Product Administration Guide > Customizable Product User Interface >

Understanding User Interface Controls

A user interface control determines how an object is displayed for selection. For example, a radio button control, displays a list of items with a button for each one. You choose a control as part of adding an item to a group in the Product UI Designer.

The Product UI Designer provides several types of UI controls:

Keep in mind the following factors when choosing a user interface control:

Table 19 describes the specific UI controls available in the Product UI Designer. In the Multiple Items column, Yes means that the UI control allows selection of more than one item from a list. No means you can select only one item.

For all controls, excluded items display unavailable. For example, if you assign a radio button control to a relationship, excluded items display with the radio button grayed out so that it cannot be selected.

You can revise this so that excluded items do not display at all. You do this by assigning the predefined Excluded UI property to an item. You assign the Excluded UI property in the User Interface Property Designer.

Table 19. Product UI Designer UI Controls
UI Control Type
Select Multiple Items?
Combo Box
Selected item highlighted.
Combo Box with Add Button
Selected item highlighted. Unselected items have Add button.
Combo Box with Price
Selected item highlighted. Displays price.
Combo Box with Price and Quantity
Selected item highlighted. Displays price. Allows user to enter quantity.
Combo Box with Add Button and Price
Selected item highlighted. Unselected items have Add button. Displays price.
Combo Box with Update Quantity button
Selected item highlighted. User can specify a quantity for the selected item.
Check Box with Price
Displays item price.
Check Box without Price
Price not displayed.
Radio Buttons with Price
Displays item price.
Radio Buttons without Price
Price not displayed.
Quantity Box
User enters quantity
Update Quantity button displays next to item name.
Quantity Box with Price
User enters quantity
Displays item price. Update Quantity button displays next to item name.
Text Box with Price
Read-only. Displays item price.
Text Box
Combo Box for Attribute
Selected item highlighted.
Edit Box for Attribute
Displays value of attribute. Can be edited.
Radio Button for Attribute
User can select one attribute value.
Text Box for Attribute
Read-only. Displays value of attribute.
Linked Item
Read-only. Displays value of linked item.
Read-only. Displays value of resource.

 Product Administration Guide, Version 7.5 
 Published: 18 April 2003