lists, the prospect record is also deleted.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003